
Built For Sin.x

"Shh." He smiled, taking her hand after they were well away from the houses. Sprinting across the beach was a difficult thing to do at midnight, when the tides are high and the only thing lighting your way is the moon and its sweet reflection on the crystal waters.

"I promise," he whispered, "You'll be okay."

She stood behind the rock, probably from the extinct volcano a few hundred miles up the road.

"Babe," He signaled her closer, to follow his lead.

She shoved him, playfully, "I am not your babe. Kat is, and I am Jason's. Is that not clear?" She couldn't let words like those leave her lips without a smile on her face.

He laughed, smiled that irresistible smile she could never get out of her mind.

He walked backwards, "Come on." He mouthed the words, moving his hands to cue her onward down the beach. She didn't move, arms crossed, hidden smile. "Don't make me take your hand again." He said.

She gave that second thoughts. Boyfriend. Boyfriend. Boyfriend. She thought.

She moved, walking shoulder to shoulder with, what was he to her? And what was she to him? Friends? No, not that close. But there was something between them that nobody understood, but everyone questioned.

He was a mystery.
And their old love was history.

Down the beach, hidden underneath the shadows of their past, he dropped right down on the sand, pulling her down with him. They laughed.

"You know, before I was kinda hoping our brothers wouldn't become friends." She looked away.

"Why?" He mumbled. She fixed her thoughts back to him. He looked at her smiling, but disappointment filled his eyes.

"Because I knew our parents would become friends, and I'd have to see you more often."

He laughed, "And what's wrong with that?" He was "just joking around", but she could tell he was hiding the hurt in his voice.

"Well now it's not that bad..." She stared off into the distance.

He smiled, "Isn't it lucky that we know each other, our brothers are the same age, became best friends, then our parents met each other and became friends. And we just happened to be going down to the beach the same time your family was? This was all based on faith."

She moved her hand, intentionally on placing it in the warm sand, but it settled on top of his hand instead. They looked at each other, not a moment to spare they looked away. She moved her hand away. She knew the things he was capable of doing to her, to her relationship, to his own girlfriend, and to himself.

His warm hand took a hold of hers. She opened her mouth just a bit, in surprise. He smiled. His sly fingers ran up her arm. He moved his body closer to hers. Instinctively, she did the same. He caressed his arms around her waist and pulled her to her knees, burying his face in her neck, warming it with every breath he released.

His unimaginably soft lips moved around her neck. She moved his hair away from his face. She traced her lips down his cheek, moving her body down to his lap. She looked into his eyes. She didn't need to feel his heart beat against her chest to know he was nervous.

The way he acted at school, around people, and basically in general, seemed like just an act to her. He lied, to get out of anything. He bullshitted his own girlfriend. She knew, he knew, that he didn't even love her. So who did he love? The reason he was with Kat was for show. To her, he was a disgusting man-whore, who used girls. And he knew that perfectly well.

She snapped back into reality. His eyes were still with hers. The stars and the moon, revealed the twinkle of tears in his eyes. He blinked and looked away. He needed to keep it together. He couldn't let her see him fall apart.

He put on his show. He grabbed her closer. Falling back into the sand. He moved his hand up and down her body, touching every place he wanted. She let him, moving her body against him. He closed his eyes, to take in the moment. Did he really only want her like this?

The past few days to her had seemed like a Fairy Tale. At 1 a.m. they sneaked to each others beach houses, right next door. They spent every hour the sun was up, together. Their families went to dinner, parties, stores, the beach. Everywhere they went, they almost looked like a couple. But they both knew their real relationships, were at home. If she ever thought this was something more than friendship, then it was just a "Summer fling". Something that would never be anything more.

"Lacie..." He whispered, his voice was shaky.

"Yes...?" She whispered back, just as softly.

He didn't reply, he just moved her aside, still in his arms, so they could lay next to each other. They looked in each others eyes again. The sand was warm like he was, and soft like her skin. The air was filled with the oceans tears and their sighs from the past.

"Why don't you ever believe me?"

She laughed, "Come on, are you kidding? I know you better than that." He looked at her, no expression lighting up his face. "You bullshit people. You've done it to me many times before, so why should I ever believe you again?"

He looked up at the sky. Letting out a deep breath he didn't even know he was holding in.

She sat up and moved her head over his, placing her left arm on the other side of his body. "So you agree with me?" She smiled.

It seemed as if he was looking past her, he wouldn't, couldn't meet her eyes.

She stared at his face for a few more seconds before he looked back at her with a smile. Quick movements. He took her face in his hands and moved his lips to hers. For a couple of seconds, their lips were in sync. Their bodies were connected. He almost thought of taking her hand to slide it in his.

Shit too late, he did. He fell back down in the sand, and their lips parted ways. They both smiled for a second. Until they both realized what they had done.

"Shit, I'm sorry." He said looking up at her.

She nodded, "Yeah, right." She ripped her hand away, tearing her heart even more apart.

"Seriously, I-"

"Uh-huh, yeah. I gotta go. Bye." She got up. She couldn't believe what she had done. She was strictly against cheating in relationships because of the number of times it had happened to her. She walked across the beach, bare-foot and disgusted.
Of herself.

Fuck. He thought. He got up and ran after her. He grabbed her wrist in a attempt to pull her close in his arms. She yanked away, not even looking back.

"Please...I'm sorry."

She spun around, furious. "No, your not. You don't fucking understand. I actually care about my relationship and cheating will rip me shreds. And who knows what this will do to Jason!"
"He doesn't have to know." He looked at her with innocent eyes. She almost fell for it, but quickly snapped back.

"Well, I'm not like you. Cheating for you, is a normal thing. Just like you did to me."

"I've changed." He stood there like he was tough and brave, and nothing could ever push him down, but she knew he was just a few words away from falling apart.

She stayed strong, but he could see the tears in her eyes. "Well guess what? I've changed too. I've learned not to believe you, ever again."