Zombie Off: Story of the Champions

The One And Only

The engine roared like a hundred lions. The sounds of “Another One Bites the Dust” flooded the air. The zombie shambled down the middle of the street. A deafening bang sounded and the top of the zombie’s head exploded.

“I got him! That’s twelve!” Jacob exclaimed.

“Shut up, that was my kill!” Vincent argued. The boys turned off the music and climbed down the stairs of their double-decker bus.

“Alex! Stop the bus!” Jacob called. Alex turned around and shot both of them a look.
“We need to check the kill,” Vincent answered.

“You guys are dumb,” Alex said, but stopped the bus anyways. Vincent and Jacob jumped off of the bus.

“Scott, cover us,” Vincent yelled back to another boy. Scott came to the back door of the bus, gun in hand and sat down. Vincent and Jacob ran over to the kill while Scott swung his legs. A zombie, one that had been run over, climbed out from under the bus. Vincent and Jacob assessed their kill and saw a bullet through each eye.

“Shit,” Jacob groaned. The sound of Scott’s high-pitched screaming tore the boys away from their kill. The zombie had taken a chunk out of Scott’s ankle. Jacob and Vincent calmly walked over. Vincent lifted his leg and stomped the zombie in the head, exploding it everywhere.

Jamie pulled Scott back onto the bus and began to tend to his ankle. She gave him a shot of morphine to dull the pain as Vincent and Jacob climbed back onto the bus.

“That’s thirteen,” Vincent said. Scott was lying on the floor, passed out from the pain.


Scott groaned, awake from his slumber. He tried to move his arms but failed due to the fact that he was tied up.

“What’s going on, guys?” Scott asked.

“This is for the good of the group, Scott,” Jacob said, pressing ‘play’ on the stereo. Vincent slammed the lid shut before Scott could get a sentence in. Jacob hammered the lid shut and then Vincent and Jacob kicked the powder keg out of the back. The zombies began to converge on Scott and all that could be heard was the crack of a gun and the explosion of the powder. Zombie parts rained down upon the street and the bus.

The sound of screeching tired and a shattered window broke everyone from their thoughts. Alex ran back to the group, who were standing just in front of the back door.

“The zombies are on the bus!” Alex cried.

“Oh shit,” the group all said in unison, climbing up to the top of the bus. They all grabbed a gun apiece and, while the zombies climbed, the group turned to each other.

“I guess this is it, guys,” Vincent said. All that was heard after that were gunshots, the calls of numbers and the screams of happiness.

When the morning broke, all that was left of the group was their broken bus and tattered bodies as ravens plucked at their intestines and eyes.
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Written by: myself, Cameron, Brandon, and Robbie, who doesn't have a Mibba account. COMMENTS WOULD BE GREAT =)