Easy Come, Easy Go

Bubbly (Please Stay For a While Now)

The next day Adelaine was walking on air, literally floating through her day.

Well no, not literally floating. Figuratively floating. But still.

Even her Econ test couldn’t bring her down, despite the fact that it was her worst subject and despite the fact that even though she had studied endlessly for it she knew she’d be lucky to get a low B.

She announced her news too Vocal Adrenaline that evening after rehearsal. Surprisingly, not one of the other seniors had tried out.

“That’s great news!”


They were all happy for her, which only made Adelaine even more excited about it.

“Jesse was going to try out, but he was too busy with Vocal Adrenaline.” Clara, a sophomore, commented. She’d been there as a freshman, when Jesse was a senior. “I remember because I asked him about it.”

That may be why nobody else but her had tried out then. For Vocal Adrenaline.

But not even this comparison to her brother could bring down Adelaine’s mood.

After Bethany dropped her off at home—Adelaine still didn’t have her license…Adelaine headed upstairs to her room. It would be a little earlier where her brother was, but she knew he was out of classes by now. Grabbing her cell phone, she dialed his number.

“Hey Adelaine.” He said—his cell phone had caller ID. “What’s up?”

She told him the news.

“Really? That’s great Laine! Wow, that’s amazing. I wish I could come. Have you told mom and dad yet?”

“Nah.” She shrugged. It wasn’t as if they’d come anyway.

They talked for a while longer, and then Adelaine hung up to do her homework.


The next morning, when Adelaine went down for breakfast, her parents sat at the table.

“Jesse told us the news.” Her mom said as Adelaine poured herself a bowl of cereal. It was this specific, super healthy kind her dance coach from Vocal Adrenaline had assigned for her as part of her diet plan. They all had diet plans they were supposed to follow to keep them in top shape. Though, with the amount of energy drinks Mr. Goolsby had them drink on stage, she was pretty sure they still weren’t at peak health. Weren’t too many energy drinks bad for you?

“What news?” She asked, adding nonfat milk and looking at her mom blankly.

“About getting the audition! Congratulations honey!”

Adelaine stared at her parents, both smiling at her. Could this even be real?

“Really?” A hesitant smile crept onto her face.

“Of course.” Her father said. “We’d love to come and see you. When is it?”


That evening, after an extended rehearsal, Adelaine headed out to the parking lot where Puck, surprisingly, was waiting for her. She bid goodbye to Bethany, told her she had another ride home, and climbed into his truck.

“Hey babe. You couldn’t come over yesterday, but I knew you would have some free time tonight, after rehearsal, so…” He leaned in and kissed her. “I have a surprise for you.”

“Really? What is it?”

He smiled. “That’s why it’s a surprise.”

As they drove, Adelaine spoke. “Noah, I had the best day! My parents are actually coming to see me perform! For the first time ever. Literally.” She beamed.

“They never saw you perform before? But didn’t you say something about them never missing any of Jesse’s performances?” He glanced over at her.

“Well, yeah.” She admitted. “But it’s okay now! Because they’re coming!”

They pulled to a stop in front of Breadsticks. “Here we are.” He looked over at her. “I am taking you out for a celebratory dinner. For getting the audition.” He explained.

Adelaine looked over at Puck, green eyes softening. “That’s so sweet.” She said smiling, leaning in and kissing him. She leaned into him, letting her excitement carry over into a passionate kiss.

Puck pulled back. “Wow. If you kiss me like that every time we go out to dinner we should go out more often.”

Adelaine smiled at him, but didn’t reply. “Uh huh. Well then, let’s go in, shall we?”

They stepped out of the car, and, wrapping his arm around her waist, Puck led her in to the restaurant.
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Sorry, I know it's been ages! School has been crazy. This one is a little rushed, but I hope you like it. :)