Your Voice Was The Soundtrack Of My Summer

One Shot Dreams


I didn't see Indigo right away the next morning.

Instead I decided she would come to me. I pulled out Delilah from her case and started strumming away. The bills came slowly.

I also noticed if I actually put a hat or something in front of me more money came. I guess it was a plea for saying "I'm Poor Give Me Something".

Some little girl even requested a nursey rhyme and we sang along together to Three Blind Mice. The mother gave her a $5 dollar bill to give me. I thought it was too generous, so we played alot more nursery rhymes.

After the little girl Indigo came beside me.

"I saw that,” she sat beside me, facing the ocean while talking to me.

"The little girl?" I asked.

"Yes. That was really generous of you,” she said, as she peered inside the hat, looking at the money I accumulated.

"Wow, it was generous of them too,” she added, picking up the $5 dollar bill.

"Right. So what are we doing today?" I started to pack up Delilah in her rightful place.

"The movies. It's a Friday, isn't that a typical date night?" she asked.

"No, that's Saturday,” I corrected her, but she shrugged abysmally.

"But we're still going, regardless of the day,” she pointed out.

"Sure, anything you like,” I gave in.

We walked along the sidewalk and we talked and talked and talked and talked. About our life, school, music, and everything in between. Indigo was the type of "you only live once" chicks. I wondered if my "laid back" attitude gave a wrong impression of me. But seeing Indigo's enthused face I knew it didn't matter one bit.

"What are we watching?" I looked curiously at her as we looked up at the movie posters just outside the theatre house.

"I was thinking a horror. I haven't been to one in ages,” she smiled, pointing at a gory one.

That looked unbelievably fake.

"Those are so ridiculously fake,” I exclaimed.

"Exactly. We'll be the only ones laughing in a horror movie. Crying at a comedy and screaming at a drama,” Indigo explained as she pranced inside the walls of the theatre.

We settled inside the dark theatre, while Indigo held tight the popcorn which was engulfed with oceans of butter.

"Let's sit at the very front,” Indigo dragged me reluctantly to the first seat right smack dab in the middle.

"What? That's the worst view!" I complained, but Indigo's face seemed puppy dog like when illuminated by the huge IMAX screen.

She ate the popcorn and we almost finished it even before the previews started. Indigo was a living example of the phrase: "big things come in small packages,”

The movie wasn't the best one in the world. The blood was unbelievably fake, although some people excused themselves to go do their puking business. Ketchup apparently did the job good enough.

Evidently blood was just a thing society couldn't stand.

After the movie, our eyes hurt just to get used to the light.

"Where to now?" I asked as we swung our hands in broad daylight, her other hand still sipping her humongus ICEE.

"Anywhere,” she pleaded, grasping my hand tight.

"Let's go to that small concert then. I always wanted to hear them,” I told her. She seemed contented at this idea and followed my lead.

"Paul? Are you afraid of breaking your promise?" she asked as we walked slowly to the building where the concert was being held.

"A little, but then there's this other part of me that says it's okay to break it because you'll break it once I break it,” I told her, and listening to myself I knew all I said was a bunch of crap that didn't make any sense.

"Why are you afraid, even just a little?" she looked curiously at me, her eyes full of wonder.

"Because, then you wouldn't be able to trust me. And then, I don't know how I'm supposed to feel,” I shrugged.

"I'll still trust you. And I don't think you're supposed to know how it feels,” she subjectively told me.

"Why do you ask?" I looked at her hoping maybe that I changed her mind.
But she was as stubborn as a mule.

"Because, I'm afraid of breaking it too,” she shrugged.

But it was a start. Sort of. But my heart started pounding wildly like before. I wonder what Indigo would call that, but I didn't dare ask her.
Because that would be admitting that I loved her. Or whatever she liked to call the word.

"Who are we seeing?" she asked as we entered the small building.

"I'm not sure, my friend gave me his tickets though,” I told her as we entered the black cool building.

There was the small of new plastic and faint sounds of screaming and loud guitars.

"Are they any good?" she looked at me from the sound of the wailing guitars.

"Supposedly,” I shrugged.

We entered the door and the music and screams were louder than ever. A couple of guys belting out their heart and soul, while I took my particular interest in the guitarist.

"Indigo!" I yelled through the blaring of the speakers.

"What?" she replied, shouting in my ear.

"You see that guy next to the amps?" I pointed to the shaggy haired guy belting out a chord or two.

"What about him?" she asked stealing a glance at me.

"I never told anyone before, but I want to be where he is a couple years from now,” I said in her ear, uncovering my untold secret to her.

It was amazing after only 3 days of knowing each other and she knows one of my deepest darkest secrets. It was funny really. People I have known for years haven't the slightest idea of my dream to one day become a guitarist and to start a band. But Indigo knew.

"You know what, Paul?" her face gleamed with pride.

"What?" I shouted over the blaring amps.

"You will one day,” she enthused.

And never has the screeching of guitar strings been so delectable music in my ears. Never has the world stopped spinning just for me. Never has anyone saw my dreams in the light just like Indigo did.
The dizzying lights and sounds had nothing to do with my throbbing brain.
Because it was all Indigo's doing. All of her magic, working to the extent.

"You'll be in the front row cheering me on won't you?" I asked, as her arms waved in time to the beat.

im the first to fall and last to know.

She chewed her lips in a melodramatic way.
Make way for intense drama. The suspense builds up. Slowly and slowly.
And the audience is left waiting. And waiting.

Indigo's feeble smile makes up for everything. Relief washes over me like a wave.

"Of course, Paul,”

Guess what? I was so happy I lifted her up and set her sitting on my shoulders.

Now how many guys do that on their third "date"?
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I do not own the character Paul DiGiovanni. I do however own the rest of the characters.

Send my love in whatever form it takes.