Easy Come, Easy Go

What The Hell (And I Don't Really Care About If You Love Me, If You Hate Me, You Can't Save Me, Baby

Adelaine actually did answer the phone call. And it was the people in charge of the music summer program, calling to get back to her about her audition. She had made it through that round of auditions and was going into the final round of auditions.

One song. One performance. If she got that she was in. And she knew she could get it. She won Nationals, she told herself. She could do this.

Her first instinct was to call Puck. She had half-dialed his number when she remembered.

She pushed away the feeling that swirled inside of her at those thoughts, and joined the rest of Vocal Adrenaline on their bus back to Carmel High. She took a seat next to Beth, attentively listening to the blonde babble on about plans for the party that night.

“You should come over to my house to get ready!” she exclaimed, and Adelaine smiled. “Yeah, that sounds great, Beth. Hang on, ‘kay?” She asked.

She dialed Jesse’s number.

“Hey, Laine. I just got out of class and I’m heading to rehearsal, so I can’t talk long. Everything okay?”

“Yeah, it’s great!” Adelaine said, even though it wasn’t. “I just wanted to let you know I got through to the final round of auditions for that summer program.”

“What? No way! That’s amazing Adelaine, congratulations!” Jesse exclaimed, sounding genuinely excited.

She wondered what Noah would say…

“Thanks Jesse.”

“When is your audition?”

“Two weeks. December 15th.” She answered.

“Really? That’s awesome! I’ll be in town then! I’m coming in on the 14th.”

“Seriously?” Adelaine brightened. “That sounds great! I can’t wait!”

They talked for a couple more minutes, but he had to go to rehearsal, so they hung up. The last thing Adelaine wanted to do right now was be alone with her thoughts, so she turned to Bethany.

“So what time is the party tonight?”

“Right. You’re going after all!” She exclaimed, and brightened. Well I was thinking from 8 to midnight?”

Adelaine nodded. “Sounds great. I might have to talk my dad into letting me borrow his car…”

Beth shook her head. “Why don’t you just come over? You can crash at my place, then you won’t need to worry about it.”

That actually sounded like a much better idea, since she knew her dad, if he listened to her at all, would probably say no. She just had to wait a few more months until she was 18, and then she could go take that stupid driving test herself.

Adelaine smiled. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll just text my parents and then go home with you when we get back to Carmel. I’ll even help you set up for the party.”


As expected, her parents hadn’t cared that she was going over to Beth’s. She half-wondered whether they would have even noticed if she hadn’t come home, but okay, even she had to admit they’d probably notice that. She hoped.

She and Beth had just finished setting up for the party, and were now changing into clothes better suited for a party. Beth had changed into a short black skirt paired with a blue halter top and heels. She was looking for something for Adelaine to wear, but so far hadn’t found anything. Adelaine was curvier than her, and her clothes didn’t really fit.

“I found it!” Bethany returned to her room, holding something out to her. “I went to my sister’s room to look. She’s more your size. She’s off at college, and she didn’t bring everything with her. She won’t mind if you borrow it.”

Adelaine nodded, and took what Beth was holding out—it was a dress, made with shimmery gold fabric. She changed out of the shorts and tank top she had been wearing while setting up the party, and pulled the dress on over her head.

Unlike Beth’s clothes, this dress fit her perfectly. It was pretty short, and the high heeled ankle boots she borrowed from Beth just gave it the illusion of being even shorter. But Adelaine didn’t care. Tonight was going to be all about having fun. Looking good while doing it was just a plus.

They had already done their makeup, but they still had to do each other’s hair. And by the time that was done it was time for the party to start.

Bethany went to let people in while Adelaine turned up the music. Loud. Because if the music was loud enough Adelaine wouldn’t have to think. And that was exactly what she planned to do.