Status: Be my lover, my lady river

You and I


I woke up to the sun shining down through my large windows. I ripped open the curtains and smiled at the beauty of the forest around me. My soft brown hair was wild, as always, but I didn't mind. I put on my favorite dress and ran up the stairs, bursting out the front door, down the wooden porch and through the forest. Past the stream, beyond the mailbox, around the blackberry bush, all the way to Tuck's house.
Today was the day.

I had awaited it from a young age. The day Tuck would give me my flying machine. The day he would carry me away and sail with me on the seven seas.

I smiled when I reached his house. It was completely surrounded by daisies, as far as the eye could see. Around all the trees and rocks and plants, daisies. I was at the age of 15 now, seeing that today was my birthday. June 21st, the summer solstice.
When I met Tuck, the strong handsome man across the stream at the age of 6 I had clung to him. Well, truly, I fell in love with him. But he was always too old for me. When I was 10 he promised he would wait for me. And by some magical force...he did. I was now 15 and he was only 20.

He kept his house neat and orderly on the outside, but only I knew that on the inside there was hardly room for movement because of all the books piled upon piles. I skipped merrily to the front door, knowing that he saw me coming. I knocked on the robin egg blue door with the golden handle. He opened the door and my world was once again complete. I never liked the life my aunt and uncle had created for me, but when I saw Tuck's face I didn't care. His golden hair and large brown eyes. His olive skin, dark eyelashes, boyish smile, even the small gap in his teeth, he was everything I had ever dreamed.

And today was the day. He bowed to me and held out his hand. I took it and smiled, walking into his house, through the hallway to the spiral stairs that led to the tower room.

I could hardly contain my excitement when Tuck told me he would take me away, I never forgot it. I would ask him frequently
"Tuck, have ya gotten any farther with my flying machine?"
He’d smile, wink at me and say
"In time my moon, in time"

Just last night, with Tuck over at our humble abode, he took me for a walk and once we reached the bullfrog pond, he turned to me, the stars bright, and said
"My moon...tomorrow is the day. I want you to go home tonight and pack everything that you can and bring it over to my house. Say goodbye to the trees and your cozy bed. Be quiet in the morning and come to me. I am taking you away, like I always promised."
He whispered these words and I stared into his eyes. I could have sworn he meant to kiss me then, but he didn't.
"Bella, you must promise me something"
He said, his breath on my skin.
I nodded "Anything"
He smiled slightly and said
"Promise me that you trust me. I need you to believe in me, I need your magic”
I nodded with excitement and said
“I promise.” staring into his large brown golden eyes.

The same eyes that I stared into now as I stood in the hallway of Tuck’s house. The smell was overwhelming, it was a smell I had grown obsessed with, a smell I was unable to live without. It was the smell of Tuck. His skin, his clothes, his hair. Everything.

I could hardly contain my excitement. We walked hand in hand up the creaky blue spiral stairs, and with each step I took I became more and more curious. What would it look like? How would we get in it? Would I ever come back?
We reached the top of the stairs and I saw before me a magical site. The entire roof to the tower had been erased and all that was above me was sky. On the wooden floors in front of me a very large shape was hidden under a sheet. Tuck stood with his hands in his pockets, looking at me, smiling slightly. I walked slowly to him, until I was right beside him.

He winked at me and then suddenly the sheet was off and before my very eyes was my own flying machine with golden wings and wooden masts, creamy sails, flowers and fairies painted on the side. I looked at him with nothing but happiness written all over my face. I ran to him and embraced him whispering
“Oh Tuck…it’s more than I ever could have imagined!” I looked up at his face then and he looked into my eyes intently and brushed my hair behind my ear.
“It’s all for you Bella.”
I simply didn’t know what to say. I took his hand in mine and we climbed into the flying machine. He looked frantically around the area, making sure that we still hadn’t been spotted by anyone. Then he pulled on all of the luggage and food we were bringing, along with an entire basket of daisies that Tuck had packed himself. I never knew what it was with Tuck and daisies…but he adored them. And I adored him.

He readied himself at the wheel of the flying machine as I positioned myself at the very front of the flying machine, the wind caressing my hair. I turned to look at him and he gave me a look of nervousness. I smiled and said
“I believe in you.”
He smiled and closed his eyes. He looked as if he was concentrating on something really hard. And then suddenly we were up in the air, floating
“Hold….On” he mumbled, and I turned back to the front, my mouth agape in awe. I squeezed the smoothened rail tightly as the machine rose higher and higher. Soon we started moving at a rather quick pace through the sky and the village below looked like my childhood toys.

Tuck was now freely walking around the magic flying ship. He came to me and stood behind my back, looking out at the never ending sky. I turned my body around so I was facing him perfectly, our bodies pressed together, leaning against the rail that was the only thing keeping me from falling.
He looked down at me and I saw in his eyes what I had seen that night before. The look I had always imagined but never seen until now. And slowly his head leaned down towards mine until we met each other hallway in a perfect embrace. His lips were touching mine with love and passion and everything in between. I was in a state of utter euphoria, happy beyond belief. He released me and the world seemed never ending in my mind at the time.

I turned back around and looked out at the world in front of me, 7 seas awaiting our arrival. Adventures and love spread out before me on a table. I looked at Tuck whose facial expression was the same as mine. He then asked me a question that I will never forget.
“Where first?”