Your Voice Was The Soundtrack Of My Summer

Forever and Ever


It was a week with Indigo.
A week of summer.
A week of falling for a girl.
A week of trying to rethink the definition of love, knowing that love wasn't a reality thing in the dictionary written by Indigo Saunders.

I had $30 dollars in my pocket thanks to the pitying people at the beach. $30 dollars of charity, and gee, if I told my dad I would probably be praying and begging on my knees for water in Hell.

It was a week of full glory. And the world never spun on my finger before, so this was definitely a feeling to get used to.

Would this love last for only the summer? Or would it blossom and grow into a flower beautiful and drizzled in passion?

Or would it die out like a shriveled bud, never given the chance to bloom, never being able to show its true potential?

So here I am on square 1 all over again.

And here are my options:
a.) tell Indigo that love was a real thing and I was in love with her.
b.) just wait until the Summer is over to confess

And here is the main problem.
Indigo never grew up knowing the word love, and how in the world was I going to get her to love me back?

I heard the doorbell, figuring it was just another patron from my father's work I decided to ditto it. But mom had on her fake nicey nicey voice, which got me concerned.

I shut the door and listened in straining my ear at the door.

". . . right up. Just leave the door open, will you?"

In an instant I knew it was Indigo. A few questions escaped my brain, as in How Did She Know Where I live? Why Is She At My House? And remembering, I winced at when my mom said to leave the door open.

knock knock

I situated myself with Delilah pretending to play the guitar, scattering my music sheets around me.
I had to seem occupied, right?

"Come in,” I said, my voice higher than it usually was because I could hardly contain my excitement from seeing the blue eyes that I've seen everyday the week before.

Indigo's face peered into the door, her face paler than ever.

"Hey Paul,” she sighed, tiredly.

"Hey Indigo! What did you want to do today?" I was surprised at seeing her sad and morbid.

"No-nothing. Paul, I came here, because this was an emergency,” her eyes averted mine.

I felt my stomach twist into a knot. What was Indigo trying to tell me now? Did she have to go away? My insides were painfully dying with every antagonizing second she spared.

"What's the emergency?" I looked placidly in her eyes, which was evidently the color of the sky right before it was going to rain.

And what do you know, you could say her eyes were the sky.
Forecasting the 100% chance of rain.
In the form of teardrops. Raining from Indigo's eyes.

"Paul, I-I, can we please go somewhere?" she pleaded, her eyes not disguising the lonliness and sad in her eyes.

"Sure, anywhere. Where did you want to go?" I said putting aside Delilah, and gathering Indigo in my arms.

"Anywhere,” she murmured silently, brushing her tears with the sleeve of her shirt.

So what else could cure her uneventful sadness than a good day at the beach? Her tears broke my heart into a million pieces. Shattering them into an empty sky where I'm left alone to piece them back together, still wondering why they were broken in the first place.

"What are we going to do here?" Indigo looked avidly at me, clearly trying to forget the pain she wouldn't tell me about.

"You'll see,” I assured her.

Indigo looked took a deep breath, and even if her eyes were swollen as if a bee stung her all around her eye and red and puffy she was still the most beautiful thing in the world I set my eyes on.
She gracefully sat down on the wispy sand, the grains of sand seeping through our toes. The wind blew and her radiance shone bright as her black hair was ruffled in the breeze.

I pulled out a kite. One yellow, the sort of sunshine yellow that you usually find on crayons. It still smelled like those old days were nothing ever mattered but those lazy days in pre school and coloring was pretty much a passion everyone was good at, regardless if you colored inside the lines or not.

Indigo laughed and took the kite and unwound it without much difficulty. Her hands moving along with expertise grace. I saw a dropped tear fall into the sand, creating a droplet of wet sand on the ground.

It pained me to have her in a heart breaking mode. This wasn't typical Indigo.

"What direction is the wind blowing?" she looked at me trying to find the direction by placing her hands out as if she herself was about to take flight.

"Easy. Give me your finger,” I said reaching out for her hand. She gave it to me reluctantly, her eyes shammed with dried tears.

"Why?" she said as I pulled it up to my face.

I licked her finger then. Indigo pulled it away in disgust and held her wet finger high up in the air.

"Now do you know?" I asked as a smirk grew on my face.

She nodded playfully and wiped her fingers on her jeans.

"North,” she smiled as she slowly let the kite into the air.

But it was stubborn. It sky rocketed into the ground and made a dent in the sand.

"Dammit, Indigo, you don't know how to fly a kite,” I chuckled.

"Shut up,” she clenched her teeth in mockery.

I put my hand over hers as we slowly ran South to let the kite take flight. And it was a slow process. It took a while until the kite started to sail smoothly in the midst of the ivory clouds which covered most of the robin egg blue sky.

We ran together, my hand still covering hers, on the sandy beaches, feeling the wind whip our face and the grains of sand lash us on the back of our shins.

And it was like that. And slowly the time stopped rotating. The world stopped spinning and it paused just long enough for me and Indigo to enjoy that day.

Night seemed so far away now. The sun was here to stay as it beat down on us creating perspiration roll down the nape of our necks and our forehead.

And nothing could stop us.

pictures of you. pictures of me. hung up on your wall for the world to see

I lay on the cool sand, watching the stars shoot all over the sky. The moon was a luminuos wonder creating a romantic setting for me and Indigo on that vacant soothing ocean.

"Paul? Remember how I said there was an emergency?" she took a deep breath and held my hand for awhile.

"Yeah?" I didn't dare look at her. Instead she snuggled in closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder.

My heart rate increased. The pulsing came faster and faster as millions of shooting stars encompassed us in many possible wishes that come true.

"I'm leaving at the end of summer. For good,” she heaved a long sigh and I looked at Indigo with apprehension.

For good. At the end of summer.
Thos keywords froze all the activity in my brain. Time froze and the stars were motionless in the sky and the waves were silent as I repeated those words in my head.

Indigo was looking at me expecting some sort of response, her teeth biting her bottom lip in nervous anxiety.

"We have to make this summer last then,” I whispered into her ear.

♠ ♠ ♠
Forever and ever.
I'm going for imagery babes. I need that above everything. It's an interesting aspect. And it makes it sound a lot better. Or look better.