Status: Can someone say active?

Broken, Beaten, and Bloody

Late Night Visit

Kayla bugged me about Fred’s behavior once we got into our room. I tried dodging the questions best I could, but she kept shooting them at me. At long last, I told her I was way too tired to stay awake, and told her she should get some sleep too. She mumbled something about me being early bird, and climbed into her bed. I followed soon after, but didn’t fall asleep.

I sighed, climbing out of bed. I was in short shorts and a tank top, so I slipped on a thin, old, long black robe and purple slippers. Shuffling quietly out of the dorm room, I closed the door behind me, then made my way to the common room. I sat down onto the couch nearest the crackling fire, wrapping my arms around myself. I shivered, thinking of the way I left my dad for the first time since I got here.

As I thought of that horrid man, my thoughts were cast back to my mother. Tears stung my eyes as I remember all the times we spent together; going to the mall, painting each other’s nails like you would with your best friend. She was my best friend. The fire took her away from me. She was at a friends house and took me along, who’s husband happened to be a known death eater. Angry wizards took it upon themselves to set the house on fire, thinking he was in the house. But it was just me, my mom, and her friend. She died saving me.

The tears started to fall down my cheeks before I could even try to stop them. I started sniffling, trying to stop crying, but not even trying to wipe away the tears that were so evident on my face.

A floorboard creaked, as I jumped around on the sofa. A blond, stormy blue eyed boy was at the foot of the stairs, in only boxers and a thin t-shirt. I quickly wiped at my face, trying to get rid of the tears. as I turned back around. I sniffled softly, still wiping off the wetness from my face. He came and sat in the arm chair by the fire, which happened to be facing the couch slightly.

“I-I’m sorry, I’ll go.” I said, moving to get up. The guy looked helpless.

“No no; you don’t need to go.” He said softly, unlike all the other times I’ve heard him talk. It shocked me into sitting back down. “Were you crying?” He asked, just as softly. My eyes darted up to his, the back to the fire. I swallowed, nodding.

Draco hesitantly got up, moving to sit next to me. I had my legs up to my chest, my arms wrapped around them. He awkwardly put an arm around my shoulders gently, pulling me against his chest. I wanted to claw my way out of his hold, but couldn’t find the strength to. I needed someone right now.

“It’ll get better.” He told me in a caring voice, like he knew what I was hurting over. I bit my lip to keep myself from crying again. His even breathing helped me calm down after a while, and I didn’t even need the fire with the heat he was giving off. My tensed body relaxed against him after a while, and I rested my head against his chest. His hand played softly with my hair as we sat there, lost in thought. I wasn’t sure about him, but I was thinking about how I could let myself be this open to a stranger.

“Draco?” I finally asked. He made a “hm” noise, encouraging me to go on. “Why did you come down her?” We sat in silence a few moments, the only sound being the fire.

“I come down here when I want to think.” He told me finally. I nodded slightly. Another minute ticked by, with me just listening to the steady sound of him breathing.

“Why were you, um... crying?” He asked hesitantly. I’ve never seen the unconfident side of Draco. This side was much softer, much more caring, and much more attractive.

My heartbeat skipped a beat as I contemplated telling him. “Well... My mother died a few years ago, and... it’s hasn’t gotten any easier...” I trailed off, biting my lip from saying anything else.

“I’m so sorry...” He said quietly, as he stopped playing with my hair, his hand resting on my shoulder. I sighed, closing my eyes.

“It’s not your fault.” I told him, and couldn’t make out what he said next, because I drifted off into sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I seriously need help. What do you guys want to see? A blooming friendship between Rue and Draco, so Fred can get jealous? Or a love triangle? Help!!!