Easy Come, Easy Go

True Colors (Beautiful Like a Rainbow)

Puck studied Adelaine, who was reading the menu. Her dark brown hair was pulled back in ponytail, and she wore black short shorts and a white tank top. She had clearly come from some sort of dance rehearsal. He knew Vocal Adrenaline focused just as much on that as they did singing. He remembered that crazy dance coach of theirs who had insulted most of the Glee club. He hadn’t actually been a part of it yet, but he had run into the man—Dakota Stanley—after the Glee club had fired him. It was really soon after that he had joined Glee, actually. After the whole Acafellas thing with Mr. Schue.

The others were looking at Adelaine a little weird—it was, after all, the beginning of November. Her outfit didn’t really fit the freezing weather in Lima, Ohio. In her defense, though, she had expected to go straight from rehearsal, to a warm car, to her house. And the Vocal Adrenaline stage was hot, or so he’d heard. Something to do with super bright spotlights that required them to wear sunscreen onstage…

He remembered Jesse mentioning them.

Still, despite the fact that she wasn’t all dressed up or anything, she looked beautiful. Her cheeks were flushed and her green eyes shone.

Adelaine finally noticed Puck looking at her. “What?” She asked with a smile, then glanced down at her clothes. “Oh. We were learning a new dance routine at the end of rehearsal.” She explained. “Stanley works us really hard.” She reached up, pulling her hair from the ponytail and letting it fall loose around her face. It was gorgeous.

“I would have changed, but I figured I was just going home.” She smiled. “Though now that I’m on a date I kind of wished I had.”

“Don’t worry about it, you look great.” Puck promised as the blonde waitress approached.

Puck ordered a steak with soda, and Adelaine just ordered a salad and water.

He looked at her as the waitress walked away. “You don’t have to worry about money. I have plenty to pay.” He decided against telling her about the pool cleaning business and just how he had gotten that money. Specifically the hot cougar moms that made up a majority of his customers.

“Oh, it’s not that.” She said, looking up at him. “I mean, of course I want to keep the cost down, I’m not a gold digger or something.” She half smiled. “But Dakota Stanley—our dance instructor,” She said in case he didn’t know. “—he has us on this diet. I mean, even more strict than usual, with Sectionals coming up. We always amp up everything one a big performance comes up.” She explained. “So mine mostly has, you know, fruits and vegetables and whole grains. And I’m only supposed to drink water, except in the morning when I can have non fat milk or juice.”

“Is that healthy? I mean, it just sounds like you’re not eating enough calories. Do you get any protein?”

“I’m a vegetarian.” She shrugged.

Being a vegetarian wasn’t the point, because her diet didn’t allow other sources of protein either, which would be dairy products. She hadn’t mentioned them, except for milk, which she could, apparently, have one glass of a day. If she didn’t choose juice. And one glass didn’t have nearly enough protein.

He sighed. “I dunno Adelaine. Vocal Adrenaline seems like it does a lot of sort of…unhealthy stuff. I mean, you’re not eating enough calories to begin with, and then with intense workouts…not to mention all those energy drinks you drink in rehearsal.”

She shot him a smile. “Don’t worry about it, Noah. I’m fine. Nobody in Vocal Adrenaline has ever had problems. Besides, it all contributes to why we do such a good job.”

He sighed, but let the subject drop. Why did he even care anyway? It was none of his business what she ate or didn’t eat or whatever.

The subject changed and the rest of dinner was great. He got her home a little late, but she assured him her parents wouldn’t care.

His mom wasn’t so happy when he came home late, but he told her he’d been on a date with Adelaine, and she brightened. She liked Adelaine. So did Jessica. It was interesting. His mom had never really liked Quinn, and she hated Santana. She’d liked Rachel, but only because she was Jewish. Adelaine wasn’t Jewish. So the fact that they both liked Adelaine so much was interesting.


The next day, in his own Glee club rehearsal, Puck couldn’t help but compare how New Directions was getting ready for Sectionals to how Vocal Adrenaline did. Sure, they rehearsed more often, and were more tense and serious. But they still had fun. They didn’t control what people could or could not eat. They certainly didn’t insult people. He knew Dakota Stanley did. He even knew he’d insulted Adelaine. She’d mentioned it once, just something vague, like how he was all over her because of…something.

When he’d asked, she’d seemingly realized what she’d let slip and dropped the subject. She did that a lot. He thought maybe she didn’t like talking about her insecurities something. He did know that whatever he said to her, Stanley got to her. And that really bothered him.

“Okay, for Sectionals I was thinking we should open with a duet and then go into a short solo before the whole group joins in.” Mr. Schuester said, pulling Puck from his thoughts.

“Let me guess.” Puck said bluntly. “Rachel and Finn will do the duet, and then Rachel will get the solo, and then the rest of us get to join in as usual.” It wasn’t like he was jealous or something. Puck didn’t really want the starring role. He didn’t even really want the duet, let alone the solo. But he did get tired of watching Finn and Rachel get all of the starring roles. Finn was his friend, and while he didn’t actually mind Rachel too much, she could be really bossy. Especially when she got a lead role.

Rachel turned around and shot him a glare, but Puck ignored her.

“Actually, no.” Mr. Schue said. “I was thinking we could start with a duet by Rachel and Kurt, in fact.” Kurt beamed when he said that. “And then for the solo I was thinking maybe Mercedes could do something.”

Mr. Schue looked around. “What do you guys think?” Rachel was placated by the fact she still had a role in the duet. And, even though she probably would be annoying, Puck had to admit she always sounded great with Kurt. And Mercedes had an incredible voice.

There was still some debate, of course but they settled with that plan in the end anyway. Then they were on to picking which songs to perform.

At the end of rehearsal Santana approached him before he could leave and go to the locker room.

“Hey baby. I was thinking maybe you could come over after practice. My parents are out of town and I’ll be home alone all night.” She said seductively.

Puck sighed. Usually he would have no problem and go for it. But it seemed wrong. He was dating Adelaine. He knew if she found out it would really hurt her. And even though she probably find out…

Although it was just like Santana to tell.

He shook his head. “I’m busy tonight Santana.” He said. Before she could say anything else he hurried out of the choir room and to the boy’s locker room.