Status: Can someone say active?

Broken, Beaten, and Bloody

Severus and Kayla.

I bit my lip as I looked down at the full plate of food before me. I blushed. I freaking blushed. Why???
I decided to bring my gaze back up, second guessing it was me he smiled at. His attention was turned towards his twin, who was smirking at him. I could see Fred swallow uncomfortably, shifting his gaze away from George to his own plate of food. He mumbled a few words to him, then George laughed. He said something else to him, and that's when Kayla plopped down in front of me. She started piling food to her plate. It's a wonder how she stays so skinny with how much she's eating right now.
Eventually Professor Snape walked around, handing out our timetables. I studied mine carefully. I had Potions first, then Divination, a free period, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, and finally Tansfiguration. Charms, Divination and DADA would be easy, seeing as I actually enjoy those classes and DADA was forced upon me at a young age.
"What do you have?" Kayla asked me from across the table, while studying her own. I handed it to her without a word, and she compared both of them.
"We have DADA, , and free period together." She replied, handing me it back. I nodded; still trying to decide if I should be happy or depressed about that. Deciding on not to dwell on it, I got up to go search for my Potions class.
"Well?" George questioned with a smirk on his face. I couldn't keep looking at him, and I gulped as if in some kind of trouble and dropped my gaze to the plate in front of me.
"What about you and Katie?" I mumbled back to him. He laughed.
"Nothing mate, nothing." George said, turning back to Lee.
"Miss Vendetta?" Snape drawled, looking up from his paperwork. His greasy black hair slightly over his face, and he folded his long fingers into his lap, watching me curiously.
"Yes Severus?" I replied quietly, not looking him in the eyes, but rather to the floor. My father and Severus where good friends, and I even sometimes went to his home to escape my father's wrath.
"Your father. How has he been?" Snape asked curiously. I laughed emotionlessly.
"As fine as ever. Still... kicking... that's for sure." I replied quietly, bitterly at my cruel dark humor. Snape frowned.
"Your welcomed to spend the holiday's at my house." Snape told me, actually sounding concerned. I sighed, then sat down in one of the seats in the far back corner.
"Thanks." I said, then the kids began pouring in. Just my luck-Fred and George walked in after about fifteen other students, ans sat about four seats to the side of me, three rows ahead. I subconsciously started rubbing my wrists, and noticed I didn't put on my fingerless gloves today. I silently cussed, but thanked God that the robes I was wearing had long sleeves. I tugged them down to where I was clutching the fabric in my palm.
Snape started his lecture, and I did my best to pay attention.
>Before Dinner, dorm room<
I got to the common room before anyone else in my year, and went to change. I slipped on a dark pair of skinny jeans and a black and white striped long t-shirt. I slipped on my old worn out pair of black converse and decided on a charm to make the marks on my arms disappear. After that I slipped on a cream and black rose bracelet my mother gave me, then an emerald ring that matched the color of my own eyes. I finally put on an emerald and diamond necklace as flawless as the ring.
"Getting ready for a runway, Rue?" Kayla asked as she entered the room. We had spent a lot of time talking in DADA and found we have a lot more in common than we both let off.
"Ha ha." I replied as I left to go into the bathroom. I fixed my hair, poofing it up slightly. I redid my makeup, applying a good line of eyeliner and mascara.
"Got anyone in mind your doing this for?" Kayla said, one eyebrow raised as I came out of the bathroom. She walked in right after me. I rolled my eyes, praying that my cheeks stayed their same pale color.
"It's what? The second day? I don't think so." I replied, chuckling. I pulled on the long flowing green and black Slytherin robe I had on early, and walked to the mirror to check my outfit. It flowed out behind me.
"I thought you were all about blending in?" Kayla asked as she returned from the bathroom. She had on an outfit just as flashy as my own. I shrugged, then sighed.
"Attention deprived." I replied. Kayla frowned.
"I know whatcha mean." She said. Okay, now I know our outifts weren't that stunning, but I haven’t' dressed out like this in a while.
"Ready to go?" I asked as she grabbed a white bag. She made a "m'hm" noise and we left out dorm, hurrying out. We must have taken a bit long because there was hardly anyone in the common room. The few guys who were left looked up as we came down and started.
"We didn't dress that good, did we?" I asked her quietly. She shrugged.
"Guys aren't used to true beauty." Kayla joked. I shook my head but laughed. We arrived at the Great Hall doors soon after, and we both entered at the same time.
We turned lots of heads, that's for sure. Someone from Gryffindor wolf whistled, and that made me duck my head in embarrassment. We made it to the middle of the Slytherin table moments after, and we just happened to sit close to Draco and his goons.
"We're in school, not a fashion runway. Dress like it." Pansy sneered at us. I chuckled, thinking fast.
"I'm sorry you think dressing up like your on a pig farm is your definition of how we should dress in school." I replied, smiling sweetly. Kayla burst out into a fit of giggles, and I joined her soon after. Pansy turned red, and looked away. I looked up to the Gryffindor table, and locked eyes with Fred. We just started at each other for a few seconds, until Fred's face broke into a grin. I smiled back, running a hand through my hair. Maybe this was worth it after all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rue's Dinner Outfit.

Kayla's Dinner Outfit.

Sorry it took so long. I took a vacation and didn't get internet =/