Billie and Jay

The Beginning.

Jayde's P.O.V., 4 years old

Today is my first day of preschool. I can't wait! I don't really fit in anywhere, I don't play dolls, but I'm not quiet enough for puzzles, and my favorite thing is music. A lot of people think I'm weird, so I have no friends right now. Sigh...

At Preschool

"Hi!" I shouted. The others looked at me and laughed. I didn't know why, I was wearing my favorite outfit. It was my jean dress with a black tank top under it. I saw a nice looking girl sitting with about five dolls and I sat next to her.
"Hi! I'm Jayde!" I said. The girl looked at me in rejection.
"What a weird name, my name is Molly. These are my dollies. Don't play with them. They are also my friend's dollies. Her name is Jessica. Don't talk to her, she's my friend." Molly sneered. I looked at the shiny floor and walked away. I found a boy in the corner, drawing. I sat in the empty chair next to him, he still didn't look up.
"What's your name?" I asked him. He looked at me for a moment, but then went back to drawing his rocket ship.
"Hi! I'm Jayde! You wanna be frien-"
"Go away." He said. "You're too loud." I got up and walked to the middle of the room. There was no one else there yet. The door opened to reveal two girls, they looked exactly the same, and they rolled their eyes at me. Why did no one want to be friends with me? There were no lessons the whole first day; we were supposed to make friends, which wasn't working for me.
A few hours after I got there, the door opened once again and, out of habit, I looked up. There was a lady walking in, and you could tell there was a kid behind her. I secretly wondered if it was a boy or girl, and I soon found out because he said, "No, no! Please don't make me go! Don't leave! They'll think I'm weird again!" I felt sorry for him, whoever he was. His mom dragged him in the building, and I saw his face. He had amazingly green eyes, well, I think, he had them squinted mostly. He had slight freckles and spiky reddish brown hair. He looked nice, besides the fit. He stared up at his mom as she said good-bye. When she left, he started to cry, you could tell he really didn't want to be there.
"Look, everyone!" Molly shouted. "It's a crybaby!" All the kids, besides me and the boy, started laughing and shouting "Crybaby!" The poor boy only cried harder, but his face had anger this time. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Hi, I'm Jayde. What's your name?" I asked, maybe he would cheer up if he knew at least one person was nice, and maybe I'd get a friend! He dried his crying eyes, and smiled a bit.
"*Sniff* I'm Billie Joe *sniff*." He said.
"It's okay, Billie Joe. Nobody here likes me either." As soon as I said that, Molly shouted again.
"Hey, everyone, look! The crybaby and the weirdo are... married!" She screamed. Everyone laughed again. I got angry.
"Just because we're friends doesn't mean you'll ever have any, you're just jealous!" Then, and only then, did the teacher come out.
"Jayde! Why are you being so mean? And little Billie Joe is crying? That's it, time out!" Miss Applewhite said. I looked at the floor for the millionth time today, and trudged to the dreaded corner.
"Wait..." I heard someone say, "It’s not her fault! Molly made fun of her!" It was Billie Joe, and he wasn't crying anymore. Wow, I thought, I might actually have a friend, if he wants to be!
"Billie Joe! You too? Accusing Molly is just as bad as being mean! Time out for you, as well, I'm afraid." Miss Applewhite scolded. He sighed and sat next to me in the corner.
"Thanks." I whispered, without looking over, and to my surprise, out of nowhere he hugged me!
"It's okay, anything for my first friend!" He said, but he wasn't at all quiet.
"Billie Joe, go to that corner!" Miss Applewhite pointed to the other one, so we had to be apart. Ten minutes passed in the corner, and Miss Applewhite told us we could get up. Billie Joe sat there, really still, for a moment. Before he knew it, I hugged him backwards.
"What's that for?" He asked.
"For being my first friend." I smiled at him, and we both got up and played for the rest of the day. We finger painted and played with cars, yes, I like cars. Mostly we sat and talked, while showing each other things in our backpacks.
"Wow! Is that the Clash?" Billie Joe asked me, pointing to the picture I had brought from home.
"Yes. My Mommy and Daddy went and met them! They are a good-"
"Band..." Billie Joe sighed. I looked at him.
"Do you like music?" I asked. He nodded, and said he liked the Clash, the Ramones, the Sex Pistols, and other punk bands, and strangely, Elvis. Presley. "Wow, me too!"
"Weird! We should start a band!" Billie Joe said. I looked at him like, how are we going to do that? "What, can't a boy dream of money and all the chocolate he can buy with the money?"
"Yeah..." I replied, "but how are we going to start a band? I can't play anything."
"Well, you could be the singer, my dad said he's gonna teach me guitar!" He answered.
"Billie Joe, that's cool!" I exclaimed.
"I like Billie by itself better." He said quietly, I laughed. "What? Is my friend now laughing at me? At this rate, I'll never get married and have fourteen kids!" I stopped to stare at him. "I'm just joking!"
"You're funny!" I laughed. For the rest of the day, we just messed around, and from then on we were inseparable.

The next day, I was the first one to come. Today, we started lessons, too, but that was for when everyone got there. The door opened endless amounts of times, but Billie wasn't any of them. After a while, when no one seemed to be coming anymore, the teacher came out.
"Okay, everyone! Time for lessons!" She said, clapping her hands together.
"Wait!" I yelled.
"Jayde, please use your inside voice. Now what are you wanting, dear?" Miss Applewhite asked me. I inhaled and exhaled frantically, as if I had just ran a hundred mile marathon.
"It's, it's, it's Billie! We can't go widdout Billie!" I managed to get out. Miss Applewhite chuckled and shook her head.
"No, no, sweetie. It's okay. Billie's sick today, so he's not coming in." My face fell. I sighed and walked to the corner spot in the circle area. I slumped over my knees. They continued their lesson, with constant looks in my direction from the teacher. I spent the rest of the day only making movement for the required tasks, such as bathroom, snack, and writing practice. That day was horrible. I was the last picked up.

Again, I was the first to be dropped off, followed by Megan, Molly, Willy, and a new girl named Ashleigh, who became Molly's evil friend. I lost hope of Billie, maybe he was just my imagination, and I sat in the corner with my head in my knees, curled up next to the wall. Today was an off day, they had decided to let us work one day and play the next, on and off. So I sat there, in the dark corner, feeling so sad, I started to cry. A few minutes passed by, and I could hear the teacher getting worried, and I heard her say to herself that she'd let me work it out myself. I also heard the door open again, then close. I heard footsteps, this is a lot to hear when my face is buried, and weird I could hear all this over my sobbing. The footsteps were getting closer to me, but slowly, like the person was struggling with their feet. I was still crying, my face swollen with tears, as I looked up at the person belonging to the footsteps.
“Hi, Jayde.” It was Billie. I put my face back into my knees and turned the other way. He followed me around. “What’s the matter?” He asked. I turned around again. “Jay Jay? Why are you mad?”
“Because! You left me yesserday!” I said. His face fell.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to! My cousin’s cousin died.” He answered, but I glared at him.
“But why did you leave? It’s not fair! I was all alone! Everyone was mean to me!” I said quietly. Billie sat down next to me.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know they would be awful. I could, I could have asked Mommy to for me to stay.” He answered me. I sighed.
“Okay, but don’t do it again. I miss you!” I exclaimed. “Guess what? Tomorrow is my birthday! But it’s okay, only if you’re here.” Then I hugged him. We stayed there for a long time, until we had to eat morning snack, which was about fifteen minutes later. We sat next to each other and got the same things to eat. I really like Billie! He’s my best friend in the whole entire wide world!

The next day, I got to preschool late because I wouldn’t wake up. I burst through the door to find Molly and the new girl, Ashleigh, hitting Billie on the head.
“Stop! Stop it!” I yelled, why the heck would Miss Applewhite not see them? She was in her office, talking on the phone again, with her boyfriend. Billie was curled up, on the ground, crying his eyes out. I laid on the ground next to him, on my side, and put my arm around his shoulder. I could just barely make out his words, he was chanting over and over to not hurt him anymore. It’s just like my cousin said, her cousin would say stuff over and over and get really mad and sad when something bad happened. But she called it panic attacks. I wonder about Billie. Was he having a panic attack, too? I don’t know. He was shaking and sweating and was very pale, but in a few minutes, he got over it and sat up.
“Are you okay, Billie?” I asked quietly. He shook his head and sniffed. He leaned his head on my shoulder and didn’t move. He heaved a sigh and stood up and went to his backpack. He unzipped it and handed me a small little package wrapped in guitar paper.
“Happy birthday, Jay Jay.” He managed to choke out, then he smiled. I tore open the paper and saw a pretty bracelet, with only one charm. The charm was a pink guitar, and it was shiny and sparkly.
“Thanks, Billie Joe!” I shouted, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. Yes, yes. There’s a lot of hugging. As soon as I let go, I put on the bracelet. It was so pretty! By the way, today is August 11. That’s my birthday! A few minutes later, Miss Applewhite came out of the office.
“What’s all this mess on the ground?” She asked me angrily.
“It’s my present! It’s my birthday!” I said with a smile. Miss Applewhite only narrowed her eyes.
“You should know better! You don’t put garbage on the ground." Inside, I yelled at her with all my might, but I knew that I had to keep still for her to go away. Eventually she forgot, so me and Billie went back to playing.

Billie Joe's P.O.V., 5 years old

Yay! First day of kindergarten. Do not spell gud. Jayde is still a friend.

Yay! Today is my first day and I'm scared. Just like my first day of preschool last year, I am petrified to leave Mom, but at least Jayde will be there. Dad taught me how to play guitar, I'm not that good, but he says I'll get better with practice! I can't wait to tell Jayde!
When I got to my school, I thought it was big and scary. Luckily, I found Jayde within a few minutes, but before that, I started doubting she would come!
"Jayde!" I cried.
"Billie!" She yelled, and we ran up to each other and hugged. We hadn't seen each other all summer, because we live far away from each other, and we were both on vacation. When we hugged, her black, curly hair got in my mouth, so I tried to spit it out, but even more got stuck!
"Aahhhrrrggghh!" I moaned, and Jayde pulled away. By then I accidentally bit down, so it looked like I was trying to eat it all.
"Billie Joe Armstrong! Why are you eating my hair? It's not a specialty!" Jayde whined. When my mouth was hair free, I replied.
"It was tasty..." I joked. "Okay, okay, it got in there by accident, and I was trying to spit it out." Jayde smiled at me, but her face turned to disgust as she tried to wring the slobber out of her hair. She glared at me, but not really. "Sorry."
"It's okay. But this isn't a good start of kidneygarden." She said, using our special word for this year's school. I looked at the ground.
"I know, Jay, I know." I think she likes me to call her Jay, because she gets mad at anyone else who calls her that. "Hey! Guess what? I can play guitar!"
"Really?" Jay's eyes opened up really big. "That's cool!" She said, playfully wiping my spit on my shirt. I decided to get used to it, because I have five brothers and sisters, and she was acting like one, so that was okay. I playfully pushed her, but she lost her balance and fell. I opened my eyes wide, and I felt immediately guilty. I put my hands over my mouth.
"Billie Joe! What have you done?" My mom asked. "Apologize now! When you get home you will have a time out, that was naughty!" I panicked, if fact, so much I had a panic attack.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry!" I yelled. And then I ran. I ran and ran and ran until I reached the very end of the school yard where the preschool would come to play. I collapsed on the grass, crying. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I kept chanting. A few minutes later, Mom started to walk over, and Jayde was running. When she got close, she slowed to a walk. She silently sat down next to me and gave me a long hug. Poor Jayde. I really was sorry, for pushing her to the ground and putting all this stress on her. This was my third attack I've had since I was her friend. Best friend...

Jayde's P.O.V., 10 years old

Hmm. Fifth grade. I wonder how this will go.

"I like having you as a friend, Billie." I said matter-of-factly. He smiled.
"Me too. I wonder if we'll ever not be friends." I gasped.
"How can we?!" I exclaimed, joking. Billie shrugged. Stupid boys, what do they know? "Billie?"
"Yeah...?" He asked, I could sense that he could tell I was going to do something to him. I threw him on the grass and knelt down besides him.
"You are a... Stupid boy... stupid boy... stupid stupe... a stupid stupe." I said, tapping his nose each time.
"Damn you!" He yelled. He got up and laughed. "C'mon. We'll be late for class." I gave him a 'look'.
"When have you ever cared about school?" I asked.
"Since my mom said no band practice until I have at least Bs." He replied.
"Oh." We walked up to class, still with only each other as friends. The teacher, Mr. Sir as we called him, told us we could choose our own seats, and he'd move us as needed. Of course, Billie and I sat down next to each other, reluctantly in front, because other people had taken up every seat in the back, except one spots here and there. There was one seat left in our table's group. A new kid who looked a bit confused shyly trudged to the seat and sat down, if you can shyly trudge. Otherwise it was just quietly.
"Okay. As you may or may not have noticed," Mr. Sir shot a look at the trouble-maker Molly, as she always was, "we have four new students. John," He pointed to a rebellious looking dude in the back, "Christian," He pointed to a pretty boy sitting in the closest possible seat to the teacher's desk, "Angie," He said, pointing to a girl a few seats away from Billie, "and finally, Mike." He said, pointing to the boy at our table. There was muttering of, "Ooo, a new boy to join the freaks?" and, "Poor thing, he'll be weirded out the whole year!"
"Hey," Billie Joe said coolly to Mike. He smiled a bit.
"So... You like the Clash?" That was the ice breaker, spoken by moi.
"Do I!" Mike's face brightened up.
"Looks like he'll be a freak!" This girl, Ashleigh, cackled.
"Ignore her," I said, I leaned in close and whispered, "she's a no-friend sleaze who wants to furiously make out with all the guys here, and possibly the girls... Nope, probably just the girls." Billie laughed his awesome laugh. I think it matches his attitude, his punk expressions, and his newly black (still spiky) hair. He actually looks good this year... Wait! What am I thinking? I hate boys... at least for now, besides friends. Friend. Unless you count Mike, but we just met him.
"So Mike," Billie said casually, "you play an 'instrument'?" We both cracked up. 'Instrument' is such a weird word for something that sounds so beautiful.
"Yeah, guitar, but I'm thinking about bass." He replied.
"Awesome..." I said under my breath, because if he were going to be our friend, he could be in our band, and we're only missing a bass player! I play drums and guitar, keyboard too, and Billie plays guitar, drums, harmonica, mandolin (for reasons unknown. Hey! That's a good lyric!), and the 'voice'. Yes, he's a singer. This year will be interesting. And sad (later we found out that Billie's dad had cancer... he died before Billie turned 11, and after he gave him Blue, Billie's prized guitar).

Billie Joe's P.O.V., 11 years old.

Cool. 6th grade already? Seems like just last year we were in the 5th grade... oh. We were. Geez, what a boring year. And Dad... At least we have an awesome trio now. Me, Jayde, and ol' Mikey. I do hate writing, but I have to...

"B-Bi-Billie! B-Billie, no!" Jay yelled at me.
"Oh. Yes." I smiled deviously. I outstretched my hands, fingers bent slightly.
"Bee... We're in the 6th grade. Please don't act like we're five again." Jay requested, but I was so doing it. As quick as lightning, I yelled, "TOO LATE!!!" I tickled her as fast as you can say... Nothing, actually. She was on the ground in stitches within seconds, and me and Mikey gave each other a high five. "You guys are so mean!" She said, and looked at the ground. We knew that she only did that when she was truly bothered. The only weakness she has is that she is so ticklish that nothing can stop her from laughing. I like making her helpless, it's fun.
"Okay, I'm sorry, please don't give your best friend a panic attack, worrying over you."
"You keep it up, I will!" Jay threatened. I backed away slowly and pretended to choke and die!!! When I was done with my bit, I got up and laughed with my two friends. "So, why don't you say we get seats in the back?"
"Sounds good to me." Mike shrugged. "We should still be able to see, though."
"Yeah, yeah." I replied. Jayde rolled her eyes and flung her... gorgeous... long, shiny hair... Ah! Stop! Anyways, she flipped her hair over her shoulder, and she looked at her clothes.
"Do I look good, boys?" She playfully asked. I wanted to truthfully tell her but... Nah!
"Perfectly okay. Your usual black shirt, baggy overalls, and black and red Etnies. Now, I think you can use a big, red..." I grabbed her nose, "Nose!" Jay slapped me.
"You jerk." She laughed, so did Mike... Okay, so did I.
"Alright, I think I should go in to find seats for us... to leave the lovebirds alone." Mike joked. I opened my mouth in protest, but he had already gone in.
"Do you... do you think he meant it?" I asked Jay, with my back turned to her (trying to hide my red face).
"Nah... At least... I don't think..." Jay slowly replied.
"I think he did!" Molly and Ashleigh called at us. Molly stepped forward and shoved Jayde to the ground. "Why don't you freaks go back to your home planet, and leave us in peace? We all hate you!" I got so boiling mad, my face went redder. I stomped over to her and punched her full on in the nose. She screamed like a little girl, such as herself, as I helped up Jayde.
"You okay, Jay?" I asked her. She hugged me.
"Yeah. She got what she..." The teacher came out and stood in front of me, Jayde, and Molly, whose nose was bleeding, "...deserved..." Jay whispered.
"WHAT is going on?" The teacher, Mrs. Towers yelled at me.
"Um... I don't know, Ashleigh and Molly came up, pushed Jay down, and all of the sudden-" I gasped, "-Molly was on the ground, bleeding. We have no idea what happened, do you, Jay?" She shook her head no. Mrs. Towers turned her heel on Ashleigh. She tapped her foot angrily for a moment.
"ASHLEIGH HUFFSTUTTLER! Go to the office, NOW!!!" She yelled.
"But I... I didn't do anything!" Ashleigh said, truthfully innocently.
"Yeah, yeah. Play dumb. You've been in the office every day since kindergarten, in trouble. This isn't a first for you." Mrs. Towers barked. Ashleigh kicked a rock at me on the way there. She got in more trouble. The rest of the year... yeah. Pretty much like that.

Jayde's P.O.V., 12 years old.

Geez! 7th grade? Where has time gone? Oh, wait, I'll be right back, I think I see it hiding in the toaster... Nope. It was just toast.

"Mike!" I yelled at my second-best-friend. He was simply the first one I saw, so I hugged him. "How was band camp? Oh, sorry, BASS camp?"
"Fine. " He replied from over my shoulder. Over his, I saw Billie arrive, looking playfully hurt.
"Man! I leave for one summer, and my two best friends hook up? Okay. Nobody calls me anymore." He muttered. I ran over to him and gave him a hug two. "Man, they hook up, and suddenly she cheats?" I pushed him away.
"Fine then! I won't give you your gone-all-summer gift." I teased. I had to think fast, right?
"Ooo! Ooo! Gimme!" He yelled. Stupid boy. I kissed him on the cheek, and after, I could have sworn he went pale, then blushed. "Mmhmm. So there's my present... where's his?" He asked, pointing at Mike.
"I don't know... Mike, where's yours?"
"Uh... It's.. It's... It's at home! Under my bed! Yeah, sorry, but I couldn't find a better place for my pet dust bunny." He laughed.
"It's okay. Just make sure to feed him 10 pounds of dirty clothes a day. No less, he'll bite your head off, no more, he'll grow up to eat you." I said.
"Listen," I said, "I'm going to find us seats." Then I simply walked into our classroom.

Mike's P.O.V., shortly after Jayde's part.

My talk with Billie... I'll never forget it!

After Jayde went in to 'find seats', I looked at Billie real hard.
"What, man?" He asked, shrugging. I stared at him harder.
"You know." I said. I am a man of little words.
"What? I can't... wear make-up that spontaneously shows up?"
"Nice blush. It's a great shade." Wow. Four words to a spoken sentence. "It's okay to like her. You've been friends forever. It's hard not to like them after that long."
"Get over it! I don't, it's just... whatever, let's go inside." Billie said angrily. I could see it was eating at him inside. He started to walk to the door, but I pulled him back.
"Anything you want to... talk about?" I asked him. He looked at me with a blank expression.
"Yes," He said sarcastically, and without changing a note, "sliced bread. It's the greatest new thing." I laughed.
"Wow, I've never met a real life crazy before. Can I have your autograph?" I asked, but then he went inside.
Let me just say that the rest of the year had many conflicts like this. MANY. Really. I mean it.

Billie's P.O.V., 13 years old

8th grade, as it is. Stupid, retarded school. Why do I bother? I probably would drop out if Mike and Jay weren't here. Ah, well, what can you do?

Last summer we all stayed in town, and we had band practice twice a week, in my basement. Mike is still trying to weasel 'something' out of me. He knows, I swear he does... I hope he won't tell Jay. It would so-called ruin our friendship.
When we all strangely arrived at the same time at school, we met up, said, "Hey." and pretty much got on with our lives. No wimpy crying over, "Wah! I haven't seen you all summer! I'm so happy I can see you!" We're not babies.
We sat down on the benches outside our new room.
"So. What do you want to do?" Jay asked me.
"I dunno. Mikey, what do you want to do?"
"Hmmm... Let's jump off the roof." He suggested. I shrugged and leaned back.
"Sounds good to me."
"Mmmm," That was Jay, "I think I'll pass." I gave her a goofy look.
"Jay? Not wanting to KILL HERSELF? Wow, that's a first." Heh heh, yeah, I got shoved off of the bench for that. While I picked myself up, Jason showed up.
"Hey, Babe. Wanna go out some time?" He was hitting on our Jayde!
"Yeah, with a hippo. Or a penguin, I've heard they're quite good kissers." She replied.
"What about me? I've heard I'm better than any old penguin."
"No, I don't want to. Go away."
"Come on! No one turns me down! Unless you have a good reason-" In a split second, Jay looked at me and said...
"I can't go out with you because I'm betrothed to Billie already." I can tell she regretted it.
"Oh really? Bye, then, Mrs. Freak." Jason rolled his eyes at her and walked away, hitting on others in our class. Things were silent for a few minutes. I hated those minutes. Then Mike broke the silence.
"So about jumping off the roof..."
"Heh heh, yeah. Let's go climb the gutters." I suggested. Jay did not move. "Jay?"
"Mmm." She grunted at me!
"Let's forget this and go tip some cows or something."
"Mmm." Again!
"Come on! Please forget what you're holding in your mind bad-" I smiled, "-or good." That made her laugh. "Ladies and gentlemen, Jay actually laughed!" For the second time, I got pushed onto the ground. I looked around for any more unwanted visitors, and picked myself up again. As soon as I did, she pushed me again, with help of Mike!
"What the? My buddy and 'betrothed' are teaming up?"
"Yup!" Mike said. He laughed. "You said 'buddy'."
"Oooo! Look at the love!" Someone called from across the field. A few seconds later, 'it' was next to us.
"Hey, Billie Joe! Aren't you scared Mike will steal Jayde from you?" 'Its' accomplice said. Yep, if you guessed Molly and Ashleigh, you're right.
"No." I replied.
"Wow, someone woke up on the brave side of the bed!" Molly spat.
Quoting her (and rephrasing) I said, "Wow, someone woke up on the retarded side of the bed!"

Jayde's P.O.V., almost at the same time.

Only thoughts here.

Oh my gosh... Why did I say that? I could have said Mike and been fine with it after. But no. 'I'm betrothed to Billie...' Uggh. I'm never going to hear the end of this, unless we are. Actually... don't tell anyone, especially not him... That wouldn't be that bad at all. I wonder why he turned bright red in the 7th grade... All these questions I have: Why did he turn red? Do I like him? Does he like me? Will I ever live past 8th grade? Will we seriously tip cows and jump of the second story of our school? And finally... why are there flip flops in my stomach whenever I see my best friend for life? Oh, and I was wondering if our band would ever become famous. Seriously, I'm thinking of dropping out, I've lost interest, but I'll be their most devoted fan (Billie's and Mike's).

Still Jayde's P.O.V., 14 years old.

Ahhh!!! High school! That's good, but it's mostly bad!!! As opposed to the gaining of the 'freshman 15' of college, I lost the 'freshman 15', of high school. A lot of looks were coming at me. Because of that and my unique style, like I bleached my hair, and left some of the black in for excellent streaks, and I still wear mostly punk clothes... When I'm not it's baggy jeans and a tee. I think, ahead of time, I should buy like... fifteen eyeliners, so I'll be prepared.

"Oh... my... dog... Is that really you?" Mike asked when he walked through the door of the underworld.
"You still think dogs will take over the Earth?" I asked him.
"...Yes..." Suddenly we heard the door open again, and all these airhead, cheerleader type freshmans (we had never met) swarmed over. Chatter, as if the hottest celebrity in the world came in, began. I decided to get a better look, seeing as I couldn't see. No, just to let you know, you are sane, because that sentence didn't make sense.
I parted through the crowds as best I could, and let me tell you, I almost barfed at all the pink. I stuck out like a sore thumb in a bag of ice. When the mystery person supposedly saw me, I felt myself getting pulled into the middle. I turned to the mystery person and immediately hugged him. It was my lifelong friend! Billie! And apparently he was alive in the middle of the pink sea.
"Ew, he's taken." The leader of the group shouted. The girls let out a sob of misery and slowly filed away, preying on some other jocks.
"I see you take the betrothed thing seriously, don't you?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and bopped him on the head.
"Well maybe I do!"
"Well then, maybe I do!"
"Fine then."
"Fine then, so I guess that means you're my girlfriend!"
"Fine! Wait, what?" I was so shocked at that. Did he seriously mean what he just said?
"Nevermind, but I know you heard me." He answered, and Mike just stared at us, completely dumbfounded. "What are you looking at?"
"You guys, hugging and talking about stuff that I'd be left out of..."
"Stay out of our business!" I laughed, then let go of Billie. "Well nevermind, to you, too."
Luckily, we all managed to have the same classes, although that included co-ed P.E., and they only had it co-ed for it was the last class of the day; we didn't have to shower together. Oh, and yay. Today, we spent all of P.E. stretching, and who ends up behind me? His Royal Betrothedness. And who's in front of me? His Quietness. Or should he be His Dirntness? He always plays air bass, using... well, dirnt noises. I was so embarassed when we had to bend over to touch our toes and the ground! I seriously hope Billie wasn't, you know, staring at... eehh. Let's just say I came out of P.E... with clown make-up on? I just wanted to get home and forget it, but knowing that the same would happen tomorrow. Nooo!!! I think... Maybe... Should I ask him out? It's not traditional, but still.

Billie's P.O.V., same time.

Panic! Panic! Stupid P.E. class! Why, oh, why did I have to be behind Jay? And why did I say what I said this morning? Sheesh, at this rate, I should just ask her out already...

Mike's P.O.V., also at the same time.

It's funny, everyone, I mean EVERYONE, can tell they like each other. Why don't they just go out...?

Billie's P.O.V., 15 years old.

Woo-hoo! No more being dumped in trash! Although the cheerleaders have found a way to be even more evil. As in, they make themselves look so pretty, I almost can't resist. But then I think of Jay...

For the first day of the new year, Jay didn't arrive. Me and ol' Mikey boy got worried. She always came to the first day of school, at least since the 6th grade, when we made a pact to play pranks on the first day, the teachers as our victims. Anyway, we wondered where she was. To tell you the truth, I hadn't seen her since school let out. She went on vacation for a month, I know that, but she didn't call me after like usual.
That day, when I came home from school, I found Mom sitting in her favorite chair, the one Dad always sat in, and she was crying.
"Um... Hi, Mom... What's going on?" I asked her. "You co-workers didn't like your hair again?" She paused to laugh for a few seconds.
"No, no... *sniff* I don't know how to tell you this... I just got a call from Jayde's mom." She stopped.
"Is she... okay?" I asked slowly. Mom shook her head and cried more. "What happened?!"
"On the way back from vacation, they got into an accident. Her parents are okay but," Mom paused for a long while, "she's in a coma right now. The doctors said that when she wakes up, and she hopefully will, she'll have selective anmesia."
"So she'll probably remember her mom and dad, but maybe not me?" I asked angrily. I closed my eyes, not letting it in.
"She might not." She replied. I gritted my teeth and put my hands into fists.
"This isn't fair! I was just about to tell her I-" I shouted, but I didn't want to finish, so I ran upstairs and slammed my bedroom door shut. When I'm mad, or sad, or anything, I write songs. I pulled out some paper and wrote down everything that came. Nothing was good, so I got on overload. Stupid me, I gave myself a panic attack. I thought some really frightning thoughts, but I stopped myself and after a while, I cooled down. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
I wrote again, and this time it was actually good. Weird, but good. I wrote a song I now call Basket case. The phone rang, interrupting my thinking time, and I got really angry.
"WHAT?!" I yelled into the receiver.
"Gosh, good morning to you, but I think you need more beauty sleep."
"Sorry Mike. It's not morning, though."
"Oh, yeah? Look outside your girly curtains." I did. What the-? It was morning!
"Are you kidding me?!" I yelled.
"Sheesh, blow my eardrums out, why don't you? I came over last night from band practice, but your mom said you were upset and all... I decided not to wake you when I saw you were asleep." Mike said. "Geez, it looked like you passed out or something."
"Hmm, I dunno. I wrote a song, it's about us really-"
"Oh, Billie!" Mike shouted in the voice of a little girl. "I didn't know you cared!"
"Shutup. Anyways, it's called Basket case. About what we feel in panic attacks and all... Well... Here it is:" I started singing a possible tune to my 'bestseller', "Do you have the time, to listen to me whine? About nothing and everything all at once? I am one of those, melodramatic fools, neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it. Sometimes I give myself the creeps. Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me. It all keeps adding up, I think I'm cracking up! Am I just paranoid, or 'm [am] I just stoned?"
"Woah, all true, except it's not about panic attacks. I think you are stoned..."
"Shut your face, jerk-off. Alright then, I'll just throw it out..." I teased.
"No keep it. Definately." Mike insisted, so I kept it. "Hey, Billie, did you ever find out what happened to Jay?" I went silent. "Billie? Hello? Man, you still there?" He hung up, and so did I.