Status: well be updating almost everday next week

Meet your Lover and Maker

The Beginning

OK OK ...well, to start of that Godric is my first child .I found him getting attack by some animals

.I truly just was about to leave him behind but, I could not do that.Something was telling me to

save him so, I did.i educated him to exist then I let him become his self.not long after that i had

saved Russell but, something was telling me to kill him.I guess that I should have now

knowing his true self.At the moment I was to sweet.I was made like this I don't have a family

from what I understand I was just drop off like dead weight.Now I'm back to get control of the

world that once before me had nothing on it .Oh, yes it will be hell to pay Russell has become

too much of a bother for me to countiue to slumber.