Easy Come, Easy Go

Don't Go Breaking My Heart (You Put the Light in My Life)

“Why are you so much like your brother?”

A week later Adelaine and Puck sat on the couch. The TV was on, but it was on mute and neither of them was watching it. They had been kissing, but now Adelaine sat wrapped in Puck’s arms, seemingly content. Well, until he asked that, apparently.

She pulled away from him, looking more confused than anything else. “What? What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s like you’re following in his footsteps. Almost exactly.” Puck explained, feeling a little awkward for bringing it up, but it seemed even stupider to drop it now. “I mean, you were both the star of Vocal Adrenaline. You’re both great singers and performers. You both can have your bitchy moments.” She raised her eyebrows wordlessly at this and he shrugged a bit apologetically. They both know it was true.

Puck continued, “You both are going to, or are going to, in Jesse’s case, UCLA. And, of course, you both are going out with, or went out with, somebody from New Directions. Somebody extremely sexy in your case, Adelaine.”

She smirked at him. “Yeah? And what about the betraying you and breaking your heart?”

Puck thought about this. “I think we can skip that part.”

She smirked again, and then grew more serious. “I don’t know, really. I mean, I don’t know why we share the love for performing. I guess singing talent just runs in the family. And we both starred in Vocal Adrenaline because, well, we both were in Vocal Adrenaline. Jesse is really good. And…well I don’t know. I get Mr. Goolsby decided it was best for me to be the ‘star’, as you put it. It’s more of a group thing, I just…tend to get more solos during performances then others. Others still get solos too. I mean…I don’t know if I deserve them or not. Maybe Mr. Goolsby just thinks because I’m Jesse’s sister…I dunno.” She shrugged.

She looked like she was confusing herself, but Puck decided now was not the best time to defend her own talent from…well, from her own criticism.

“Besides,” She continued. “I don’t know if I will end up going to UCLA. I just applied there.”

Puck nodded. “Hey, you know I didn’t mean anything by it, right? I was just kidding around.”

He actually had been curious, but he hadn’t meant to upset her. Whenever he saw glimpses behind Adelaine’s carefully constructed exterior, it only confused him more. He always back off when it showed, never pressed her further. But, strangely, he didn’t completely push it from his mind, as he usually did. He was…curious. He wondered what it was she was hiding, why she was hiding it. She was an interesting girl, Adelaine.

And that was it. The only reason he wanted to know more about her. She was interesting. That was why.

He wrapped his arm around her, and she turned to him, meeting his eyes. He noticed she had really pretty green eyes. Sort of an emerald color, but ringed in a much darker green, with hints of gold flecks. Surrounded by long, dark lashes.

Puck felt bad now for comparing her to her brother. Maybe they were similar in some ways. And of course they shared talent; it probably ran in the family. But this girl…she was utterly gorgeous. Nothing like her brother in that department, Puck said in his mind, though he wasn’t thinking completely clearly.

The back of his mind, the more logical part, told him he had been with girls a lot more beautiful than Adelaine. Santana, for instance, and Quinn. He’d been with girls skinnier than Adelaine, more experienced, with all sorts of gorgeous girls.

And yet…it was Adelaine he couldn’t keep his mind off of lately. He ran his hand through her hair. It was soft, and though it was just a normal, dark brown color, it looked good on her. And with her smooth, fair skin, her amazing hourglass figure, her soft, pink lips…it hardly mattered that there were girls more beautiful than her still out there. She was the one who was with him now.

He leaned down, kissing her gently, and she kissed back. Okay, so maybe she was the enemy, maybe she was just another fling.

But, well, he really liked kissing her.