
Wave Goodbye.x

She stormed away before he could slip another word. He sighed. What did I do? He thought.

He laughed out loud, "Fuck this."
He walked the longer way back to his family's rental beach house so he wouldn't have to cross paths with her. He crossed his arms, walking through the sand as slow as he could.

She stepped onto the steps of the house, walking around to the side of the wrap-around porch.

The glass door that connected to her room was open like they had left it, the screen door was closed, but hopefully unlocked. The curtains blew silently on the inside of her room. She stood there for a second, confused at what she saw.

As the curtains blew she could see inside, she saw herself. And him. They were in the bed together. Laughing and smiling, enjoying each other. He whispered "I love you" in her ear. The curtains blew in front of her view. She fought to see the image again. When they blew out of the way, it wasn't her this time.

It was Kat. His real girlfriend. They kissed, slowly. He slipped his shirt off and they disappeared under the cotton sheets. This was reality.

She tore her eyes away, and they melted away. She couldn't go back in there, not after what she saw. She walked a few feet to the bench connected to the railing of the porch. If she had to sleep under the stars tonight, that was fine with her. She could cry here with out anyone hearing.

She pulled her legs to her chest, and looked up to the stars, praying silently that everything might be okay.

Trudging through the sand, up the path to his house, he couldn't get her out of his mind. Let alone, Kat.

It was by far, obvious Lacie was going to tell her everything that happened. That he kissed her, because it was true. She wouldn't lie to Kat, and she might save her own relationship. Jason hates him after all. It's obvious. They used to be best friends before Jason seemed to change.

Who cares if Kat breaks up with me? He thought. It's about time she realized what a waste of time I am.

He stepped silently up the stairs, walking as quietly as he could to the back of the porch. He wasn't even going to try and fall asleep tonight.

He jumped up onto the jutted out seat connected to the railing of the porch. He sat down on the railing, not even caring that the slightest push could send him to the dark pit of hedges-more than five feet below him-that seemed to snap up at him taunting him to fall.

In the corner of his eye he could see a faint glow from the porch next to him. He looked over, and the light from her cell phone gave a slight tracing of her face. He sighed. What is she doing? He screamed in his mind. Clever thoughts, he pulled out his cell phone and texted her.

What are you doing?
Trying not to cry, you?
Thinking. And don't cry!
Too late. Thinking about what?
You. Kat.
Of course you are.

She didn't answer this time. It was time. He didn't like her anymore anyway. Maybe this was the only way to save himself. He texted Kat.
This isn't working out anymore.
What? Why?
I don't like you the way I used to.
So you're breaking up with me?
Well, okay. I hope you know I'm crying now.
He didn't really care.

He looked over at her. Then, the space between the two porches. Not much. He guessed, maybe a foot or less. He stepped up on the railing and jumped as high as he could go. His mind rushed before it crashed the second he touched her porch with a muted THUMP!

"What the fuck?!" She almost screamed running over to him, but kept her voice a whisper.

"Hey." He smiled, just barely touching her cheek with his soft hands, until he saw the tears that panicked down her cheeks. "You weren't kidding."

She was confused, "About...what?" She tried to keep her voice level, to keep it from cracking. To keep herself from cracking, in front of him.

"I guess this means I made two girls cry tonight."


He nodded walking over to the railing, leaning over it as far as he could, giving him the impression that he was trying to fall.

He looked up at the starlit sky, taking a deep breath. This was his life. Girl-to-girl like they were meaningless. But some had meant more to him, he just let them slip away.

What was the point of trying, when love isn't even good enough anyways? Love is just an empty word nowadays. Nobody means it. So instead of being lost in it, why not be the player of this wretched game.

His thoughts on love were similar to hers. She didn't care. She wanted to fall in love. She wanted it to seek her, scoop her up into its arms, and take her away. The only problem was, she was losing hope. She didn't believe.

Every person had taught her the wrong ways of love, but the right ways in the game. She was getting better. Number one rule: Don't Get Attached. She made that mistake once. Loving one guy, for how long? About nine months. And about three weeks of those eight months was he actually hers. And this was the guy who was standing just a foot away from her. It tore her apart.

She looked for it, in more than just a few guys. In less than a month she had kissed, touched, explored, over thirty guys in search for the feeling he's always given her. It is magical. It is what keeps her holding on for so long. It is the reason she still has hope. It is what makes her feel in love, whether he feels the same way or not.

She laughed out loud. Him?! Love me back? As if!

He looked over at her with curiosity in his deepened eyes.

"You broke up with her?" She said in a quiet tone.

He nodded. "Did you..-"

"Not yet."

He spun around, "Yet?"

"Mhm. Why?"

"Why what...?" He looked at her, gentle eyes tracing all around her body.

"Why'd you break up with her?"

"I didn't like her the way I used to. What about you?"

She took a deep breath. And sat back down pulling her legs to her chest as tight as she could. She was trying to keep herself from falling apart. Her silent tears whispered her secrets. Inside this was tearing her apart, but why exactly?

"Same reason. He's changed. He doesn't like me anymore. Its obvious. Before we left for the beach he's for the best." She finished, closing her lips before her thoughts would tumble heart-first out of her mouth.

He stretched the silent moment, sitting next to her.

"I just don't wanna hurt him..." She cried. She'd regret this. He'd hold this against her, he always did. He didn't like her, he just pretended. They were exactly the same person.
Except, for the feelings. His feelings for her were unknown. They didn't make sense, they never did.

She pulled out her phone. Her heart beat like a drummer on drugs. She was partly excited. Happy. She was happy. She kept the sorrow behind and shoved it deep down in her heart. Where nobody would dare look and recover the love that was lost.

She texted him, taking in a big gulp of air.
Hey so i know we both don't like each other anymore so ill just break up for us.

She awaited for his answer, scared like hell, wishing she could take everything she ever said to him back. No, she thought. I wont regret anything. I promised I wouldn't.

Her phone vibrated in her already shaking hand.


She sighed. Then laughed, "Stupid ass." He touched her shoulder, she lifted her head up, and he tore away. Her smile dropped even more.

She sniffed away the sorrow and smiled. Tracing her fingers down his arm, she got up and walked backwards with light feet. He smiled and followed.

Just because she was heart-broken didn't mean she had to act like it. The power of a fake smile and him by her side was all she really needed, and at this very moment, what else mattered?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's such a boring chapter. T-T
The next few will be better! ~