Easy Come, Easy Go

Hello (Is it Me You're Looking For)

Adelaine had gone backstage right after the performance, but now she headed into the audience with the other VA kids. They were, as per usual, accepting a ton of congratulations. Adelaine should be doing that too, but it was hard for her to be in this setting. All these kids had their parents fawning over them. And as always, hers were absent from the audience.

So she was just looking for her brother. He had offered, earlier, to drive her home. She didn’t have a car yet. When Jesse had been in Vocal Adrenaline the coach had bought everyone a car. Mr. Goolsby, the new director, preferred to spend their budget on other things. And Adelaine’s parents certainly hadn’t bought her a car. She knew how to drive, but she didn’t even have a license.

So she pretty much relied on friends for rides places. Or, when Jesse visited, her brother.

She had to get out of here. She was so tired of seeing parents with their kids when hers weren’t here.

She turned around, immediately colliding with someone.

She was wearing heels, so the sudden loss of balance nearly knocked her over. Instinctively she reached out, grabbing the closest thing to her, which happened to be the guy’s arm.

He had automatically reached out to steady her too, his hands finding her waist.

“Woah, hey. Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” He said. Then, upon seeing her…really seeing her…his lips twisted into a smirk. “You okay there? Or should I keep holding onto you?”

Rolling her emerald eyes, Adelaine stepped back, out of his arms. “I’m good, but thanks for the offer.”

He smirked. “You’re that Vocal Adrenaline girl.” He said.

Adelaine nodded. “You’re that guy who didn’t stand up when everyone else did during the standing ovation.” Well, him and the group of people he’d been there with.

“You noticed that did you?”

“I noticed.” Adelaine confirmed, still half smirking.

“You must be new to Vocal Adrenaline.” The boy stated. “We didn’t see you last year during Regionals. I’m from McKinley High. The Glee club there, I mean.”

“New Directions.” He nodded and she continued. “I’ve never seen you guys perform, actually. I’ve only heard of you. Last year was my first year, but I was in the hospital during the regionals performance, when I would have seen you. Appendicitis.”

“That would explain it.” He said. “I’m Noah Puckerman.” He held out his hand, a surprisingly polite move that Adelaine hadn’t been expecting. Maybe he could be charming.”

“Adelaine St. James.” His hand tightened slightly on hers when she said her last name.

But if something bothered him he didn’t say anything. He dropped her hand, and Adelaine finally spotted Jesse by the door. “I should go.” She said to Noah. “But I guess I’ll see you at your next performance. Kind of you entire Glee club to come to ours.” She smirked, and as she made to step around him, he grabbed her arm. Gently, not violently or anything. Just enough to stop her.

“Wait.” He seemed to be debating with himself, then he looked up at her. Let me give you my number. He pulled a Sharpie from his back pocket. Adelaine started to look through her purse for a piece of paper, but he pulled her arm a little more towards him, and began writing his number there.

She stared at him, a little shocked, but he just smirked. “Wouldn’t want you to forget to call or something.”

Still smirking he stepped around her, disappearing into the crowd.