Easy Come, Easy Go

(Oh, Boy, You've Left Me) Speechless

It was Thanksgiving. Jesse wasn’t coming home, and Noah’s family didn’t celebrate the holiday. But Adelaine was eating over at his house anyway. They had put together a nice dinner, and anything was better than being at home lately.

She still hadn’t heard back about her audition for that summer program and it was driving her crazy. She hated waiting more than anything. She wasn’t really a patient person.

His mom brought out dessert and Adelaine hesitated. She had already had so much tonight that was off her diet. She really shouldn’t have anymore…but how could she say that?

Thankfully, Puck seemed to notice. “Hey mom, Adelaine and I are going to go for a walk. You and Jess go ahead and have dessert, we might eat when we get back.”

“All right. Well make it quick, I think it might snow soon.” She replied.

“We will, I have to head home soon anyway. Thanks.” Adelaine said with a smile, and gratefully took Puck’s hand as they headed out the door.

It was cold out, despite the fact she was wearing heavy jeans and a coat. Adelaine didn’t mind though. She had always loved the winter, and hoped it did snow.

“So are you okay? You kind of freaked when my mom brought dessert out.” Puck said, looking over at her as they walked.

Adelaine pulled her jacket tighter around her and frowned. “I did? I didn’t mean to. It’s just…my diet. It’s even stricter now that Sectionals are almost here.” They were next weekend, in fact.

Puck shook his head. “I don’t know why you follow that stupid diet. You look amazing, seriously.”

Adelaine smirked. “Yeah. Because I follow that ‘stupid diet’.”

Puck rolled his eyes. “I don’t know, it just bothers me what you do for that stupid group. You’re amazing, Adelaine. I just wish you could see that. You don’t need to follow Vocal Adrenaline’s every whim to be a star.” She stopped walking and turned to face her. “You already are one.” He said very seriously, meeting her eyes.

“I’m not amazing, Noah.” Adelaine sighed. “Think about it. What do I do? I mean really? I sing. I’m nothing but a pretty voice. And not even the best, at that. I’m useless.” She looked away from him. She had never told anybody that before. Not even Jesse.

“You inspire people.” Puck said, thinking about how singing could be inspiring.

Adelaine smiled sadly. “No I don’t.”

“Well you can.”

Adelaine looked up at Puck, meeting his eyes again. “You really think so?”

“Yes. I believe in you Adelaine. You’re more talented than you give yourself credit for.” And so unlike her overconfident, arrogant brother.

“Noah…” Adelaine smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.

“Adelaine…I’ve never really said this to anyone before…but…I think I love you.”

A light snow started to fall around them. This moment should have been perfect. But Adelaine stood frozen in shock.

“I…I…I should go.” She finally managed to murmur, and turned, walking away as quickly as she could. It was awful, but she couldn’t think of anything else to do. He was calling after her, but all she could hear were those words, over and over in her head.

I think I love you. I think I love you. I think I love you.

He loved her? It all seemed like too much. So Adelaine did the one thing she could think of, her instinct when things got to be too much for her…

She ran.