Status: Can someone say active?

Broken, Beaten, and Bloody

Life As I Know It

I woke up early enough in the morning to get ready. I had taken a shower the night before so I didn't need to take one now, so I just threw on a pair of dark skinny jeans and a Green Day band t-shirt, and pulled my black and white striped fingerless gloves that goes up to my elbows to cover the self-inflicted marks on my wrists. I fumbled around for my gray converse, then pulled them on after pulling on a pair of socks. I quickly did my hair and makeup, glancing at the clock in my bathroom every thirty seconds. I grabbed my trunk, which is quite heavy mind you, and as quietly as possible dragged it to my very own fireplace.
I grabbed my owl's cage and placed them in the fireplace. I traveled back to my closet to grab my bass and guitar and put them in their cases, and piled them gently on my trunk.
"Duh!" I tiptoed across the room to grab my ticket for Platform 9 3/4 when my dad burst into my room. I squeaked them went running for the fireplace.
"Oh no you don't you little whore!" He bellowed, chasing after me. He must have been to hung-over though, because I made it to the fireplace before him, pulled out some Floo Powder, and shouted,
"Platform 9 3/4!" Not knowing if it would work or not. It did, and soon enough me and my things were gathered in the deserted streets of the train station. The Floo Powder didn't take me to Platform 9 3/4, though, but just between Platform 9 and 10.
"Thank the Lord..." I mumbled in relief. I knew my dad wouldn't follow me here. I sat down on my trunk, reaching up to rub my eyes. I stopped when I realized I put makeup on, and settled for putting my head in my hands. "Get it together..."
After a few minutes of deep breathing, I got up and decided to make it fully to the Platform. I jogged through the wall with my trunk and owl cage in tow, my bass and guitar hanging off my shoulders. I sighed, running my hand through my red and blond hair as I saw the train had arrived already. I nodded to the security man who was watching me curiously. I opened my trunk and pulled out a random hoddie. It just happened to be a plain white one with my favorite lyrics scribbled on it. The man made his way over to me.
"Do you need some help?" He asked me with a kind look on his face.
"Yes, please." I replied, it coming out as nearly a whisper. I'm not good around people. He smiled and took my trunk, then led me onto the train. I picked a compartment towards the middle, and the man loaded my trunk onto the space above it. I put my owl up there too, knowing she would like to be somewhere where it would be relatively dark.
"Thank you." I mumbled to him, and closed the doors.
I pulled out my muggle iPod that I kept in my bass's case. I flipped it onto Green Day's "Minority." I leaned back and shut my eyes.
"Oi!" Was the first thing I heard. I groggily opened my eyes, remembering I was on the train to Hogwarts. It was still boarding, so I flipped my hood up, stuffing my bass and guitar under the compartment chairs. I snuggled up in the corner, facing the wall, closing my eyes again.
"Is anyone-" Someone started, opening the compartment doors.
"Yep, someone’s in here." The other person said. I straightened up turning off my iPod, looking at the people in the compartment doorway. They were identical twins, both sporting red and gold robes, and both being redheads. One had slightly darker hair than the other.
"Do you mind if we sit in here with you?" The first one, the lighter haired one, spoke.
"The others are full." The darker haired one said. I shook my head no, then gestured to the open seats. They took a seat, then became talking amidly about something doing with Quitich. I frowned; they weren't leaving any time soon, which meant I wasn't going to get any practice on my bass done.
"Are you new here?" One of the guys asked. I inwardly sighed.
"Yeah." I replied quietly.
"I'm George-" The darker haired one said,
"And I'm Fred." The lighter haired one finished. For the first time I noticed they were very tall; exceeding six feet.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Rue." I said, slightly louder.
"She's not very talkative, is she Fred?" George asked.
"I don't think so, George." Fred replied, shaking his head. I shifted uncomfortably.
"What year are you going into?" Fred asked, looking intently at me. I flicked my hair to cover part of my face since my cheeks started to heat up.
"Fifth." I paused. "What about you guys?" Actually trying to keep up a conversation for the first time in four years.
"Same." The both replied at the same time. I blinked in surprise. The can finish each others sentences and now this?
"Do you know what house your in?" George asked. I shook my head no.
"Well let's just hope your going to be in Gryffindor!" Fred exclaimed. I let a small smile come across my face for a moment. Of course they might have only seen part of it, since my hood was still up and my hair was covering part of my face.
"Let's cross our fingers." I nearly whispered.
"Fred!" Someone squealed as the opened the compartment doors. She was a kinda tall black chick with her hair straightened, dark brown eyes. She walked in, sitting very close to Fred. A girl and two more guys came in, in which they sat by me.
Hey Alicia." He replied, smiling. "How was your summer?"
"It was great! I went..." And that's exactly when I tuned out. I started messing around with my iPod, plugging in my earphones, watching music videos. I felt my fingers start to twitch slightly as I held my iPod. I was strumming the bass notes softly as I gripped the iPod.
"Rue?" I heard someone say my name gently. I opened my eyes tiredly. Fred stood above me, looking down directly into my eyes. His friends were gone, to my amazement. That Angelina really sticks to him. I stuck my iPod into my pocket.
"Time to get off?" I asked him quietly. I picked up my guitars from under the seats. He nodded.
"Thank you for waking me." I said to him. Fred smiled at me, and for the first time in years I felt something other than hatred and depression flutter in my stomach.
"It wasn't any problem." He replied. We got left the compartment, and I mumbled a spell to transport my luggage to my dorm room. Fred looked at me weirdly, most likely because I shouldn't know that spell. My father has been teaching me magic since I was eight years old. Illegal, but has my father ever done that wasn't?
"You aren't from around England, are you?" He asked me as we got off the train.
"No, I'm from America." I answered him softly. Fred nodded as we came to where the carriages were waiting. Some had already left, but most were still here. I could see where Fred's group of friends were already gathered by one of the carriages, waiting for him.
"I'd better go find my own carriage." I told him, as I started walking away.
"You can sit with us." Fred called to me. I looked back at him, and saw that he was staring at me hopefully, with a small smile on his face. I sighed.
"There won't be enough room." I told him.
"Oh." He replied, his smiling falling. I smiled slightly, knowing he still couldn't see it.
"It's fine, I'll just find my own." I said, turning my back completely to him after a small wave, then left to find a carriage.
“Do you mind if I sit with you?" I asked as I came to a very empty carriage, void of all but one person. She was a blood-haired girl, with bright, but dreamy blue eyes. She held in her hands "The Quibbler." I could see the Threstrals pawing at the ground, their white eyes staring blankly ahead. Their wings fluttered every couple seconds, anxious to get going.
"No, come on." She replied, looking up from the paper. She smiled at me. "I'm Luna Lovegood."
"It's nice to meet you. I'm Rue Vendetta." I replied. I cautiously took down my hood. Luna seemed very nice, and nonjudgmental. I subconsciously touched the scar on my neck in the shape of an "X."
"I've never seen you at Hogwarts before. You must be new, because you don't look like a 1st year." She mused, still having that dream-like state airing from her.
"I am. I'm going into fifth year, what about you?" I asked her, speaking up a bit.
"I'm in fourth." She replied. Another girl got on, but her expression was so angry and full of hatred we didn't even try talking to her,.
For the rest of the ride we made small talk about what's been going on, little bits of what we did over the summer. I figured out she was placed in Ravenclaw. If everyone was as nice and not as prying as her, then I would love to be placed in that house.
"We're here." Luna announced after a while. The one other girl that was with us, the one with her beach blond hair tinted blue, rushed off. Luna and I followed more calmly, and I shifted my guitars to my other shoulder as I got off.
Hogwarts looked amazing as I gazed at it. The towers stood dark in the ever decreasing sunlight. They stood out, the yellow, orange, and red hues complementing the caste.
"Follow me." A professor said, leading all of us into the school. I followed behind, flicking my hood up as I went as I got some open stares.
We came to the Great Hall, and the ceiling was charmed to look like the night sky. I found it intriguing but I didn't stare like the others. One of the professors came and told me to go and stand by the First Years, so I did as she told me. I took a deep breath as Mrs. McGonnigal began to call the names of the new students.
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TOP BANNER MADE BY LULU, musicislife227. Thank you, best friend!!!
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