Status: Can someone say active?

Broken, Beaten, and Bloody

The Beginning Of The End


I woke up the next morning to three girls bickering over who would get the bathroom first. I silently slipped out of bed, grabbing one of the uniforms that were placed on a nightstand for me. I grabbed my makeup container, brush, toothbrush and toothpaste, then promptly walked right around the three fighting teens, and locked the door behind me.
I changed into the green and gray skirt, then the black top with the Slytherin emblem on it. I made sure I was wearing black leggings under them, then ditched the school dress shoes for my all black high top converse. I quickly tied my tie because the girls started banging on the door, telling me to hurry up. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair. I swiped on some mascara and eyeliner, then brushed some dark eye shadow on. They continued hitting the door.
I rolled my eyes as one of them yelled to me that she would curse me if I didn't come out soon. Soon the yelling ceased though, for some strange reason. I quickly pulled my Slytherin robe on, then unlocked the door to see what was going on. One of the girls stood over the three others trying to get into the bathroom. She had long reddish-auburn hair to the middle of her back, and was glaring at the others with her icy blue eyes. I guessed she used a spell to get them to stay still, and a muting spell.
"Thank God." The blue eyed girl said, putting her wand back into her pocket. She looked at me. "You must be the new fifth year."
"M'hm. I'm Rue." I replied, looking her straight in the eye. She didn't reply for a minute.
"Kayla." She replied. "Hope you make it through life with us Slytherin's." I furrowed my eyebrows at her.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Slytherin's will stab you in the back quicker than you have time to be friends." Kayla replied. She noticed the spells starting to wear off, so she grabbed her stuff and headed to the bathroom. I shook it off, knowing I wouldn't make any friends, anyway.
I guess you could say I got lost. I wandered around the corridors, trying to find the Great Hall so I could get my schedule. I eventually just tried retracing my steps, ending up at the Ravenclaw entrance. I just sat down on the floor, waiting for someone to come out so I could ask them for directions.
Eventually someone did come out. It was the same girl from the the carriage ride yesterday. The one with the bleached blond hair and bottom layer dyed blue. I quickly sat up, then opened my mouth, but got cut off by her.
"What are you doing down here?" She asked suspiciously.
"I got lost trying to find my way to the Great Hall." I answered sheepishly.
"Okay. Well I'm going there, so want me to show you?" She asked.
"Please!" I said. She chuckled.
"I'm Snow Weathers." Snow replied, shaking out her hair from behind her ears. "Fifth year. You?"
"Nice to meet you. I'm Rue Vendetta, fifth year too." I replied as we walked along to corridors.
"Slytherins usually aren't this nice." Snow said as we came to the Entrance Hall. I laughed slightly.
"I've noticed." I replied, smiling a bit. We were silent when we entered the Great Hall. I said thanks and we left to our separate tables.
I don't mean to sound vain, but as soon as I plopped down on a seat next to no one, soon people started drifting down to me. slowly, but soon I was engulfed in the house, everyone yelling and talking to each other, sometimes trying to get my attention. A certain platinum blond haired boy vied for my attention.
All I could do was gaze around the hall bored out of my mind. I didn't want to talk to these people. I don't really want to talk to anyone.
That is until my gaze landed on a certain red-headed boy. He laughed along with his twin and another guy. He was facing my way, looking at a dark haired guy. His line of vision drifted to the side of him, his eyes landing on me. I felt myself blush by getting caught looking at him. That's ridiculous, Rue! I scolded myself. You don't have any feelings for him. You just met him yesterday! That all dissolved when he smiled at me. I smiled a bit back, then dropped my gaze. Snap out of it.
I walked into the Great Hall with George and Lee and sat where we usually sit at the Gryffindor table. George and I continued to talk to Lee, who was doing his best not to laugh. Soon after, the doors opened once more. Rue and a Ravenclaw girl walked in, then split to go sit at their tables. I watched her until she sat down, when Lee started talking to me and George.
I laughed at a joke he cracked a few minutes later. My eyes slid to where Rue was, and I found her staring at me. The blush that crept over her face was so cute. I smiled at her, and was pleased that she smiled back. Well, she did, slightly. Her gaze dropped a few seconds later, and my face slid into a frown.
"So, Fred, who's the unlucky lady your crushing on?" George asked me moments later.
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Comments would be lovely.
I can't thank musicislife227 (Lulu) for making this banner at the top!