Easy Come, Easy Go

(It's Just a Little) Crush

They lay on the couch. Puck could feel Adelaine soft body underneath his own, muscled one. He hadn’t been sure what she would do when he kissed her. Most girls just couldn’t resist him, but some didn’t move as fast as he liked to.

Still, all they had done was make out for the past hour. It was a little past seven now.

“I should go.” Adelaine said, turning her head slightly so she could speak.

Puck nodded but didn’t reply, running his hand through her silky hair and resting the other on her slim waist.

They kissed for a few more minutes, but finally Adelaine pulled away. “I have to go home Puck.” She said, and he sighed but rolled off of her.

“You sure? I’m always happy to have a sleepover.” He said, watching as she stood up and moved to the mirror that hung in their living room.

“I’m sure you are.” He could see her smirking in the mirror’s reflection. Her skirt had hitched up as they moved on the couch and he could see almost all of her long, shapely legs. Her purple shirt clung to her curves, and Puck wanted nothing more than to cross the room and take her in his arms and kiss her. Again.

But he didn’t, and instead watched as she smoothed her skirt, tugging it back down to where it belonged…which still showed plenty of leg, and adjusting her shirt. She ran her hands through her hair, smoothing it as best she could. It was still tousled…which Puck found hot, but it definitely betrayed what she had been doing.

“Do you need a ride home?” Puck asked innocently, as if it wasn’t just an excuse to spend more time with her. She looked conflicted, and he remembered that Jesse was home. He and Jesse didn’t particularly get along.

“Yeah, that would be great.” She finally said.

He walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. She tensed at first, but a moment later her body relaxed. It was weird, how sometimes she seemed perfectly comfortable, and other times she seemed exactly the opposite.

She definitely wasn’t the type to move too fast, even if she did just make out with him. But that was okay. He wasn’t going to try to push her too far too fast and ruin his chances with her. He never really did that. Even when he had knocked up Quinn Fabray, it wasn’t like he’d pushed her into it. Whatever she remembered, she had been perfectly willing. Maybe it had been the alcohol, but again, she’d made the choice to drink.

He got the feeling Adelaine usually didn’t work this fast. And he doubted they’d go farther than they did today any time soon. He checked out her body again, remembered her soft kisses and the feel of her hair against his skin. Yeah, he could definitely be a little bit patient rather than risk losing what would almost definitely be one of the best nights of his life.

“Great.” Puck smiled, letting go of her a little reluctantly.


A little bit later he was parked outside her house, watching her fix her hair again. She seemed strangely obsessive about it, especially since it looked perfectly fine now. It was almost like she didn’t want to into the house.

Puck liked to think it was because she didn’t want to leave his presence.

Though the fact that she wasn’t even looking at him made that idea less likely.

Though the fact that he was…well, him, made it more likely…

She looked over at him and he stopped with his admittedly silly inner conversation.

“Thanks for driving me here Noah.” She said softly. He raised his eyebrows when she said his first name, which hardly anyone ever used, then realized he had never actually told her his nickname.

Still, there was something about the way she said his name that made him decide not to correct her. He sort of…like the way she said it. Soft, sweet, but still somewhat sexy.

He wasn’t entirely sure that made any sense, but nevertheless, he was going to let her call him Noah, something he rarely did.

“No problem.” He said, smiling at her.

He couldn’t tell if she was still stalling, but when she leaned in and kissed him he stopped caring.

She broke it off almost immediately though. Green eyes wide, almost nervous, she grabbed her backpack. With a muttered, “I’ll call you later.” She got out of the car and hurried into her house.

Puck sat there for a moment longer, a smile on his face. There was something intriguing about Adelaine’s confident-then nervous, hot-then-cold personality. If she didn’t call him then he would definitely call her again.