Taste of Freedom

Chapter 6

"Oh my God-"

"Back off, dog!" the Nazis pushed and shoved the prisoners away from the scene.

"Hey, is that Rovalski's kid?" someone asked.

"Everyone back to work!"

"He was just a kid-"


Bruce met up with one of the other prisoners, a man Samuel. The guy was young according to his birth certificate and papers, but if you took a look at him now, you'd think he was one hundred years old.

"Do you know what happened?" Bruce asked.

"Kid went crazy. Maybe he already was. But he electrocuted himself with that fence there." he pointed to the fence. "Some people are saying he did it when he figured out his Pa was never here."

"What are you talking about? That kid always talked about him being here-"

"That kid's Pa was killed by Nazis years ago. Kid never got over it."

"Wow." said Bruce, exhaling the breath he never thought he had. "How'd he figure it out?"

Samuel shrugged sadly. "I think something in his brain just clicked. It didn't work properly from the start, I guess."

There was a long pause between the two as they worked and looked over their shoulders every now and then.

"You know, that kid never had a mean bone in his body."

Samuel nodded.

"He never seemed sad, either."

Samuel made a sad grin and said lowly, "I suppose the only way to survive is to be a little crazy."

"Ain't that the truth."