Status: Can someone say active?

Broken, Beaten, and Bloody


The rest of the day went by in a blur; as my curiousity about Quidditch grew. The only thing I could remember quite perfectly was the dazzling smile Fred gave me after hearing I'd watch him play Quidditch. The way his face lit up, how it made me want to smile just as brightly back; well, it's was quite a sight for sore eyes.

Kayla and I made it back to our room in record time, ready to start prepping for the game. She told me happily about how third period had gone for her; saying that Blaise had been a perfect gentlemen and even held doors open for her. I chuckled a bit when she told me her knees went weak when he placed his hand on her lower back at one point.

"Lovesick teenagers," I mused, "are just about as cute as a kitten." She giggled, twisting a curl around her finger.

"I can't wait until I see him again." She sighed wistfully, falling back onto her bed. I shook my head in wonder.

"You just saw him five minutes ago." I told her quietly, shuffling through my trunk for something to wear.

"Yes; and it's felt like forever." Kayla replied, then sighed dramatically again. "But anywho; we need to find us something to wear!" She hopped up, going to rummage through her own trunk. We both came back up a few minutes later, article of clothing in hand.

"I've got jean shorts, a tank top, and a cardigan." She announced, smiling happily. "Do you think Blaise will like it?"

"Well I'm sure he won't be paying attention to your outfit, Kayla. He IS going to be playing a match." I reminded her softly. Kayla frowned.

"True." She said simply, then picked up a pair of sandals and marched off towards the bathroom, then turned around and said, "but that doesn't mean I can't look good still." I laughed slightly, rolling my eyes. I quickly changed into my dark skinny jeans, a gray and white button up shirt, and black and white Converse. I checked to make sure my make up was still okay, and then brushed my hair.

Kayla emerged just a few moments after I was done, strutting to her bed to grab her purse as if she owned the world. I laughed, gaining a smile from her.

"Ready?" She asked, striking a pose. I shook my head at her in amusement, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Lead the way." I told her, motioning with my hands. She strutted towards the door, opened it, and left. I walked out after her, shutting the door. The walk to the Quiddich ground was a fair one, but Kayla spilling even more details about her and Blaise's time together made it seem short. She was so into him it was adorable.

"And here is where the snakes sit." Kayla announced, dropping down onto the bench. I sat down next to her, fiddling with my hands. There were about fifty other Slytherins here, sitting down and talking. The Slytherin team was standing just outside where they were supposed to exit from, most likely talking strategy.

"I've never been to a Quidditch game before." I said, just to start conversation. Kayla looked at me like I was crazy.

"You haven't?" She asked in amazement. I shook my head.

"I don't even know what it is..." I admitted sheepishly. Kayla shook her head in mock disappointment.

"Well, little Rue, you're about to see the two most rivaling teams kick off Hogwarts first Quidditch match this year." Kayla told me, adverting her gaze to the pit. Blaise was looking up at her, and threw her a big smile. Kayla responded by smiling back and waving, her other hand playing with a strand of her hair. I smiled a bit at seeing the two respond so positively to each other.

Soon the benches were filled, the chatter filling the air with pregame excitement. My eyes were scanning the grounds, waiting for the game to start. When it finally did, Lee (I believe that's his name) announced it. I was sitting on the edge of my seat as the teams flew out. My eyes searched for the ginger haired Gryffindor, and found him soon after. He and his twin were doing flips and twists on their brooms, waiting for the match to start.

It started, and the Slytherins and the Gryffindors soared out to make points. I stared in amazement at how well they flew on their brooms, and how rough all the teammates played. Even the girls were getting down and dirty, playing with the guys as if they were one. It was quite possibly the best sports match I've ever gone to. Well; actually it is the only sports match I've ever gone to.

Fred and George high-fived after fending off three Slytherins from making goals. I clapped for them, but stopped once my fellow classmates threw me glares. The game continued on, a tight match for the teams. Sooner than I thought, it ended, with Gryffindor in the lead. The Slytherins booed, and the Gryffindors cheered. I smiled, cheering silently for them. Fred had been right.

“So,” Kayla started, when we were exiting the stands, “what’d you think of it?”

I opened my mouth to reply, but someone came up behind me and began to poke and tickle my sides, making me shriek with laughter. A male voice greeted my ears, laughing along with me. He turned me around to face him. Fred.

“Sheeeee thinks it was the best Quidditch game she’s ever been to?” He guessed, a large grin plastered to his sweaty face. His hair was wet from the sweat, sticking to his forehead. His eyes shone brightly, excitement and happiness swirling in the brown of his eyes. I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing. His hands were still on my hips, I noticed, and my heart rate picked up, a volley of butterflies fluttering around in my stomach

“I thiiiiiink... actually, it’s the only Quidditch game I’ve gone to.” I told him quietly waiting for the same shock that happened from Kayla when I told her. It came, along with scoffing.

“You’re lying.” He said, not believing me. I shook my head.

“Nope. I’ve never been to one, and until today, I had no clue what it was.” I told him, nodding slightly at my words. His eyes traveled over my face, studying each curve, trying to tell if I was lying, which I wasn’t. It was starting to make me nervous as I stared at him. I became acutely aware of how close our bodies were; only about a foot from each other, with his hand still on my hips. I bit my lip again, waiting for him to say something.

“Then I’m glad I could participate in the first Quidditch match you’ve ever seen.” He told me, his voice significantly quieter and lower than it was before. My head tilted to the side, questioning the change in his voice. He seemed to be searching my eyes.

“I-I’m glad you could be, too.” I replied, not knowing what else to say. “You played brilliantly.” He smiled softly, completely genuine. He opened his mouth to say something back, but a girl’s voice called out to him.

“Fred! Come on!” We both turned to see Angelina waiting about ten yards away from us with George, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Lee. Her face was hard, angry, and glaring at us-no, glaring at me. Fred turned back to me, his regular smile on his face.

“See you later, Rue!” Fred said, but instead of leaving, he pulled me into a hug. I hesitantly hugged back. He smelt of sweat, toothpaste, and some kind of faint cologne. A good faint cologne. His body heat radiated off of him and onto me, making me feel even more welcomed. Even safe.

As quick as it started, it ended. Fred shot me another smile, then jogged off to his friends. Angelina glare intensified. Kayla stood on the sidelines, watching me the intire time.

“You guys are-” She started, but I placed a hand over her mouth.

“Don’t start.” I warned. She help up her hands in defeat as I lowered my hand from her mouth, to reveal a knowing smile on her face. She bumped into me as we made our way back to the castle.
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