Your Voice Was The Soundtrack Of My Summer

Runaway Smiles In My Piggybank Baby


Sweet sweet kisses. Sweet summer love has to come to an end.
Our first kiss was unruined. A light little peck on the lips. But our second one, it was waay more deep than your average peck.

But it wasn't unruined.

The worst happened. The worst person possible saw this as a major circumstance that needed to be turned upside down by all means necessary.

I'm not talking about my parents. I'm not talking about the police, although why they would come was totally beyond me. I'm talking about her mother.


The tone of the voice itself made my skin jump with fear. She broke away quickly and cast an angry glar at me that said: look-what-happened.

Boy, did I ever feel guilty.

Her mom was an exact replica of Indigo, only older, meaner and resembled a tiger more. Or a lion, whatever you like to choose.

I saw her fingers grasp icily along Indigo's wrist and pull her away from me subjectively.

"What has gotten into you? Kissing random boys on the beach?" her frill voice echoed in my ear, as Indigo winced at her words.

"Mom, he's a guy from school, I know him, he's my friend!" she lied looking fiercely into her mother's eyes.

I didn't want to stare at them, instead, I fiddled with the guitar strings and looked solemnly down.

"Oh, so he's a boyfriend you neglected to tell me about?" her voice was airy and high now.

I noticed bystanders were curiously looking their way.

"Maybe if you had the time to actually listen to me, maybe you would already know that!" Indigo stormed.

"We need to have a talk, young lady,” her mother said in a fierce tone.

Ah, the ever useless comeback when the parent lost in a fight.

Usually in movies the mom would come up to me jab me with her red fingernail and say something along the lines of,

"If you go near my daughter again you have Hell to pay young man,”

But she didn't say that. She didn't even look at me evilly with a look that could kill. She just led her daughter away, while Indigo looked helplessly at me and she mouthed something.
I couldn't make it out at first.

But her lips formed that word in which I was hoping to hear.


I nearly did my victory dance. But decided against it with my better judgement and walked home, so my parents wouldn't growl at me for not making their lunch they were looking for.

I looked at my plate. Frozen pizza. My parents were having a full fledged conversation about work and tried to include me in on the parts where they redundantly exclaimed how nice it was to have the family together for lunch for a change.

Gee. I'm jubilant.

"So, Paul, how was your morning?" my dad looked at me curiously.

Hmm, let's see, I played the guitar out on the beach for money, then I got drawn to a girl whom I serenaded and she paid it back with a kiss at my begging and then after our second kiss her mom came out of nowhere and stormed at her and now Indigo is persistent and told me to meet her tomorrow. But now I'm left to wonder why her mom acted so violently.

Translation: "I went out to the beach and played the guitar,”

"That's nice, honey. Did you find a job yet?" my mom looked at me in interest.

"No, but I'm going back tomorrow to see if I can hire myself as their guitar player or something over there,” I lied.

My mom looked pleased at that, and my dad didn't say anything much.

What they didn't know was that I was going full fledged into being a guitarist. What they didn't know was my goal of being in a band and making it big. They thought this was a time consuming pleasure that would come and go just like all my other hobbies, but no something happened when I played the guitar for the first time.

I felt like I actually belonged.

Which was a rare occurence.

Considering the many stuff I tried in the past.Football, sports.

"And what are you going to do the rest of the afternoon?" my dad looked at me accusingly.

The beach, maybe look for Indigo.

Translation: "Or, I could hire myself today. I'll try, so tomorrow I could actually be working,”

"That's great, we need good music on the beach anyways,” my mother smiled.

"Just make sure you get a reasonable amount of money for it,” my father gruffly said.

So, what if I was lying straight to their faces. At least they knew now that I would be spending most my time at the beach this summer. Which wasn't a lie at all.

I walked along the sandy beaches scourging for a hint of short black hair and wizened eyes.
It was almost impossible, because there were so many more people out during the afternoon.

I didn't want to give up, because Indigo was something I needed, a saviour from Summer Blues.

Then I felt a pair of hands covered my eyes and a cool pristine voice whisper in my ear,

"Guess Who?"

"Indigo?" I muttered, wondering if it wasn't her at all, and if it was a forgotten girlfriend or something.

"Hey, champ,” she let down her guard and I faced her face which was evidently flooded in complete glee.

There were no traces of tears on her face or red eyes.

"Hey,” I said as we walked down the beach just like the so many couples who were hand in hand.

But that's what singled us out from the other couples. We weren't holding hands.

"So, you're wondering what the hell is wrong with my mother?" she chuckled slightly looking at me with her piercing blue eyes.

I winced at her choice,but correct word choice. So, maybe her mom did overeact. Maybe I wasn't to blame.

"Yeah, a little,” I shrugged.

Seeing as Indigo was comfortable with this topic I might as well knowmore about her parental units.

"Well, my mom is absurd. Insanely actually. She had me when I was a year older than her, which would make her 17 at the time of my birth. Anyways, my dad and her dropped out of school and haven't you watched enough soap operas?" she looked at me with her arching eyebrows.

"No, actually I have a particular dislike for them,” I looked at her in disgust.

She laughed at my face, and later I found out that there was no sound like Indigo's laugh.

"My dad left us when I was a kid. Not to mention my mom was still a kid. And she doesn't want me to make that mistake. But, don't worry, I persuaded her that it's not like that. But you have a part in it too, you know?" she looked at me with a mocking and questionable face.

I nodded, not expecting much. I wasn't sure what I was expecting truth be told. Maybe something shallow. But what I got was the last thing in my head actually.

"Paul, you've got to promise me this okay?" Indigo pressed.

"Sure, anything,” I shrugged. What could be the worst favor she was going to ask?

"You can't fall in love with me,” she pursed her lips and looked at me solemnly.

I stopped midwalk. I couldn't fall in love with her? How was that possible when we were talking about Indigo? The stage was all set for a Summer Romance movie. The beach, the chick, the guy with the guitar and the lies, the unwilling parents. And here she was asking me not to fall in love with her?

"What?" I looked at her in complexion.

"You promised,” she gravely looked at me.

"I know. And I won't,” I said with a heave.

"That's good then Paul DiGiovanni,” Indigo happily looked at me and grabbed my hand as we walked down the beach hand in hand, I couldn't help but think this was the hardest promise ever I had to keep.

Especially when our hands fit together like puzzle pieces.
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hope you liked it. <3