Easy Come, Easy Go

(Keep On Dancin') Til' The World Ends

A Britney Spears song was blasting from the speakers. Adelaine had been dancing since this party started. Only the VA kids and some of their dates were there.

She wondered over to Bethany, who was sitting with most of the other girls gossiping. They had an assortment of alcohol in the middle of the circle. “Laine! Come join us!” She exclaimed when she saw her. She stood up and pulled Adelaine over to the group. “Guys, did you hear? Adelaine made it to the final round of auditions!”

“No, you didn’t tell us that.” One of the other girls said.

“It just happened.” Adelaine explained, and half smiled. She kind of just wanted to go back to dancing. The fast pace and the beat of the music was enough to keep her mind off of things. But not this mindless talking.

“We should toast. To celebrate.” Bethany said. “Here, I don’t have champagne, but…I have vodka.” She said, sorting through the bottles and finally pulling up a bottle full of clear liquid. “Which is much better than champagne anyway.”

Adelaine sat down and accepted a cup from Beth. After toasting to Adelaine, and to the auditions, they found other random things to toast to, soon making a game of who could come up with the most ridiculous things. Mostly it was an excuse to drink, but it was a fun excuse.

After a while they got up and started dancing again, considerably less gracefully than before. Adelaine laughed, and talked, and sang, and danced, and drank. She partied. What she didn’t do was think. The alcohol helped with that.

Eventually, around one in the morning, the part slowed down and people started sitting around and talking, or making out, or drinking, and dancing less. Adelaine collapsed on a couch, worn out from dancing for hours.

Katy, one of the stronger female vocalists in VA, came over and sat down next to her. “Hey, you okay?” She asked in a tone Adelaine couldn’t quite read with her brain all fuzzy.

Adelaine glanced over at Katy. “Yeah, why?” She asked airily.

“Well you broke up with your boyfriend today.” Katy reminded her.

Adelaine froze, then reached down for a can of beer. She popped the top of the can and took a long swig before looking back at Katy. “Uh huh. That was nothing. So?”

Katy raised her eyebrows. “Look, as much as I hate that you’re the star of our team, you are. Which means you need to be the star and take us to Nationals. This breakup better not affect Vocal Adrenaline. Jesse almost messed up when he was with that Berry girl. But he came through when it mattered. We all expect you to do the same.”

Adelaine rolled her eyes. “I get it Katy. Don’t worry.” With that, she lifted the beer can back to her lips and ignored Katy until she went away.