Sequel: Together Forever


I Love You

Over the next two weeks i got alot closer to Alex, Melinda keeps reminding me that were perfect for eachother and its true we were perfect for eachother. We finally traded numbers so we text alot and we learned eachothers last names. I got up one morning to the sound of someone knocking on my door i looked at the clock 9:15. I ignored it and tried to fall back asleep. After a few minutes there was a knock again and i sighed getting up to answer the door. I opened it and there was Alex smiling like a little kid.

"Uh, hi?" i said

"Hey" he said

"Whats going on?" i asked

"Come for a walk with me?" he asked

"Cant that wait a little longer?" i asked

"No, please?" he said making a sad face at me

"Ugh! damn that face!. Fine i'll go but i need to shower, come on in you can wait on the couch" i said

"Okay" he said

I took a fast shower and dryed my hair, then i put a towel on and went to my room. I Put on some jean shorts and a gray t-shirt and went to my closet and slid on my green converse. I went back to the livingroom and when Alex heard me he looked up.

"Ready?" he asked

"Yep lets go" i said

"You might want to grab a jacket" he said

"Okay?" i said confused and grabbed my hoodie off the chair

We left the apartment and i relised why Alex said to put on a jacket, it was raining. It was a little cold out and windy i usually love the rain, and i love playing in it. But usually im wearing pants while out in it, not shorts.

"I love going for walks in the rain" he said

"Yeah i like the rain to but my knees are freezing" i said

"Aww sorry" he said

"Its fine i'll get used to it" i said

"Yeah, so after this walk wanna get some breakfast?. Theres somthing i wanna ask you" he said

"Sure" i said

We walked around for a while and then we decided to go get some breakfast. We went to the little resturaunt in the middle of town, we got seated and started reading the menu. After we ordered and the waitor brought us our coffee we sat in silence until Alex started talking.

"So, uhmm about what i wanna ask you" he started

"Yeah?" i asked

"Well...i really like you" he said slowly

"I really like you to, we've become really good friends" i said a little confused

"No i-...i really like you like, love you. Your cute, funny and down to earth. Your everything i look for in a girl" he said

"Oh" i said

"I understand if you dont feel the same way i just-" he started but i cut him off

"Alex, i really like you to" i said and his eyes lit up

"Really?" he said

"Mhmm, your so sweet and such a gentlemen. Its hard not to love you" i said

"Well since you feel the same way, Sophie would you be my girlfriend?" he asked

"Of course" i said and he leaned over the table and kissed me

Were finally a couple, i feel really good about this...
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry this took so long to get out, i kept getting ideas for this chapter but hated them all and then i got major writers block!.
Also, im moving Alex and Sophies relationship so fast because i have lots of ideas for them as girlfriend and boyfriend. Plus i plan to end this at 20 chapters so yeah...