Easy Come, Easy Go

Trip To Your Heart (For Tonight It's Just The Two Of Us)

“What about your audition?”


They were lying and Adelaine’s bed, Adelaine wrapped in Puck’s arms, in a comfortable silence. Cuddling, you could call it, though Puck wouldn’t because it sounded kind of cheesy. Spooning sounded like a much better word for it.

“Your audition.” He repeated, and she rolled over so she was facing him.

“What about it?” She gave him a confused look.

“Jesse never got it.”

“Jesse never tried. He was too busy with Vocal Adrenaline, I guess.” She shook her head. “Hey, don’t worry about it, all right?”

“Okay, okay. One more thing.”

She sighed. “What?”

“There’s one other thing you have that Jesse never did.” He said seriously, and she said nothing, looking at him with a hint of impatience until he continued. He shot her a smile. “He doesn’t have me.”

This bought a smile to Adelaine’s face. “Are you telling me having you is supposed to be a good thing?”

Puck pretended to look hurt. “You doubted that? Of course it is!”

“Mmm.” She pretended to contemplate this. “Prove it to me.”


Hours later, after Puck had finished showing her just what a catch he was, they sat on the bed, wrapped in a quilt and eating red velvet cake ice cream. Again, it wasn’t allowed on her diet, but Adelaine hadn’t complained about it at all, and Puck wondered if she had forgotten, or if she just didn’t care.

“You know, I could get used to having the house all to myself for the weekend.” Adelaine said when she had stacked the empty bowls on her desk and returned to her spot next to Puck.

Puck smirked and pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her. “I could too.”

Her green eyes lit up and she smiled at him. “Well let’s make the most of it.” She said, and drew closer to him, her lips meeting his.


Adelaine was in a deep sleep when a song brought her out of her sleep. Katy Perry’s Hummingbird Heartbeat. She groaned and fumbled for her phone on the nightstand. Her shirt had somehow gotten on top of it. She tossed it aside and looked at the glowing phone screen. It told her two things. One, that it was 3 in the morning. And two, that it was Jesse calling. She rolled out of bed, picked up a Noah’s sweatshirt off of the ground, and pulled it over her head quickly before answering the phone.

“Hello?” She asked, walking out into the hallway and closing the door so she wouldn’t wake Noah.

“Adelaine? Hey, I’m sorry. I know it’s late, especially there. I just got back to my room after the play. Mom and dad dragged me to dinner, and-“ He cut himself off. “I’m really sorry. I had no idea they would skip your audition and come all the way to LA to see me in a play.” He sounded sincere.

“It’s not your fault.” Adelaine sighed. “Don’t blame yourself. Seriously. Besides, it’s awesome that you got that part, Fiyero is an amazing role.”

“Yeah, I know.” Jesse replied. “It is, but that’s not the point. They should have been at your audition. How did it go, anyway?” Adelaine bit her lip, turning away from the door and resting against the wall.

“I don’t know. I think the judges liked it. N-“ She stopped before she said Noah. “My friends that went really liked it.” She said. She usually was just as confident as him when talking about her performances. But not when something this big was on the line. Something held her back. Part of her old shyness coming back, maybe.

“I’m sure it was spectacular, Laine.” Jesse said, and she smiled.

“Thanks Jess.” Behind her, the door opened and she turned around to see Noah. He had put his boxers on, but was otherwise completely naked. She raised her finger to her lips to warn him not to speak. Jesse would know it was three in the morning here and that she was home alone. The last things she needed was for him to hear a male voice. Worse if he recognized it as belonging to Noah.

“Well it’s really late, Jesse. I’m going to go back to sleep, all right? But thanks for calling. Good luck with the rest of your shows.”

“Thanks Adelaine. I’ll see you over winter break, all right?”

“I can’t wait.” She promised. When she had hung up she looked at Noah. “Hey. I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

He smiled. “You didn’t. I sometimes randomly wake up during the note, and when I did I noticed you were gone.”

“Jesse called me.”

“At three in the morning?”

“Well it’s midnight there. He wanted to apologize and ask about the audition.” She explained, and he nodded. She crossed to him. “You know I kind of like you spending the night here.”

He smirked. “I do too, when I get to wake up and see you dressed like that.”

“Well I’m glad you enjoy it, but it’s freezing.” She laughed. The sweatshirt was big on her, and went down about mid-thigh, but her legs were still mostly bare so she was still cold.

“Well let me come warm you up.” He invited with a smirk. Adelaine rolled her eyes, smiling, and took his hand, allowing him to lead her back into the bedroom.
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Yay! I got another chapter up! I know where I want this story to go and I have some plot points I really like planned out. I can't wait to see what you think! :)