Status: Can someone say active?

Broken, Beaten, and Bloody


“You have a three page essay on Versitarum due Monday.” Snape said plainly, right before the bell went off. I collected my things, and threw them into my bag. Slinging it over my shoulder, I turned to tell Kayla that I’d be spending my my free period working on the assignment, but I ran into Fred.

“Oh! Hello Fred.” I said (haha, it rhymes), smiling a bit. He smiled back.

“I was wondering...” He started, as we left the classroom. I spied Kayla talking to Blaise, her twirling a strand of hair again. They looked happy.

“If?” I asked as we turned towards the next corridor towards Divination. Our hands brushed, and a small tingling sensation went off. It was nothing like in movies though; we didn’t look at each other and stare deeply into each others eyes or something, it was just an awkward glance at each other. Nothing more.

“You have a free period after this class, right?” He asked. I nodded. “Well, maybe if you’d like to spend it with me?” My heart skipped a beat, as the butterflies came back to my stomach.

“I’d love to.” I answered softly, looking up at him. He sent me another dazzling smile before heading off to his seat by George. Sitting next to a random Hufflepuff girl with her nose stuck in a book, I waited for Miss. Trelawney to start her lesson. The Hufflepuff girl emerged from her book, a long curtain of blond hair covering her face until she shook it out of her face. She had medium blue eyes, and was very pale. She seemed close to 5’7 in height, the same height as Kayla, and three inches taller than me. She gave me a sweet, timid smile that I returned.

“Hi, I’m Ashley.” She said, offering her hand. I took it, shaking.

“I’m Rue.” I replied quietly. I had usually sat by myself in this class, my face stuffed in a book like her, sitting alone like her. I decided to sit next to her today, since we were going to need partners. Miss Trelawney started the lesson, going on and on about the art of Divination, like she has since school started. We were going to read each others tea leaves, so she passed out the cups.

“I’ll go first, if you want.” Ashley offered, picking up her coffee cup. She drank from it, then handed it to me. I swished the tea around, looking for the pictures. A flower came up, along with a sun.

“It means you’ll have happiness throughout this year, and the sun will shine of you even when everyone else is stuck under the rain.” I told her, smiling. She smiled back. I took my cup, an drank it. After I was done. I handed it to her.

Ashley’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looked at the cup. Biting her lower lip, she grabbed her textbook and opened it up. She took a few moments to shuffle through the pages.

“Um... Well... These two, are the same... and they’re both omens of broken hearts... but this one, the sun, brings joy? So you’re going to get your heart broken twice, but you’re going to be happy about it.” Ashley rambled on nervously. Having always believed in the art of Divination; my breath caught in my throat. I quickly stole a glance at Fred, wondering if he would be one of the people who would “break my heart.” Fred wouldn’t do that, would he? No; not intentionally.

“Rue?” Ashley asked timidly. My head snapped up to meet her gaze as I opened my mouth to tell her I was fine, but the bell rung, leaving me to wander in my own thoughts as I went to talk to Fred.