Sequel: Together Forever



-A few days later on saturday-

It was 6:30 pm and me, Alex and Melinda were hanging out in my livingroom, today was a slow day and we were in my apartment all day. While we were hanging out Alex's phone wrang, he got up to answer and a few minutes later he returned looking excited. I started wondering what he was up to and then he just bursted it out.

"Whose up for a little partying!?" he said excited

"What?" i asked

"That was Zack, him, Rian and Jack are on their way to a club and the three of us are invited. Wanna go?" he asked

"Sure!" i said

"Sweet lets go!" he said and we left

We drove to the club and Zack, Jack and Rian were waiting for us in the parking lot. All of us went in and found a table, Zack and Melinda went off to go dance. While we were at the table Alex and Rian went to get drinks so i was talking to Jack. A little while later when i went to go get another drink some guy came up to me.

"Uhmm...hi?" i said

"Hey pretty lady, can i get you a drink?" he asked drunk

"Uhm no thats okay" i said

"Fine, but atleast come with hang with me and my friends" he said

"No, im here with my boyfriend and some friends" i said grabbing my drink and walked back to the table

"Come on, really?. Ditch them and join me i can show you a good time" he said following me back

"No thanks" i said

"Whats going on?" Jack said

"Nothing just some drunk" i said looking around for Melinda

"Im not drunk!. Now come on baby come with me" the guy said grabbing my arm

"No!, get away" i said pulling away harshly

"Whats going on here?" Alex said turning around hearing me

"Is this your boyfriend?, doesnt seem like your type at all" the guy said looking Alex up and down

"Leave. Now" Alex said

"Come on im not doing anything, im just trying to show her a good time" the guy said reaching out to touch me again but Alex blocked him

"Listen, if you lay one hand on my girlfriend it wont end pretty" Alex said

"Your gonna fight me?, yeah right i'd like to see that" the guy said and tryed to go around Alex but Alex punched him in the face

"Alex!" i said

"I told you to leave her alone, come on Sophie lets go get Melinda and leave" Alex said putting his arm around my waist and we went to find Melinda

We found Melinda and left the club, it was really quiet the whole ride home. We got back to the apartment building and went up to my apartment. Melinda had to leave, then it was just me and Alex.

"So Alex, hows your hand?" i asked

"Im fine, are you okay?" he asked

"Yeah, im fine" i said

"Im sorry you had to see that babe, its just that when i saw that guy hitting on you i felt like i had to do somthing" he said

"Its fine, im just glad that i know if someone ever hits on me and i dont like it you can beat them up" i said and he kissed me

Im so glad that Alex can protect me...
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