
It's Not What They Say.x

He put his hands on her shoulders and lightly kissed her on the lips. "I'm gonna go get dressed, I'll be right back."

As soon as he left, she felt dazed. She stood there, smiling and she instantly felt stupid.

She laughed and walked into her room, picking up her iPod on the side table. Turning it on, and blasting her speakers, losing herself in sweet screams.

She striped herself bare, drying herself in the towel they shared, a distant scent of his skin filled her nose with delight.

Fresh clothes, slipped over her skin, light gray, studded shorts, and a black, light blue, and lime-green DC shirt.

She walked into her bathroom, combed her hair, reapplied her make-up singing to the current song.
"Cause I've seen love die, way too many times when it deserved to be alive."
She took the eyeliner away from her eyes, set it back on the counter and sighed. Sometimes it's funny when songs match your life so well, other times, it hurts.

She laughed and continued putting on her make up, struggling to get Harvey off her unstable mind.

He slipped off his bathing suit, and dug around in his drawer for clean clothes. He decided on black and white plaid shorts and a black and gray Hurley shirt. He turned his iPod on, drowning in pleasent, screaming words.
He walked into the bathroom, gazing into the mirror, struggling to accept what he saw.

"Why does anyone actually like me? Especially her." He looked down, fixing his wet hair to cover as much of his face as possible.

He walked out, looking at his shoes on the floor in his room. He'd been walking around bare-foot anyway, so they didn't matter. He walked out the front door, walking across the burning concrete to her house as slow as he could.

He walked in. She was in the kitchen fixing up something, she walked up to him giving him a quick kiss on the lips and moved the hair out if his eyes so she could see his perfected face.

She sat on the counter waiting for her water to boil. He stood in front of her, looking down at the floor, oblivious to the fact that he still had no smile on his face.

"Okay, what's wrong?" She looked at him.

He ignored the question. Seemed like he did that a lot. "Why do you love me?"

She laughed, he looked up at her. She stopped when she realized he was being serious.

"Um, you're hot-"

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are!" She lightly slapped his arm.

"Whatever, sweetie. Keep going."

"I was just joking... Love isn't something I can describe, I love you no matter what because I didn't chose to fall in love with you. We have so much in common, it's almost crazy, but that isn't the point. I don't need fancy words, or cute flirts to explain to you. I love you an that's, that."
He smiled.

He wrapped his arms around her, standing between her legs. Their lips touched, he slipped his tongue before he pulled away. His phone vibrated.
He took it out of his pocket, as it continued.

He looked at the screen, "Ugh. Brooke." He looked up at her, biting his lip.

She rolled her eyes and pushed him away, "Go get 'em tiger."

"I'm sorry," He mouthed as he walked to sit on the couch.
"Uh hey, sweetie." He answered. "No of course not. Why?"

She jumped down and went to go turn her music off.

In the process of shutting her door her emotions took over and she slammed it shut.

She laid on her bed, curled up and buried herself in her pillow. She took a deep breath. It smelled like him, they spent about an hour laying in her bed--after the beach last night--just talking and kissing.

Her eyes filled with tears, but she held them back. How could he do this to me? She thought. Why? Why does he keep doing this fucking shit to me? And why do I keep falling for it?

He came into her bedroom. Realizing she was upset, he sat next to her curled up body, her face buried in a pillow, her arms clutching it.

He turned around and climbed in next to her. Curling up around her body, he wrapped his arm around her waist and buried his face in her neck, fitting the pieces perfectly.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered letting out a warm breath on her neck.

She turned over to face him, he pulled her body close up to his. She covered her face in his chest and breathed in his savorous scent.

"Why do you do this to me?" Her voice was muffled by his body.

He took a deep breath, his arm remained over her body and his fingers played with her hair. "I really don't know babe. To be honest, I almost feel like letting you go so I don't hurt you anymore."

"You know that's impossible for me, right?" She remained buried in his chest.

He let out a deep sigh, "Yeah...I broke up with her, if that makes you feel any better."

She lifted her head, "Not really, but nice try." She smiled sarcastically.

"Ugh," He laughed and turned over on his back. She stood up over him on the bed and bent down, showing a bit of cleavage.

She put her hands on her hips, "You are such a waste of time, aren't you?" She smiled. What she didn't know was burning in his chest, begging to be free.

He sat up, "Yes, but you love me." He took her thighs and pulled them, making her fall into his lap.

"I hate you," She half-slapped him and kept her hand on his cheek.

"I love you too baby," They pressed their foreheads together.