Easy Come, Easy Go

Back to December (So This Is Me Swallowing My Pride)

“All right guys.” Puck looked up as Mr. Schue walked in the room. He looked strangely tense. Not that Puck cared. Probably just some stupid drama going on in his personal life again. Puck wasn’t much in the mood for drama right now.

“We have somebody who wants to join Glee club.” He said. Most of the kids looked excited. Even Puck looked over at the teacher in interest. They really needed some new people if they wanted to win at Regionals.

And Puck really wanted to beet Vocal Adrenaline at Regionals.

He told himself it was just because he wanted to go to New York and have a chance at Nationals. He didn’t allow himself to think about it too much, but whatever the reason was, he was determined to win.

The door opened and someone walked in. A very, very familiar someone.

Puck’s hands tightened on the edge of his chair, but he didn’t say anything.

Rachel, however, didn’t bother to hold back. “What is she doing here?”

Adelaine looked over at Mr. Schuester, then back at the group. She was holding herself like she did when she was stressed, tense. But there was an air of determination about her when she answered. “I’ve transferred to McKinley High. I moved in with my uncle. I…I’d like to join New Directions.”

Puck could read everything in her voice. She was nervous but determined. She wasn’t 100% sure the choice she’d made had been the correct one, but she was determined to see it through. He allowed himself a moment to study her. She was pale. Thinner, too. Maybe some girls would love to lose weight, but Adelaine only looked unhealthy. She had dark circles under her eyes as if she hadn’t slept. In fact, she reminded Puck of how his dad had once looked when he was trying to quit drinking.

Before he started up again and walked out on their family.

“We don’t want her here.” Rachel said, shaking her head.

Mr. Schue looked at her. “Now Rachel-“ He began.

“Come on, do you remember what she did to Puck?! She was such a bitch. Would you let Jesse back?”

Puck was watching Adelaine, ignoring Rachel. She looked upset, but didn’t fight the words Rachel spoke. She seemed resigned to them. As if she acknowledged they were true.

“He’s graduated Rachel, and-“

“That’s not the point.” She argued stubbornly. “She isn’t good for the group dynamic. After what she did to Puck-“

“She didn’t do anything to me.” Puck suddenly spoke, the words leaving his mouth before he could stop himself. He looked at Rachel. “You’re just pissed off because she can sing better than you.”

“I’m not. Noah, after she broke up with you…you were so different and…and I saw your face the next day, and-“

“I never cared about her. She was a fling, nothing more. But she can sing and I don’t know about you, but I want to go to Nationals. How selfish are you? You don’t want somebody better than you in the group so much that you’re willing to give up the chance to go to Nationals?”

“That’s not-“ Rachel stared at him. “That’s really not what I meant.” She said softly, and turned to Finn with wide eyes, as if trying to convince him.

The thing was, Puck actually believed her. It was just like when he had been so pissed at Jesse for egging her. He’d been really mean to her just now. Adelaine too, really, although he told himself she deserved it. Still. He could see from the corner of his eyes his careless words had hit her hard. But a moment later she covered it up. He shook his head. He wished more than anything he couldn’t read her as well as he had learned too.

And at the same time he still didn’t know her at all, did he? Why did she always hide her feelings like that? Did she care about him or didn’t she? Was she hurt because he never cared about her, or because she’d lost a little more control over her life?

And why did he still care?

“You really did look really upset Puck.” Finn agreed. “I mean, you were weird about it for a while.”

“Hey, it got the attention of the ladies. You didn’t think I was really upset about that did you? Please.”

“All right.” Mr. Schue said into the awkward silence. “Well Adelaine, would you like to sing a song as a sort of…audition?”

“Why? We already know she can sing.” Santana said bluntly.

“Actually…I’d like to sing a song. If you don’t mind.” Adelaine said, speaking for the first time. She looked at Mr. Schue, and he nodded. Her gaze drifted to Puck, and a moment later she began singing without any musical accompaniment.

“I’m so glad you made time to see me. How’s life, tell me how’s your family? I haven’t seen them in a while.”

Puck had never heard the song before, but he heard Rachel whisper to Finn that it was called Back to December by Taylor Swift.

“So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night. And I go back to December all the time. It turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you wishing I’d realized what I had when you were mine. I go back to December, turn around and make it all right. I go back to December all the time.”

She kept her eyes on Puck during the chorus, and as always he had difficulty looking away. So he was relieved when she broke their gaze, apparently not able to handle it either. She looked away, her gaze roaming the room, mostly avoiding him now.

“I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right. And how you held me in your arms that November night, the first time you ever saw me cry. Maybe this is wishful thinking, probably mindless dreaming. But if we loved again I swear I'd love you right.”

Puck couldn’t help but relate the song to, well, to them. A lot of the other stuff in that song didn’t apply to their relationship. But two things did: their breakup in December. And the fact that she had broken down in his arms one November night. Actually, it had technically been daytime, but still. He remembered that day so clearly. It was the first time he realized how much he…

He pushed the thought away. But it lingered there anyway. He never put up with crying girls. Why had he with Adelaine?

Because he thought he could get some from her if he did. And he did, didn’t he? So there, that had been the reason. Because he had finally managed to sleep with her that night. Or that day. Whatever.

Though maybe there was more than coincidence to the song. That she cared about him? That she was sorry? That she wouldn’t mind trying the relationship again?

Why did he care? No, he didn’t. It was just a song. Just some stupid song. It didn’t mean anything.

“But this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night. And I go back to December. Turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you, wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine. I'd go back to December turn around and make it all right. I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind.”

She met Puck’s eyes. “I go back to December all the time.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I finally got the next chapter up! My classes have started again, so I've been busier, but I finally got the next chapter written and up. :)