
Back To Go Again.x

"I-I know."

"Why?" She almost cried.
"Why would you do that to me if that very night, made me promise to always love you?"

"Because, you know me, I'm a player...and don't lie, you are too," She couldn't argue with that. "You're one of the only girls that I could never let go of. And now I think I really am in love with you. I don't want to rush things with you. You just broke up with someone you really liked and let's face it: It's Summer and you're gonna meet a lot of other guys. I want to let you do that, but I'm too afraid to lose you."

She stared at him, speechless.

He kissed her slowly and softly. He pulled away putting her hand from her lap and slipping it into the spaces between his fingers, just like he used to.

"I just want you to always keep me in your mind. And possibly your heart."
But what he didn't know was, he had already taken a permanent place.

That sorrow that she stuffed so deep down in the ditches of her heart, were lifted away, filling with his love that she lost.

"Do you believe me?" He looked into her eyes.

She smiled, and laughed, pushing him into the water, sending up a sprinkle of water over her body. He popped his head out of the water and laughed. She took her sunglasses off throwing them on top of her towel on the pool chair.

"Of course I do baby." She said cooed, giggling under her breath.

He acted like he was about to pull himself out, but instead he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into the water with him. She bobbed her head out of the water. She giggled and lightly splashed him. He pulled her into his chest and kissed her on the cheek.

She looked at him. His dark wet hair swept over his face, little drops of water dripped down his cheek, he smiled his adorable smile, and his brown eyes sparkled from the reflection of the sun off the waters.

"You're adorable." She said.

He laughed slightly, moving his head closer to hers. Their noses touched. He closed his eyes and rubbed his nose against her cheek. He looked away and back to the edge of the pool. They pulled themselves up.

"Now where were we?" He smiled and wrapped one arm around her waist and pressed his nose against her cheek again.

He pulled her closer and lifted her legs up over his. He kissed her cheek, moving down to her chin, and she moved her sly hand up his thigh to his chest. He kissed her neck slipping a little bit of his tongue and she instantly wanted that in her mouth.

She moved his head with one finger on his chin to her lips. He smiled. They both didn't realize until just now, but somehow their hands had found each other and intertwined.

"Ahem." They pulled away from their little pool-side make out session and looked over to find both her mom and his.

"Oh shit." He whispered only loud enough for her to hear.
"Hey." He smiled and waved at them. Trying to keep the mood light. She smiled and waved at them also.

"Right, okay." His mom put her sunglasses on her head and clapped her hands together.
"Well the little ones and the adults wanna come out here to enjoy the pool, sooo-"

"You can continue this," Her mom did a little circular hand motion at them.
"Or you can quit it, and join us."

They both looked at each other then down at their connected hands. They both let go looking the other way, realizing the awkwardness of it.

"Uh, I'd love to, but yanno' I am starving and I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon, so I'll join you guys later, okay? Okay."

She got up taking her towel and sunglasses and walked to the gate. He followed behind her. She opened it, both their moms remained in the same place. They eyed them, until they got to the front of her house.

She wrapped the towel around herself.

"Share?" He looked at her.

She rolled her eyes, playfully. She held out one side of the towel to him, he took her by the waist, pulling her in, close to his side.

They walked side-by-side, wrapped in an abnormally large towel up the steps to the house. He opened the door as soon as her father did.

"Oh!" Her father hesitated for a moment but held the door open as the little kids ran out. He looked at them.
"Seems like you two already had your fun, swimming. So we'll see you later."

"Yes sir." Harvey smiled, walking out of the warmth of their two bodies. He held the door open as her father let go, so she could walk in.

Her father nodded and smiled at him, proceeding to walk down the steps.
They walked inside together.

"Easiest way to stay with a girl longer, is to know her parents and have them like you. Genius."

"What makes you think I'd leave?"
He stopped walking and smiled at her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the shitty chapter, the long-ass time it took to update, and the fact that it ended in such a weird spot.
I'm sick and high off of medication so, deal with it. ~