Easy Come, Easy Go

Hello, I Love You (Let Me Jump In Your Game)

Noah Puckerman sat in the choir room with the rest of New Directions, bored. They lunchtime rehearsals tended not to be as fun as the after school ones, since they were so much shorter. They didn’t have them very often, but Mr. Schuester wanted to tell them all something.

“All right guys. I know we lost at Regionals to Vocal Adrenaline last year-“

“Again.” Puck muttered, and Mr, Schue shot him a look, but didn’t say anything. It was true, after all.

“But last year they weren’t as strong. They had lost Jesse St. James, and it was a really close competition.”

Which was true. They’d been good, but not as good as they’d been the year before when they had crushed them. New Directions had come in second.

“With that under our belts I’m confident that we can win at Regionals this year. Now, last year we didn’t go to any of the Vocal Adrenaline performances until we saw them at Regionals. This year I want to do things a little differently, get an idea of our competition. Vocal Adrenaline is having their invitational tonight, and I’ve gotten us all tickets.”

“We’re going to Carmel High?” Finn asked, and Mr. Schue nodded.

“Is that really necessary?” Quinn asked. “We know they’re not as good as they used to be since that Jesse kid left.”

“Actually, I agree. We should definitely get an idea of our competition.” Rachel spoke up.

Puck rolled his eyes. He didn’t particularly want to go, but he didn’t have anything better to do. So he’d go. Whatever. He did want to win at Regionals after all. Losing—twice—had really sucked. Now that Jesse St. James was gone they actually had a chance.


Puck sat in Vocal Adrenaline’s theatre. It was nice. Really nice. He knew Carmel High had an amazing budget for Glee, but wow.

The curtain was shut right now. Puck checked his watch. 2 minutes to the start. He leaned over to Finn. “What d’you think? Think we’ll beat them this year at Regionals?”

“Definitely.” Rachel spoke from Finn’s other side, and Finn nodded in agreement.

The lights dimmed, music began to play, and the curtain rose. I group of students stood on stage, all in various poses. The light shone from behind them, making them look like shadows.

Then they began to sing, as a group. “Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality. Open your eyes, look up to the skies and sing.”

They were doing Bohemian Rhapsody, Puck realized. It wasn’t bad, but Puck wasn’t blown away like he always was when Jesse had performed with them.

“I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy.”

The girl in the middle, who had her back facing the audience, slowly turned around as the lights came up. She had a fantastic voice.

And as they continued their performance, the girl singing much of the song, the rest of the group almost, but no quite, reduced to background singers. The dance was amazing, the entire performance phenomenal. The girl who did most of the singing was really, really good. He couldn’t keep her eyes off of her.

They finished Bohemian Rhapsody, all of them standing in a line and turning their backs to the audience, except for the girl, who finished the song with the line “Any way the wind blows.”

They then moved almost seamlessly into Mercy. This time it was far more of a group performance, no one person the star. And yet…Puck kept finding that same girl in the group again.

She was…stunning. The red dress she wore perfectly highlighted her hourglass figure. She had long, dark, wavy hair, and fair skin. There was something strangely familiar about her too, but Puck couldn’t figure it out. Maybe he had hooked up with her once or something.

The end of Mercy moved into the beginning of another song. This one Puck didn’t recognize, but he could hear Rachel telling Finn it was a song called One Day More, from the “seminal Broadway classic, Les Mis”.

When they had finished the performance, most of the audience stood up in a thunderous standing ovation. Except for, of course, New Directions.

They were rather stunned. This had not been the good-but-not-great group that had barely beaten them last year. They had been good. Really good.

And the only new person—that Puck recognized, anyway—was that girl. The hot one who had carried most of Bohemian Rhapsody.

If anything, Vocal Adrenaline was better than ever.

Puck groaned. New Directions was screwed.