Status: Can someone say active?

Broken, Beaten, and Bloody


I woke up the next morning in my own bed, by myself. Thinking it was a dream, I let out a long yawn and stretched; looking at the time. I had forty minutes to get ready, then we’d have to leave for breakfast. Kayla was already in the shower, so I rummaged through my clothes for another Slytherin outfit. She came shuffling out of the bathroom minutes later, running a hand through her damp curly hair.

“What happened with you and Draco last night?” She questioned, placing a hand on her hip, looking at me with a knowing look on her face. So it wasn’t a dream...

Sighing, I started into a simple version of it. “I went to the common room because I couldn’t sleep, and soon Draco came down. I must have fallen asleep and he brought me back up here.”

“Draco? Do a good deed? You’ve got to be shitting me.” She laughed, but believed me. I excused myself and went to take a shower.

As I straightened my tie, Kayla was trying to find something to wear over her outfit, that wasn’t the Slytherin robe. I chuckled as she sighed in frustration, finally closing her trunk, whining about forgetting to take her favorite hoodie. I pulled out a hoodie of my own; the plain white one with lyrics scribbled all over it. I pulled out a black one, and threw it to her. She squealed with delight, pulling it on over her head. Quickly lacing up my Converse, I thought about last night. Draco has never been that caring, from what I’ve heard and seen at Hogwarts. Usually he was mean, ruthless, cunning, and cold.

“Ready?” She asked, after putting on black flats. I nodded, standing up. We both made our way to the Great Hall, ready to start our day. I had surprisingly gotten a good night sleep last night, the single best night I’ve had since I got the Hogwarts. When we entered the Great Hall, the blue haired girl, Snow, was standing up, red faced, with another Ravenclaw practically shouting at her. I winced as the boy raised a hand like he was going to hit her. I looked to the professors, and only one made a move to break it up, which was Professor McGonnagal. Tears began to fill down her face, as she turned and ran from the Great Hall. It was deadly silent as McGonnagal requested to see him in her classroom during dinner.

I turned and followed Snow out of the Hall, hoping I could help in some way. I could hear her footsteps echoing down the corridor, the quiet sniffles bouncing off the walls. I bit my lip as I continued following her as quietly as possible. She finally stopped and sat on a bench just before the Corridor branched off to the outside. She wiped her hands across her face, getting rid of her tears, but smudging her make up. I sat down next to her, and she just glanced at me.

“Um... hi.” She started, her voice sounding weak and frail. I didn’t say anything as I placed an arm around shoulders, trying to comfort her. She was silent for a moment, before completely breaking down in sobs and tears. I made comforting sounds I heard people make in movies, since this was really the only time I’ve tried to comfort someone. It must have worked, because soon she pulled away, wiping the tears from her face, shooting me a small smile. “Thanks.”

“What happened?” I asked her softly. She sniffed once more.

“That was Riley my boyfriend.” Snow told me. “Well, ex now.” She laughed bitterly. I made a gesture for her to go on when she hesitated. “He cheated on me, and I caught him three times. Gosh, I’m so stupid to think he loved me back.” She looked up to the ceiling, an even more bitter smile on her face.

“You aren’t stupid, Snow.” I told her gently. “You were just... blind.”

“I should’ve broke up with him when I caught him the first time.” Snow said, more to herself than me.

“You love him, Snow. Love makes you do... foolish things.” I told her lightly. “But you’ve learned something from all this, yeah?”

“Yeah, not to forgive cheating assholes.” Snow replied, laughing slightly. At least this laugh actually sounded genuine. I smiled slightly at that. She took a deep, shaky breath, then ran an equally shaky hand through her hair. “We were together for seven months. I wonder if he was cheating on me the whole time?”

“The only thing you can do now is move forward.” I whispered. “Time will heal all wounds.” Snow smiled at me gratefully, then stood up with a sigh.

“Class is going to start soon.” She stated, then swiped a finger under her eyes to fix her makeup. I nodded, getting up as well. “Thank you, again.”

“It’s no problem.” I told her, smiling. We parted separate ways, as I went off to Potions; looking forward to seeing a certain ginger haired boy.
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Sorry for the filler