Status: Be my lover, my lady river

You and I

A heart of stone

My cruel words float back and forth between my brain cells, my eyes ache in pain from concentrating and my heart skips beats. Suddenly Yellow comes on….and I just feel worse. But every time I think about us fighting it just makes me angrier. Not only because of the fight itself but because I don’t want to fight. I love you so much its stupid, but sometimes you are so stupid…so naïve. I love you for it and I always will, but you’re are making this hard for me.

Sometimes I look at the moon and I almost feel like I can see my reflection in it, like its large presence just shows me all I need to know. As I look upon the moon I see myself, but it’s not the me I want to see. It’s the me that uses harsh tactics and lies to beat you and win. Well I don’t want to do that anymore, but I’ll keep doing that until you stop me…until you comfort me in your arms and make it all better.

I try to pick up the phone, I try to touch the keyboard but I fail to do both. Too many things in my life remind me of you and me, but I want all of this to be so much more then it is. But I like it just how it is….perfect and serene. I love you.