Your Voice Was The Soundtrack Of My Summer

Our Song

I snuck up behind her, carefully and stealthily. At least I like to think I did. I saw her from behind. Her hair was blowing in the wind at the beach as she was voluntarily helping a little kid make a sandcastle. I smiled to myself as I watched her run to the water and gather the ocean into the little plastic purple bucket and return to the little kid smiling in pure glee and happiness.

Sorry kid, she's mine.

I walked up to her and whispered in her ear.

“Close your eyes,” I heard her giggle; and it reminded me of the first day we met. Her conscious self, her scared intimidated self. I changed her. We changed each other.

Gently I placed the silver metallic chain on her sticky sweaty skin. It felt cool on my fingertips and, I can imagine, on her nape. I clasped the lock and arranged the charm so it was in the middle. I brought my own half of the necklace from under my shirt and whispered into Indigo's waiting ears,

“Open them.”

I kept a straight face as she looked down and touched half of the heart that rested right in the middle of her chest. With her fingertips she traced the words forever and felt the raise of the lettering on the small charm. Without a word she reached out for my own charm and connected the two. She looked at it for a while, tracing her fingers over the words Love Forever. She didn't say a word.

I was jubilant. Happy. Words couldn't describe Indigo's awe. I could see it in her eyes; read her expression see what she wanted to say. And I knew that her mouth couldn't say the right words.

Actions speak louder than words they say. That's true. I knew it was when Indigo's lips pressed against mine for like the millionth time again.


We sat near the jukebox, Indigo kept playing songs on the jukebox, me supplying here with endless amounts of quarters. We already went through the whole collection twice by now when Indigo finally turned to me and said,
“We need a song, Poolie.”

I looked at her with confusion. A song? As in a love song, or a song that played during the first kiss? Or maybe just a plain old wedding song? Or an anniversary song?

“Song?” I repeated. She finally sat next to me in the booth, while a small timid girl sighed a little too loudly and jumped up to the jukebox. Needless to say she beat an old lady to the jukebox. I cracked a grin at my Indigo who was lost in her love song world.

“Our song. That we can play at weddings and anniversaries,” she smiled innocently at me.

I couldn't help but think, I wish. I wish. I wish. I stared up at the ceiling the alabaster paint peeling off, with mold seeping out through the cracks. Not the best place to stare at. Instead I stared at the walls, decorated with Audrey Hepburn posters and Elvis Presley records. All in a checkerboard design.

“But never our wedding of course. Never our anniversary,” I said dejected.

Indigo glared at me and passed the remaining quarters into my hand and sipped out of her blue slushy. She had blue lips and tongue by now, and I could imagine me having red tongue and lips, a la lipstick because of my cherry slushy.


Only Indigo can manage to make my name into 5 syllables.

“I'm kidding. Promise. So, a song? How about the Blackbird song?” I suggested, giving her the song where everything happened. And everything is the damn truth.

“I don't know. Maybe something that, relates to us? You know?” she looked at me skeptically.

If she meant those sort of songs where the guy and girl fall in love even if they're not supposed to and the girl just happens to have this some sort of complication and she dies all of a sudden leaving the guy alone and depressed and only thinking about the time he spent with her? If so, then yes I did know.

“Can't be country,” I automatically said, winking at her as she shook her head laughing. Her dark hair shaking when she laughed.

“Or hip-hop. Not that I have anything against it,” she added.

“Sure, fine by me,” I smiled at her, tucking in a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

I held her in my arms encircling her waist as we swayed back and forth.
She paused for a while, her fingers lightly brushing the buttons and abruptly turned towards me, her face looking at me in excitement.

What was it now?

“Let’s go to your house. I know the song,” she exclaimed happily.
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First, I love Chel. She's a babe you've got to check out.
Second, thanks for all the lovely comments I've been getting.
Third, hope you enjoy this!
The more the comments the faster I update! hah.