Your Voice Was The Soundtrack Of My Summer

Run For Your Lives

I woke up with the barren heat of the sun poring over my face. I blinked open my eyes, looking sporadically around me, a jolt of panic reverberated throughout my body when I realized I was alone in Indigo’s room without Indigo beside me at all.

The house was virtually empty, as I trekked down the stairs, nothing seemed out of place. Everything was as it was yesterday. No freshly washed dishes, no noise of laundry, no bowls of cereal out for me or Indigo. I tentatively pushed Indigo’s mother’s bedroom door, to reveal a perfectly made bed. I looked outside, and sure enough there were no cars to be seen out in the driveway.

Panicking, I called the hospital and Indigo’s doctor demanding where she was and why her nurse wasn’t attending to her at house care. They claimed that to their knowledge Indigo was still being cared for, and they haven’t heard anything serious. I raced outside, grabbing the rusted bike from the porch and flew like a bullet down to my house, where to my relief my mother’s car was in tow. And strangely, 4 other cars were parked around the cul-de-sac.

I dropped the bike and ran up to the garage door, punching the code and racing to get inside the house, wondering for answers when “SURPRISE” nearly scared me out of my wits.

I saw my whole family, the band and Lacey, Indigo and her mother all waving at me with balloons and streamers hanging overhead. A set of pancakes was set in front of them in the shape of Delilah. I forced a smile as the realization dawned over me.

It was my birthday.

“Hi love! Happy birthday,” Indigo struggled to make her way through the throng of people, but she managed to do so and flung her arms at me and gave me a tiny kiss on the cheeks.

“You forgot didn’t you?” she asked with a small smile as she peeled her face away from our embrace.

“Yeah I’ll admit I did. I panicked when I found your house empty,” I sheepishly shrugged, scratching the back of my head.

“You crazy buffoon! How can you forget MORE cake and MORE gifts? Although wedding gifts are kinda boring,” Martin wrinkled his nose, reminding us of the tea set my grandmother gave to me and Indigo.

“Come on honey! Your dad is going to take pictures!” my mom grinned at me, pointing to my less than excited dad holding a camera up to his face.

As the camera flashed once more, my mom started to serve some pancakes and Bryan set up Rock Band on the TV. According to them, it’s a ritual that they all play instruments that they didn’t normally play. Martin would play the drums, and would consequently suck. Bryan would sing, and burn everyone’s ears. Beef would play the guitar, and miss all the notes.

But they had to switch it up, just for me.

“Paul, you grab the drums! You too, Indi. Martin and Lace on guitar. Beef you take the base. And I’ll sing, because the singer always has the fans,” Bryan flipped his hair flamboyantly, as his sister snorted beside Martin.

I gulped my last bite of blueberry pancakes, coated in syrup and grabbed Indigo’s hand as we seated ourselves at the drum set. She sat on my lap and I held the drumsticks, while she mess with the pedals. Martin and Lacey scrolled through the songs, before finally picking a totally obnoxious one.

“Ready?” Martin asked, looking over his shoulder while Bryan picked up the mike.

White man came across the sea
He brought us pain and misery

“MARTIN I HATE YOU AND I HATE THIS SONG!” Bryan yelled in between breaths.

he killed our tribes, he killed our creed
He took our game for his own need

We fought him hard, we fought him well
Out on the plains, you sing it
But many came, too much for Cree
Oh will we ever be set free

Riding through dust clouds and barren wastes
Galloping hard on the plains
Chasing the redskins back to their holes
Fighting them at their own game

Murder for freedom the stab in the back
Woman and children and cowards attack

“RUN TO THE HILLS, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!” we all screamed at the top of our breath.

Indigo was giggling as we kept on messing up on the drums, she lifted her legs in confusion and she screamed with delight as we kept missing all the notes. Lacey and Martin already gave up and were on the couch upside down, their heads hanging from the couch screaming at the top of their lungs, their tongues hanging out. Bryan was crooning hopelessly with Beef side by side, like a screeching mess. It was an image I never wanted to forget.

Indigo turned to face me, her face wrought with complete happiness and joy. I tickled her stomach and she curled up in defense. She pushed her lips onto mine and desperately I hoped our parents weren’t staring as she turned completely around, her legs dangling on either side of my hips. She flung her arms around my neck, while I desperately blindly tried to hit the rubber drums.

“What are you blind, Paul? You’re missing every single-, oh you are blind,” mused Beef.

“BRYAN! Why didn’t you give US the drums?” wailed Martin from the couch.

Indigo pulled herself away and she smiled helplessly, as she turned around and we pounded on the drums with our fists like Donkey Kong. I held her in my arms, and we all screamed for joy that day singing the most obscurest songs there was on Rock Band.

Even if it was only a week since our wedding, we knew this happiness could never last. And all too soon, reality came crashing down on us like a tidal wave, riding away everything in its path.
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(: this is for Chelsea. i wonder if i have any readers left. probably not. but i'm doing this for her! <3 please comment, if you're still reading! thanks you guysss!