Status: well be updating almost everday next week

Meet your Lover and Maker

Bill its ok

"well since that is settled then may we continue with our little meeting or do it later in a more suitable time." i said calmly.

"wait how did sookie read your mind?" bill asked

"i let sookie read my mind hun..besides it toke her a while to di it ."i responded

"bill you have no idea how hard it is to read her mind.. Its like being drunk and crawling in a straight line let alone walk its impossible."sookie shouted.

Then she fall out on the couch .Bill ran toward her side in a instinct . he was very worried for her and his face expression told it all. i started to wonder what can i pick from his brain.his mind was so simple it was just about sookie. i couldn't understand what was the awkward thought he was having.I had zone out so much i didnt i was being picked up by godric.

"bill ..she is ok its just trying to read my mind will take out you .I'm surprise she even got to comprehended with out having a nervous break down. Dont fear she love you 2 and would wish you stop caring. she is only resting." i spoke soft and full with truth and hope.

i looked at godric who pam was glaring at a little bit.i jumped down and picked up pam making her warp her legs around me.

"pam why so jealous know your prettier when you smile and when you are thinking of hurting people."

"i was not jealous i was just curious to why he picked you up."

"well if picking people up is making you give people glares then i shall put you down." i put her down and looked around .i sigh and sat down looking at russell .i had notice me and goric broke the handcuffs. i got up and so russell gone.

i guess you can say i went off the walls...................................OH SHITTTT