Status: Can someone say active?

Broken, Beaten, and Bloody

Not Exactly My Cup Of Tea.

"Rue!" Someone called out to me after dinner. Everyone was weaving around Kayla and I, some glancing our way and some staring. It was making me quite uncomforable. I looked behind me at the sound of the british voice, knowing who it was already.
"Fred?" I made it more of a question, cocking my head to the side when I turned. Kayla kept walking, telling me she'd see me in the dorm. Fred walked up to me, grinning.
"The one and only." He replied. "What's the occasion?" He asked, motioning to my choice of clothing. I shrugged.
"My... Aunts birthday. Just thought I'd dress up." I replied, completely lying. Fred nodded as we walked along with everyone else, but slower.
"Well you look amazing." Fred told me, nodding as if to agree with his own words. I knew I blushed at that, and I looked down.
"Thank you." I replied quietly. Everyone was ahead of us by now, shouting and laughing. Fred and I stayed quiet for a few moments.
"Will you let me walk you down to your common room?" He asked, looking at me. I bit my lip.
"I'm not sure my fellow Slytherin's wouldn't take too kindly to that." I replied, laughing softly.
"Yeah, I guess they wouldn't." Fred replied, his smile slipping from his face. I bit my lip once more, wanting him to walk me to my room.
"But I would love you too, anyway." I decided, looking up at him. His face lit up, and that stunning smile he has crawled to up his mouth once more. I couldn't help but keep a smile of my own off my face as I stared at him and he stared back while we walked down the now empty hallway.
We made small chat for the next five minutes as we continued at a slow pace. I learned Fred is a beater with his brother George and they will be trying out this year once more. His family was large, with him only having one sister in it all. I only let on that my mother and I got along perfectly, while my dad and I butted heads. We seemed to share the same knowledge of charms. Other than that we just talked about any news.
"Here we are." I said quietly when we arrived at the Slytherin portrait.
"I hope you'll let me walk you back again, some day." Fred said, looking down at me with a humorous glint to his eyes. I smiled.
"Of course. It was nice getting to know you a bit better, Fred." I said, looking up at him.
"Same here. I'll see you tomorrow, then?" Fred asked. I nodded. He waved goodbye and vanished around the corner. I hefted a large sigh and ran a hand through my hair. I gave the password "pureblood" and entered the common room, hurrying up to my room.
"What happened?" Kayla pounced on me the moment I got in. I looked around, noticing all but one of our roomates beds were void of all their things.
"What happened here?" I asked back curiously. Kayla slighed frustratedly.
"Two moved to a different dormitry, the other left Hogwarts. Now, what happened with Weasley!" Kayla told me. I groaned.
"Ugh. I don't like talking about this kind of thing. It's not exactly my cup of tea." I told her. To be honest, I was scared to tell anyone what I was thinking, or how I felt. My father raised me to be like that, to never let anyone in in fear of them betraying us.
"Fine." Kayla sighed. "I'll just have to get it out of Weasley..." I chuckled.
"Good luck with that." I told her, then disapeared into the bathroom. I changed into some more comfortable clothes and walked to my bed. The window was fake, I knew, because we were underground.
I took out my bass guitar and practiced, all while answering any questions Kayla had about playing. Soon after that I fell asleep with a smile on my face, and I dreamed of ginger hair and goofy smiles.
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Sorry it took so long to get out