Your Voice Was The Soundtrack Of My Summer


I am in the business of editing this story, since I am getting it published and whatnot [please see Anakin Skywalker journal for more details]. So, I have changed the 'song' from Goo Goo Doll's Iris to Beatles Blackbird. Eventually you'll see why. The chapters that have been revised for this matter are 2, 9 and 10. In short, Blackbird is the song that Paul sings to Indigo when they first meet. Blackbird turns out to be Indigo's favorite song. You'll know why soon enough. Read chapter two [the first half] to understand better. :D Thanks so much for your understanding. Hope you enjoy. This one is a short chapter. I promise to update early for a new chapter if you promise not to cry and to send feedback and suggestions.

I remember that day as if it were only yesterday.

The feelings were intense then, and the weather just matched our mood perfectly.
It was the first time we had a fight.

All love stories had to have a fight.

Here I am, wondering down the streets of my old home, touching the asphalt with my bare feet and remembering these were the same streets me and Indigo used to walk in.

I felt her then.

When I walked on the sandy beaches.

Ralph was no longer there. But everything else was. The blue sea that seemed to ripple in glorified radiance every time a wave rolled by. The sandy grains that felt hot against our cool feet that frolicked for a long time in the water until they were pruned.

And there was the same old sun that never failed to shine us a light whenever we needed diamonds to sparkle and dance. Whenever we needed power to get up and live a new day. Whenever life would bring you down and when you feel like maybe this life isn’t worth living at all.

After that summer, which was probably the best summer spent, I had a change of heart about everything. I saw everything through Indigo’s eyes, which was Technicolor. Compared to everyone else’s monochrome vision.

And let me tell you something, looking through the eyes of someone like Indigo was something to get used to. The wind blew and you already have this heightened hope of a good feeling. Which is something that a normal monochrome-sighted person didn’t usually feel.

I sit on the pier dangling my legs over the water and I remember what it’s like to have her laughing next to me. How many times do I wonder what she’s doing right now, wherever she was?

How many times did I long to hold her hand again, and to feel the stickiness of the sweat from our palms?

I shaded my eyes from the horizon. Wondering if Indigo would be happy where I was now in life, achieving my dream of becoming a slowly recognizable guitar player?

I tore off my shirt and jumped into the water, feeling the tingling embracing my body like an old friend coming by and saying hello.

And I hear Indigo’s shout from far away, jumping into the river with me.

I wonder if she remembers me.

And sometimes I know that even if our paths weren’t going to intersect again, I know that Indigo thought of me, silently in her mind.

That summer.

And here I was treading the less than crystal clear water. Trying to get a grasp of Indigo again. Trying oh so hard to believe in her again, to grab hold of her and to pin her to my heart so she wouldn’t escape.

But life wasn’t treating me fairly lately.

And it was too late.

Indigo already flew away. And my heart was shattered in her absence. She left with a piece of me, and I knew I would never be the same again.

I trekked the dock and searched for a small carving, hoping that it would still be there. Hoping that even years wouldn’t erase our existence.

And etched in the mahogany wood was Poolie & Indi 4ever.

Lies. Lies.

Forever wasn’t even a word.
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoy? Don't cry and send me feedback, unless you want to wait a month for the new chapter. <3