Sequel: Together Forever


Things We Do When The Power is Out

The next day me and Alex hungout all day, then at 7 we went and picked up Zack and Rian and went to Jacks because they were gonna work on some songs. It was raining like crazy and there was thunder and lightning. A little while later when Jack was in the bathroom and the rest of us were in the livingroom going over some lyrics Alex came up with, the storm knocked out the power.

"No!" i said

"Ahhhh! its dark, its dark!" we heard Jack scream from the bathroom

"This sucks" Alex said

"Yeah" Rian and Zack agreed

"Freaking storm!" Jack said walking in the room and pulling a lantern from his closet and brought it over and turned it on

"You know this is so like how all scary movies start, the power goes out and then it gets worse from there" i said

"Thats a comforting thought" Alex said

"Dude your girlfriends weird" Jack said

"Not weird, just watches a lot of creepy movies" i said

"Okay well what do we do now?" Rian said

"Who wants to play footsies?!" i said

"Whats that?" Alex asked

"You dont know what footsies are?!, its basically this game its two people and they lay on the couch and they put there feet up to the other persons foot and they push" i said

"Sounds weird but why not, Zack try it with me?" Jack said

"I guess" Zack said and they both laid on the couch and started playing

"Zack is so gonna win, hes stronger then Jack" Rian whispered to me

"Ahhh" Jack said as Zack won

"Yes!" Zack said and i high fived him

"My turn, Alex wanna try" i said

"Sure" Alex said and we laid down to try

"Okay...go!" i said and we went on doing it for a few minutes and just as i was winning my foot slipped and landed hard on Alex's stomach

"Owww" he said

"Sorry" i said

"My turn against Sophie" Rian said and Alex got up and let Rian take his place

"Careful Rian dont hurt her" Zack said

"I wont" Rian said

We continued this for a little wile longer, we were so bord there was nothing better to do. The storm was not letting up so we had to keep playing random games, we did shadow pupets and Alex was telling stupid scary storys he made up off the top of his head. We also ended up having a sing-a-long. After the storm ended we all decided it was time to head home.

"Alex can i come home with you?" Jack asked

"I guess, why?" Alex asked

"Because i dont wanna sit here all alone in the dark" Jack said

"Awww, okay" Alex said and we all left

We dropped Zack and Rian off at their houses and then went back to our apartment building, luckily for us we didnt lose power. I went into Alex's apartment with them to hangout .While Alex and was getting stuff to drink and Jack and me were sitting on the couch Jack got up and went behind me and pulled his shirt open a little and put it over my face.

"Jack!" i screamed

"Embrace it" Jack said

"What the heck are you doing?" Alex said coming back in

"Nothing" Jack said

"What made you think that putting your shirt over my girlfriends face was a good idea?" Alex laughed putting the bottles of water down and pulled the shirt off my face

"I dont no the idea just poped into my head and we both know i dont think things through" Jack said

"True" Alex said

Jacks crazy...
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I relised the other day that ive been spelling Rians name wrong through the whole story, hahaha!. His name is so close to Rain i guess i got confused, but im spelling it right now so its all good.
2 more chapters left and then a sequal!
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