Sequel: Together Forever


Rains House

The next day Alex called me and asked if i wanted to hangout with him, Jack, Rain and Zack. I said yes and then asked if Melinda could come, he said it was fine. He told me to make sure to have a bathing suit on and then hung up. I called Melinda and told her about hanging out with the guys and she said it sounded fun. I told her to bring a bathing suit cause i assumed we were going to the beach. A little while later there was a knock on the door and i answered it, it was Melinda.

"Hey" i said

"Hey!" she said

"Looks like your ready to go" i said looking at her in her bikini and jean shorts

"Yep" she said walking in and then Alex appeared at the door

"Hey ladys" Alex said

"Hey" i said

"You guys ready to go?" he asked

"No i need to go change, i'll be fast!" i said and ran to my room

I quickly changed into my purple bikini and threw a sun dress over it, i ran back to the livingroom and Alex looked shocked.

"Damn that was fast!" he said

"Im a quick changer" i said shrugging

"Awesome, lets go" he said

"Wheres everyone else?" i asked

"At Rains, which is where were going. Hes got a pool!" he said excited

"Awesome!" i said and we left

We drove for twenty minutes before getting to Rains house. We walked inside and the house was empty, everyone was probably out back. We went into the backyard and everyone was in the pool.

"Hey guys" Alex said

"HEY!" Jack said excitingly waving at us from the tube he was on

"Rain, i love your pool!" i said, he has a water slide

"Thanks" he said

"Get in!" Jack said

"Okay" Alex said and took off his shirt and jumped in

"Im going on the water slide!" i said taking my dress of and ran to the water slide

"Wait let me go with you!" Alex said getting out and getting on the slide with me and sat so i was between his legs

"Ready? here we go!" i said and pushed off, we went down the slide and into the pool

"That is so much more fun with a partner" Alex said

"Deffinetly" i said

"Sophie watch out!" Melinda yelled coming down the slide and Alex pulled me out of the way just in time so she wouldnt hit me

"Woah that was close" Zack said

"Yeah" i said

"Whats wrong with you, trying to hurt my girlfriend your so cruel!" Alex said joking and hit Melinda with a noodle float

"Hey!" she said taking the float from him and hitting him back

"AH BEE!" Jack screamed and jumped off the float

"Oh yeah, i should mention theres a hornets nest like right over there" Rain said

"Really?" i asked

"Yup" he said

"Hey Jack i dare you to go poke it with a stick" i said

"No" Jack said

"Fine be a party pooper" i sighed

"I'll poke it, for like 50 dollars" Alex said

"Well i dont have any money right now but-" i started but he cut me off

"Nevermind then" he said swimming away

We need more days like this...
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So theres only 7 more chapters left and then there will be a sequal!.
comment :)