Status: Can someone say active?

Broken, Beaten, and Bloody

Sorting Hat and Dorms

Once most of the first years have been sorted, Dumbledore started talking.
"We have a new student. She is going into fifth year, so I expect everyone to welcome her. She is exceeding in all her studies, and has even skipped fourth year. Please, would Rue Vendetta please come to the stool?" Dumbledore announced. My heart skipped a beat. Oh no. Oh, no. Why, Dumbledore? Why? I was just going to try to blend in with everyone... but now he goes and ruins it...
I walked swiftly to the front, focused on getting this over with.
"Please take your hood down." Professor McGonnagall whispered. I sighed and took it off. I never get hat hair, so I didn't need to worry about my hair in front of the whole school population. She placed the Sorting Hat on my head, and it began talking.
"Rue Vendetta! I remember when I placed your father. Nasty one, he was. Your mother on the other hand, so sweet and gentle. You seem to be very loyal, hard working, and quiet. But you seem to also be very ambitious, cunning, and resourceful. I guess it would make sense to put you in either Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, or Slytherin...
“But I see much anger and resentment in your mind, although it's a good one. SLYTHERIN!!!" The hat announced. I just noticed the whole school staring at me. If I hadn't been so embarrassed, I would have noticed that most of the girls were glaring, while the guys had their jaws open. I, just as fast, walked over to the Slytherin table, pulling the hood over my head once more.
I sat in between a first year and a third year, looking down the whole time. When the food came after Dumbledore's speech, I just picked at what was placed in front of me. Soon we were dismissed, and everyone walked up to their common rooms. I really wasn't paying attention when the prefects said the password, I just followed everyone in.
After some confusion, I finally found the Fifth year girls dormitory, and entered it quietly. the only bed left for me was the one at the window. I walked over to it, seeing as my stuff had been placed on it. I understood now why no one took it; the window is pretty cold, as it does get cold at night in Hogwarts. I sighed as I just stuffed my trunk under the bed after picking a pair of PJ's, and placed the two guitars I've been lugging around all day against the wall.
I walked into the bathroom quietly, seeing as all the other girls had already gone to bed or down in the common room. I slipped into the shower, then got out after doing the steps to get clean. I brushed my hair, then my teeth, then put on the PJ's which were a big top and shorts. I climbed into the bed I'd be sleeping in for the next year, anxious to let sleep overtake me. It took a while, because a certain boy kept invading my thoughts. When it finally did though, he was still there.
The boy with the ginger red hair who made me start questioning why I kept people out.
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