Easy Come, Easy Go

(Beautiful Girls All Over the World) Nothin' on You (Baby)

“Thank you so much for coming.” Adelaine said again. She’d said it a lot, actually. Puck was glad that he’d mentioned it to his mom and that she had suggested coming. It made Adelaine happy. And, well…he really liked seeing her happy. The way her emerald eyes glowed, the way she looked when she smiled.

When Adelaine was smiling, he was sure he had never seen a girl more beautiful.

It was true that she wasn’t the most beautiful girl in the world. It just didn’t seem that way when she smiled.

He’d been surprised, though, that his mom had offered to go. Usually she hated his girlfriends. She especially hated the girls he couldn’t even call girlfriends.

Such as Santana, for instance.

But she hadn’t liked Quinn either. And yet she liked Adelaine. He couldn’t help but wonder why she liked Adelaine over the others. But he could think about that later.

“All right, well I’m going to take Adelaine out as a sort of a celebratory dinner. Or lunch, I guess.” He shrugged.

Adelaine turned that killer smile on him. “Another one?” She asked, clearly remembering the surprise trip to Breadstix.

“Well that one was to congratulate you on getting the audition. This one is because you were the best one out there tonight.”

“I was not. The first girl was really, really good. I mean, she maybe should have chosen a song other than Defying Gravity for the musical one, but still. And what about that guy? The one who did that really good version of Bring Him Home? I always though Colm Wilkinson’s was my favorite version, but he was pretty amazing. “

Puck had no idea who Colm Wilkinson was, but it didn’t matter.

“Well, yeah, he was pretty good.” He admitted. “But he wasn’t nearly as hot as you, so-“

Adelaine rolled her eyes, smirking. “And the girl?”

Puck considered this. “Well she’s not lucky enough to have me as her boyfriend, so you were still the best.”

Adelaine laughed. Well, she sort of giggled, actually, which was different, since she didn’t usually giggle. But it was cute.

After saying goodbye to Puck’s mom and sister, they headed over to Adelaine’s car. Which wasn’t really her car, and she didn’t have a license, so she decided not to risk driving again—she really didn’t want to get caught and get a ticket—so she let Puck drive.

“Where do you want to go?” He asked. “Anywhere you want. Your choice.”

“So if I say somewhere in New York-“ She began, and Puck smiled.

“Okay, okay, let me clarify. Anywhere in Lima.”

“Well that makes things way less fun.” She sighed. “Okay, I have somewhere.”


A few minutes later they pulled up in front of Adelaine’s house.

“Why your house?” He asked, as he parked in the driveway and followed her into the house.

“One, because you’ve never seen my house.” Adelaine said, hanging her keys up on a hook by the door. “And two, because my parents aren’t home. All weekend.”

Puck was just considering the possibilities of this situation, and the reasons she tagged the ‘all weekend’ part on the end, when she disappeared into the kitchen.

“And because we have more options if we eat here, and it’s free.”

He followed her into the kitchen. She leaned against the counter and smiled at him.

“So what do you want?”

Actually, he knew what he wanted. And that was her.

But then again he had her, didn’t he? And she was here, and she was beautiful. And he didn’t have to rush anything.

“I’ll tell you what. I will cook for you.”

She raised her eyebrows. “You can cook?”

“Well. I can cook simple things.” He said, and then smiled. “Don’t worry, I can handle it.”

“All right.” She shrugged. “I’m going to go change out of the dress. I’ll be right back. Just use whatever you need. I don’t care. And my parents didn’t leave me any food, so they can’t really complain if I eat what we have.”

Puck pulled her in for a kiss. “You did really well up there today. Really.”

Adelaine tilted her forehead so it touched his. “Thank you. And thank you for coming. It meant a lot.”

“Of course I came. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She smiled again, and even though he couldn’t help but wonder where that promise had even come from, that smiled made him push the question aside. Who cared? He loved seeing her smile like that.

She kissed him again and then pulled away, going upstairs to her room.

And leaving Puck to think about just how serious this relationship was getting.