Easy Come, Easy Go

(Might as well) Jump

He had come. Adelaine could hardly believe it. He had seemed unsure when he’d given the number the number to her and she’d wondered if he’d changed his mind.

To be honest…she’d half hoped he had. There was something about him that had stuck with her. Maybe because he had written his number on her arm. Something that made her remember him.

She hadn’t called him last night, but about halfway through rehearsal she’d decided to try texting him and see what happened. Most of it stemmed from the fact that she really didn’t want to go directly home after rehearsal. Usually it was bearable. She spent as little time at home as it was that being there wasn’t too bad. Usually.

But when Jesse was home it was. She loved spending time with her brother…as long as her parents weren’t there.

So she’d texted him. If he replied then at she had an excuse to be home later. If he didn’t…well, she had to find out sooner or later if he was a number she should delete from her phone. Not that she’d forget it any time soon. It had taken an hour and a half to completely scrub the Sharpie from her arm. She had it memorized for now.

But when she spotted him almost immediately after she began her performance…she’d been surprised. Still, she had to focus on her performance.

Every week they were given a category and they had to do a song. That was why the guys hardly sang anything at all except at the end and were really only there as dancers. Why none of the other girls were in it.

She had chosen “Touch a Touch a Touch a Touch Me”, from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Sure, all of the other kids had done songs from more mainstream musicals. The Sound of Music, Wicked, Les Miserables. And Adelaine loved all of those musicals too.

But…well she’d never admit it. Not aloud anyway. But Adelaine often felt a lot like she didn’t fit in. And not just because she loved the Rocky Horror Picture Show when nobody else did. Other reasons too.

But no matter what people thought of the musical, her performance seemed to turn out really well. The girls in the front row watching clapped, but her eyes drifted back to Noah in the back of the auditorium. She had been unable to resist looking at him a couple of times during the song.

“All right, that was great Adelaine. Everyone who didn’t perform today, please be ready tomorrow. I also have a new group performance to begin putting together. You’re dismissed.”

Adelaine went backstage to grab her backpack, and paused in front of a mirror. Quickly she smoothed her wavy brown hair. She ran a hand over her short black skirt and adjusted the strap of her purple top. Noah was waiting out there for her.

She said a quick goodbye to her friends, and then headed back out into the auditorium, to where he was waiting.

“You came.” She said, stopping in front of him.

“You told me to.” He said, and smiled. “That was a great performance up there. Very sexy. Is that why you asked me to come?” He asked, his voice dropping into a tone Adelaine couldn’t help but find very seductive. Very sexy.

“No.” She said, shaking her head and smirking. “I didn’t even think you’d get here in time to see it.” She didn’t even really think he’d come at all.

“So you asked me to pick you up. Where do you want to go?”

Anywhere but home.

Instead she smiled at him, and as she let him lead her out to the car, she shrugged. “Anywhere you want to go.”


He took her home. His home, to be more specific.

“My mom and sister are gone for a couple of days. They’re at some mother-daughter thing.” He explained. “We have the house to ourselves.”

“Is that supposed to mean something to me?” She asked playfully, setting her bag down on the floor.

He watched her, amused, as she took her sweater off, not replying to her question. Instead, he asked one of his own. “It seems a little pointless to wear a short skirt and a sweater. Don’t your legs just get cold?”

She raised her eyebrows at him. “It’s not that cold yet. It’s hardly August.” She set the sweater down on her backpack. “But if you’d rather have me covered up…”

“That’s not what I said.” He interrupted. “My house is perfectly warm.”

Adelaine smirked.

They ended up on the couch, trying to find something to watch on TV. There didn’t seem to be anything good on, so Puck put it on Jersey Shore reruns, which neither of them watched.

“So that song earlier was really hot, Adelaine.” Puck said, turning the TV onto mute, and looking over at her.

She smirked. “I’m glad you liked it.”

“Any chance there’s some truth to that?” He moved closer to her, and Adelaine felt her heart rate increase.

“You’re going with that line? Really? I thought you were better than that.”

He shrugged. “I am. Would you like to see?”

Adelaine didn’t answer. But when he leaned in to kiss her, she didn’t resist. She kissed him back.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...what do you think? Do you have any ideas for future things in the story? Also, I'm changing the chapter titles to songs that Glee has done. I wanted to make it more creative and Glee-like.