Your Voice Was The Soundtrack Of My Summer

Make The Rain Come To Stay

So, I was lying.
I was kidding about the best chapter. I'm sorry, I was skimming through my story and saw that, well I accidentally skipped a chapter.
This isn't even equally as good, but keep the comments coming. I need for you to be happy.


I woke with a start, and the first thing I saw was Indigo looking at me with her crystalline blue eyes looking hyped and grungy with makeup smeared all over her face and her hair in disarray. But she still looked as beautiful as ever when she smiled seeing that I was awake.

“Morning sunshine. The Earth says hello,” she said in a hushed tone, indicating that my parents might still be here.

“How long have you been awake?” I asked her, looking avidly at the clock that read 7:00.

“Long enough. I just wanted to say bye,” Indigo informed me, getting ready to open the window. How ironic that we were both in the same position once before?

“So I'll see you . . .?” I trailed off, looking at her anxious disposition.

“I don't know about today Paul,” she stumbled for words, looking out the window seeing the gray clouds overhead. Her words echoed in my mind and left a blow in my heart. Not today? I mentally recounted a day in which I spent graced without the presence of Indigo.

There wasn't a day that went by without it being spent with Indigo. She was literally my summer. And I looked at her painstakingly to see what kind of excuse she would have to pull. Because we both knew that Indigo loved to spend time with me as much as I did with her.

“Paul, don't look at me like that,” she sternly said, looking at me with mock.

“Why?” I looked at her incredulously.

“Why can't you look at me like that? Because-” but I cut her off short.

“No, love, why can't we hang out today?” I said with a serious yet whining tone.

“Because Paul . . .I have to be somewhere. I promised my mom that I would go visit someone,” she whispered in a smallish voice.

“Oh. Where are you visiting at?” I looked at her with evident sullenness
“Umm, somewhere hours from here,” she avidly looked at me with her shifty eyes.

“Imagine, the first day of summer without you,” I muttered with some ounce of sorrow in my voice.

“Won't that be an adventure for you Poolie babe,” she snickered, referring to me by my nickname that my parents called me, which she heard the night before.

“Yeah, I guess,” I nodded meekly, watching Indigo slip through the windowsill.

“Thanks for tonight, I had a great time,” Indigo waved at me, smiling exuberantly as she slid off the roof and jumped onto a nearby tree, shimmying down carefully holding on to the branches for support.

“Anytime love. Anytime,” I whispered, but she was long gone, merely a dot running as fast as she could down the road, sprinting like a roadrunner running from the coyote.


That day without Indigo left me in trivial loss of what to do.
My parental units assumed I was at the beach again.
Serenading Indigo and persuading her to fall in love with me. But, I stayed in my room, staring at my guitar and the left open notebook by its side.

Precariously, I picked it up.

Soundtrack Of My Summer.

I smiled, remembering that morning with her. Making up that song in which I blindly professed my love to her. I read through the lyrics once more, and then came the sharp realization that jolted me back to reality with as much emotional pain as possible.

Indigo would be leaving soon.
She would disappear from the face of my world, as I know it.

Maybe we would trade addresses. Maybe we could phone each other for hours every day. Or we could text each other and AIM until our fingers were exhausted from overuse.

Later on I realized that not even AIM messages could bring us back together.

I picked up Delilah carefully and laid out my notebook in front of me. I somehow felt guilty about doing this. But no one was watching so it really didn't matter.

Yet, I still felt as if someone was watching me from afar, and I felt this pang of embarrassment as I started to sing out.

“Paul? Don't tell me you wrote that,”

I turned around as a thrill went up my spine. Was that Indigo? Was it possible she came back for me?

No. It was my mother.

“I did. Actually Indigo and me did,” I sheepishly nodded, wondering what she was doing here.

“I was just picking up some stuff that I forgot and I heard your voice. She taught you how to sing to?” my mother looked mildly impressed.

I didn't blame her. Me singing was like hell freezing over.

“Well, sort of. Yeah,” I merely nodded humbly.

“I hope things go well with Indigo. She's been a good influence on you, honey. Have fun with her today!” she submissively said and before I knew it she was gone and I heard her car back up in the driveway once more.

“Of course,” I said to no one in particular.

But things would not go well with Indigo.

And I butcher myself at the end, knowing that I had no power to change fate.


The next morning it was raining.

I still expected Indigo to appear at my doorway, considering the beach was 'closed' due to the high tide.

I was right.

Indigo was soaking wet on my doorway, a CD at hand. Her sapphire eyes illuminating even the blackest morning.

I read the words on the CD case.
The Beatles {The White Album}.
♠ ♠ ♠
I promise promise promise the next one is the best.
I think.
I almost cried writing it. No lie. But cry in a good way. You know?
Thanks for reading. <3