Easy Come, Easy Go

(How Do I Get You) Alone

“I know who she is.” Puck announced when he walked into Glee club the next day.

“Who?” Finn asked, looking away from Rachel and over to Puck.

“The girl. From Vocal Adrenaline yesterday.” Everyone was looking at him now. They were all curious. Where had she come from? They had been so sure they had a chance at winning that year, and this girl basically dashed all of their hopes.

“Who is she?” Quinn asked from behind him, a little impatient.

Not that knowing would do much help in beating her. What they needed to know was what their weak points were so New directions could find a way to outshine them.

“Adelaine St. James.” Puck answered.

Most of the group looked at Rachel. She’d been the one who dated Jesse after all.

“Did you know Jesse had a sister Rachel?” Finn asked.

She nodded. “Yeah. I even met her once.” She admitted. “But when I knew her she was so…different. She was, like, shy and quiet. She kept to herself. Jesse said she wasn’t even interested in performing. He’d tried to get her to join Vocal Adrenaline and she wouldn’t. It didn’t even occur to me she’d ever change her mind, or that she’d be as good as Jesse if she did.” She paused. “That explains why I didn’t recognize her too. She looks different.”

Puck considered this. Whatever she’d looked like before, she was hot now.

“I mean, well…maybe it isn’t that she looks so different now. I guess she still has the dark brown hair and fair skin and whatnot. I mean she’s…developed a little since then. But I guess it’s just that she makes people notice her now. And before she did all she could to hide.” She shrugged.

Developed a little. Ha. That girl had an amazing body.

Finn looked at Puck. “How did you find out anyway?”

Puck paused, debating what he should actually tell them. “I asked her out.” He finally said, although he’d technically only given her his number.

“Puck! How could you?” Rachel said, leaning around her boyfriend to look at Puck. “She’s the enemy.”

“The hot enemy.” Puck replied with a smirk. Admittedly, he was purposely trying to frustrate her now. He himself had debated how smart asking her out was. But she was hot and he wanted to…get with her, to put it mildly.

“It’s just like him.” Quinn said. “It’s not like it’ll be like it was with Rachel and Jesse. Puck won’t stay with that girl for long.”

Puck glanced back at her, then shrugged. It was true. They wouldn’t last long. It just depended on how fast she moved. Whatever.

Mr. Schue came in then, and as they started to work and as they divided up to start rehearsal for that week’s song, Puck let his thoughts drift.

It had been a pretty forward move, writing his number on her arm like that. And he had no idea what she’d thought of it. If it made her not want to go out with him…well, whatever. There were hotter girls out there.

Still, there was something pretty hot about the idea of her. She was on the other team. Forbidden. And just the concept of sleeping with the enemy was hot.

Because there was no doubt they would sleep together.

If she ever called. She hadn’t yet. It was inevitable of course.

In some ways it worked better that way. He didn’t have to call her and give her the wrong idea. He didn’t need some clingy girl who though they’d end up getting married or whatever.

Still, it meant he had to wait around for her call. And that annoyed him too.

“Now let’s talk about Vocal Adrenaline.” Mr. Schue said at the end of rehearsal. “I know they were…better than expected yesterday. But that doesn’t mean we should give up hope. We can still win at Regionals. It’s better this way, really. Now we have a reason to work hard. We won’t get lazy.”

Puck’s phone buzzed in his pocket and he slipped it out while Mr. Schue was talking.

You still want to meet? I’m in VA rehearsal. We get out at 7. If you still want to do something then come pick me up. If not I guess I’ll delete your number. Adelaine.

Puck stared at the screen. It was like she was unsure he wanted to go out with her. Or maybe she was unsure herself and had decided to test him.

Or maybe it was something else entirely. Girls were confusing. Whatever. He definitely didn’t want her deleting his number…although now he had hers anyway. But no way was he losing out on a chance to make out…and more…with that girl.


Later that day Puck was still unsure he had made the right decision. He sat in his car in the Carmel High parking lot. He could hear music pounding from the auditorium and knew they were still in rehearsal. He was a little early.

But, well, Adelaine was hot. He was getting tired of cougars and he’d been with almost all of the girls at McKinley.

Finally he talked himself into walking into the auditorium.

The group was onstage, just beginning a music number. Adelaine stood onstage, with some guy.

“I was feeling done in. Couldn’t win. I’d only ever kissed before.”

Now Puck recognized the song. It was from that…that one musical. He’d never really watched it. He knew it wasn’t really a mainstream kind of thing, whatever it was, and was surprised to see Adelaine doing it.

They were still performing, and Puck focused on the performance. As sexy as it was, it wasn’t difficult.

“Now all I want to know is how to go. I’ve tasted blood and I want more. I’ll put up no resistance; I want to stay the distance.” She had closed the distance between her and the guy, and as she pressed her body against him her eyes moved up and met Puck’s. She seemed to smirk, but kept performing.

She had moved into the group of guys now, acknowledging all of them as she sung.

And Puck couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Every time she touched one of those guys he felt a strange…a strange feeling. He couldn’t quite explain it.

“Then if anything grows while you pose, I’ll oil you up and rub down. And that’s just one small fraction of the main attraction. You need a friendly hand and I need action.”

There was no mistaking it. She definitely looked at him that time, when she said the part about the main attraction. Suddenly Puck was very glad he had decided to come. And very glad no one else from New Directions was here this time.

She went into the chorus again. She was doing this sort of sexy…yet surprisingly clean dance, considering the words she was singing…with the other guys and she sung. “Touch a touch a touch a me. I wanna be dirty. Thrill me chill me fulfill me, creature of the night.”

The song continued, Puck unable to take his eyes off the amazing Adelaine St. James. Finally it came to the end of the song. Random guys were saying “creature of the night” in turn. Adelaine sang it once more, then one guy…the blonde one from the beginning, came up to her, saying it. She sang the line one last time, he put his hands around her waist, and as he pulled her towards him the lights went down.

All in all, a very sexy performance.

Puck couldn’t wait to get her in his car, alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I was listening to this song and I just got inspired. ^_^ I really need to come up with better chapter names, they're so boring. >_<

Anyway, what do you think of this chapter? I was a little unsure about doing the performance, but I really wanted to.