I Am The Answer You Misunderstood.


I considered going back to my parents and staying for a few more days, but I was already in the city, I was so tired, and my town house was so close… I definitely chose my town house. I share it with my best friend, and cousin, Taylor. It was one of the nicest one in the city, my father refused to have it any other way. He was the one who made it to where we had no rent.

My father was the owner of a huge architect firm in LA. He was the one who had designed the house my mother and him were living in, and the town house I was currently living in, meaning it was free for mine and my cousin’s use. My mother was designer of a huge clothing line in Paris. I had actually lived in Paris from the time I was 6-15 but we moved back to the states when I was 16 because mom wanted me to have a ‘normal American teen-age experience’. Now mom just designs here in California, and on certain occasions travels to Paris.

I dug through my Gucci purse, searching for my keys; It was literally impossible for me to ever find anything, ever, in this purse. With only a few minutes of searching I finally felt the cool metal on my fingers, pulling out my keys. But at the same time my cousin opened the door from the inside. “Get a different purse.” She said to me.

“How’d you know I couldn’t find my keys?” I asked.

“I heard you sighing and ruffling through your purse. So like I said, get a different purse.” She said walking back to the couch where her and her fiancé, Bryce, were sitting.

“Hey Meg.” said Bryce lifting his hand up slightly to wave at me.

“Hello, Bryce-y Bryce.” I sang to him.

“Gee, you look rough. Slept any?” Taylor mumbled.

“Do I ever?” I asked.

“Got a point there.” Bryce said, then turned his attention back to the program on the television. Taylor nodded her head and said, “True.”

“But thanks, Tay. Your words, they’re so kind- they almost hurt my heart.”

“Well, I’m sorry Meg. I was just saying….”

I shrugged to myself knowing she had a point. I walked into the kitchen, laying my purse down on the table. I opened the cabinet we kept snacks in, pulling out a bag of Cheetos. I hopped up on the counter and began stuffing my face. “Aye, Bryce, you’re a guy. Do you know who Johnny Knoxville is? He seems like he’d be someone you’d know.” I asked with Cheetos in my mouth.

“You don’t know who Knoxville is?” He asked me.

“Now, Bryce why would I ask that if I knew?”

“Megan, even I know who Johnny Knoxville is. He’s may be one of the hottest guys on TV.” Taylor said.

“On TV…?” I asked.

“Yeah, he’s the creator of Jackass.” Bryce stated. “You know, that show where they do those awesome stunts, and hurt each other purposely?”

“And act like Jackasses?” Taylor said.

I thought back to his statement “We’re real jackasses” and realized why it was so funny. “Really?” I asked. “I didn’t know there was such a show…”

“It comes on MTV, it’s been out for like…10 years?” Bryce stated.

“Yeah, and you’ve seen Johnny before either way. He was Luke Duke, in Duke’s of Hazard.” Taylor said.

“Tay, wouldn’t Luke Duke be kind of old?” I asked.

“No, stupid. He was Luke Duke in the remake- the realllyyyyy hot one?”

I tried remembering the film that I had seen a few years back, realizing where that was why he was so familiar to me. “Really?!”

“Yes, Megan.” Taylor said.

I hopped off the counter top, and walked back into the living room. “I met him today at Starbucks.”

“Yeah, right.” Bryce said.

“I did. He came in and talked to me, he asked for my number and everything.” I explained. Taylor looked away from the TV for a split second to tell me she didn’t believe me. “Okay, why would I randomly say that? I didn’t even know who he was.”

“Cause you’re silly, Megan.” Bryce stated.

“Cause I’m silly, Bryce?”

“Yeah, you come up with silly scenarios’ like this all the time. It’s okay and all, we’ve just heard them all before.”

“Okay, I admit- I joke a lot, but I did!”

“Okay, then.” Taylor said, ending the conversation making it clear she still didn’t believe me.

I rolled my eyes, walking down the hallway to my bedroom. I got out of my clothes quickly, into loose, comfortable clothes. “Maybe I’ll get some sleep tonight…” I said to myself. I laid down in my comfortable bed, and pulled the comforter over my body, snuggling up to my pillow. I could feel my eyes lids getting heavy and dropping slowly. I tried clearing my mind so that I could fall unconscious quickly, and hopefully stay that way for a few hours.

“Megan! You’re phone’s ringing!” I heard Taylor’s voice echo down the hallway, making my eyes flash open immediately, indicating I wasn’t going to be able to fall asleep. I pushed the covers off my bed, and rolled out slowly. I opened my door, walked back down the hallway and into the kitchen. The ring tone that was playing was not my usual default one, it was the annoying one played when someone who wasn’t saved in your phone called. I started digging through my purse to find my phone, and of course- I couldn’t. “Get a different purse!” I heard Taylor yell.

“Shut-up!” I yelled back. Once I finally found my phone, it had stopped ringing. I was getting ready to call the number back when I got a voicemail. I touched the screen where it said ‘Call Voicemail’ and put my phone to my ear. I waited only a few seconds before hearing, “Hey, Megan! It’s Johnny. You know, we met today…. Well anyways. I figured I’d call and say ‘Hey’, and see what you were doing. So if you want, call me back. If you don’t then obviously don’t, I’m not going to force you to call me back. That’d be like phone rape or something…” It was quiet for a moment then he said, “It may not be possible for me to not make an ass of myself. Cause I always do. Anyways…hope to hear from you.” He was laughing as he said the last part, and it made me smile. Yes of course ‘phone rape’ was strange, but I could tell…he was just being himself and thinking.

I walked back into my room and climbed into my bed again before calling him back. He waited until about the fourth ring to answer. “Hey there!” he answered.

I giggled slightly, “Hi there.”

“I hope you weren’t busy or anything…” He said.

“No, I was just laying down, it’s cool.” I replied.

“Okay, well good. Did you get my God awful voicemail?”

I laughed, “Yes, I did.”

“Greatttt. Sorry ‘bout that. You just got to allow for me sometimes, I’d not real bright all the time.”

“Aw, now I’m sure that’s not true.”

“Oh believe me! It’s true!”

I stayed on the phone with Johnny for at least two hours that night; He kept me laughing the whole time. He ended up asking me again if I knew who he was, I didn’t lie to him- I told him I had to ask my cousin’s fiancé and was surprised when I actually did know him. He seemed pleased that I actually didn’t know who he was. Right before we were finally getting off the phone he told me that I was probably the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen before, and when he saw me sitting by myself at Starbucks he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to come talk to me. I was glad he did, because if it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t of had a lunch date with him the very next day, also I slept for three hours that night the longest in a while.
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Btw, if you're wondering yes I did change her name to Megan. ;)
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