Your Voice Was The Soundtrack Of My Summer

Romeo And Juliet


There are two things a guy mean when they say,
"Let's make it last forever,”

Translation 1: Let's have sex before it's too late, babe.
Translation 2: Let's make this summer one to remember.

Of course I meant the second translation. My heart burned whenever I thought of a life without Indigo. Without summer.
Empty. Meaningless. Hell.
Three words that sum that up.
And this was all but a dream that was a summer long. A dream that I never wanted to wake up from, a dream that would somehow have to fade once the summer was over.
And I didn't want that. I didn't want to wake up. I wanted to dream forever and ever.

And I had to make it last. Forever and ever. Just like I said.

So, what's it, only the second week of knowing her and I decide to play Romeo by climbing up a tree to go into her room?

Oh baby, there's no balcony in this love story.

I walked out into the abysmal night, wondering if anything lurked at a time like this. And of course the answer would be yes because what else would that noise be, creating an illusion of a robber about to jump you right then and there.

I saw the huge old oak tree right beside her house.
God, what in hell's name was I freaking doing?

I hugged the tree and placed my foot on the roots. Slowly I placed my hands into a hook in the tree, making sure it was stable I steadied myself up as I shimmied my way up into her room. Once I finally got to her window, I cursed myself for not throwing a rock or something before I climbed up.

I broke off a branch and threw it at the window and held on quickly as so I wouldn't lose my balance.

"Paul!? What are you doing here?!?" Indigo's voice came hushed as she opened the door.

"Like I said the other night. We have to make this last forever and ever,” I feebly smiled as I carefully planted my feet on the window, followed by my hands, until I could sturdily (if that was even the right word) fall into her rooom with a less than loud thump.

"Paul. You know my mom hates you already,” she looked doubtfully at me.

"And your mom doesn't have to know,” I said, switching on the lights.

And Indigo was a sight. A wreck. A disaster.

A beautiful disaster illuminated by desk lamps.

"Indigo, you've been crying,” I naughtily looked at her, gathering her face in my arms, using my thumb to rub off the tears on her stained cheek.

"I know that,” she sniffled, forcing my hands gently away. I pulled back embracing her as I led her to her bed.

"Why?" I demanded as she snuggled in under the covers with me.

"I'm leaving and I'll never see you again Paul. That's why,” she whispered.

"What did we agree on? Forever and ever, remember?" I soothed her and kissed her on the forehead.

She turned off the lights and I felt her heavy breathing against my skin.

"You better remember that Paul DiGiovanni. Forever is an awfully long time,” she said in a tired voice.

It was her who slept first. The only noise I could hear was her slow steady breathing and the beating of the electric fan above us.

And as I pulled her close to me that night, I never knew forever could be just weeks away.


I woke up to a sudden shaking. I groaned and looked around in disorient.
Where the hell was I?

I saw Indigo's face urgent shaking me awake violently.

"What?" I grouchily asked.

"Dammit Paul! Get out of here before my mother comes,” she hissed angrily. I nodded and looked at Indigo seeing her beauty even in her agitated anger.

"Not without a kiss I shan't,” I said in my worst Shakespeare impression.

"Paul!" she urged.

"A kiss a kiss!" I said quietly into her ear, as I prepared to leave.

She rapidly kissed me on the lips and was about to let go when I pulled her closer to me. Her breathe, her familar warmth creating a wave of love over me, embracing me like the morning sun.

"Shit Paul! Go!" she waved me away as I clambered down the oak tree.

"The sun is to the west and Indigo is to my east!" I quoted.

Indigo snorted and shut the window.
But not without blowing a kiss. Mockingly.

I ran to the house, realizing that my parents would be probably up by this time and wonder where I was at the moment. Definitely not expecting me to sleep over at a girl's house who wasn't even my girlfriend.

now im head over heels. im hanging upside down.

I looked heftily around my room, glad I made it before the units awoke and questioned my being.
I grabbed a granola bar and took Delilah out with me onto the beach. Feeling the sun's warmth on my skin again, feeling it as it hugged me just like it did when I first awoke in Indigo's room.

"Paul!" her voice made all the seasons change at once.

My body was alive, awake, pounding with adrenaline as her voice wafted into my body realizing the importance of that lone voice.

"Indigo. So did you get your sorry ass busted or what?" I smugly grinned.

"Nice. Almost. But no,” she looked apathetically at me.

"So, you seem pretty excited to tell me something,” I pointed out, looking at her exuberant grin.

"Right. Paul, guess what?" she looked at me, her stunning beauty capturing my full attention.

"Beats me,” I joked.

"I was thinking about it last night before you came,” she sighed deeply.

"The crying?" I looked at her in confusion.

"Yes, and despite everything I said, and because of everything we did together this past week or two,” she looked down sheepishly.

"Yes?" I was a ticking time bomb, about to explode if Indigo didn't stop stalling.

"You made me believe in magic,” she said, peering at me in the eyes seeing my reaction, timid for an answer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, that chapter sucked. Anyways, I hope you get it.

Send me love or I'll keep putting these damn cliff hangers.