Status: starting soon!

Ready To Run


“Where were you last night?” Dad questioned as Blaire walked into the kitchen for breakfast.
“I went for a walk,” Blaire stated softly as she sat down knowing a discussion was about to begin.
“A walk to where?” Mom announced as she continued to cook.
“Down to the tracks,” Blaire mumbled knowing good and well what her parents were thinking, and she knew where this conversation was headed.
“Cut the crap Blaire Elizabeth, we know why you went there and who you were there to see!” Dad exclaimed hitting his fists on the table. “Your mother and I are sick and tired of you going behind our backs and sneaking out of the house to see that bastard!”
“He isn’t a bastard!” Blaire shouted defensively.
“Do not yell at your father!” Mom exclaimed parentally.
“Y’all don’t understand! All y’all do is judge. Y’all don’t even know him!” Blaire screamed near tears.
“That’s it! This has to stop! We are moving. Your mom and I have found a house in the town of Columbus. We were hoping we wouldn’t have to resort to this. I will call the realtor, and we will be moving in a week. That is final!” Dad shouts as he gets up and leaves the room. Blaire couldn’t even speak through her tears to object. She couldn’t believe her parents were going to such lengths as two hours to separate her from Carson. Blaire began to run. She ran out the kitchen and ran to the front door. She heard her parents scream, but she didn’t care. If they were going to exile her, she was going to make exile worth her while. Blaire ran three blocks before she slowed her steps. As she began to slow she realized her tears were still flowing down her cheeks. She felt as if her parents were taking this extremely too hard. Blaire began to walk. She knew where she was headed, and she didn’t care if her parents knew it too. She was headed to see Carson whether her parents liked it or not. Honestly, the more she walked the more she cared less what her parents thought. Her parents had always wanted her to attend Julliard and to follow her dreams, but why couldn’t they see Carson wouldn’t change that. They had always expressed that that “bastard,” as they addressed Carson as, would cause all my dreams to change. It they only knew that he was causing the dreams to expand. Carson had never once told Blaire she couldn’t go to Julliard. She actually encouraged him to go to West Point. This is the part her parents didn’t know. Her parents had no clue that that “bastard” was about to become a second generation military man. They didn’t understand that the only reason he rebelled after he moved here two years ago was because he had just lost his mom and didn’t know what to do. They didn’t understand that he was nothing like the neighbors and towns people thought because all they saw was the leather and the motorcycle when he first got here. They described him as a bad boy that was a menace to their perfect society, but what they didn’t see what caused him to act that way. Carson had had a tough eighteen years. When you lose your mom after ten years of battle with breast cancer, how can you not be mad and rebellious? However, what society really didn’t know was that the Master Sergeant father of the town wasn’t squeaky clean either, just better at hiding it. See, Blaire really never knew what was really wrong with Carson’s life until the first night she spent at his house.