‹ Prequel: Dreamworld
Status: Completed Check out Dreamlove


My Plan

Frank's Point Of View

My plan was to pretty much follow Avenged Sevenfold on tour, try to win back Stacie's heart but since my face and body got hurt by Zacky. It was now to follow watch her play the drums and sing and just avoid the meet and greet and find away to get her alone. Which would be hard considering now probably someone is always going to be around her. I knew she was lying when she said she didn't feel something it was all in her eyes. I got in my car and followed the bus. I knew where they were going I just wanted to any way.

I pulled out my cell and dialed Brian's number.

"Yo" he said and I didn't hear anything.
"Hey Bri" I said.
"What's up" he said.
"Let me guess your near him" I replied.
"Yep" Brian replied.
"How's Stacie" I asked.
"Sleeping" he replied and then I heard someone get up and a door shut, "okay now I can do more then one worded answers."
"Are you in the bathroom" I asked him.
"Yep I am, she is very upset and she told me she loves you and Zacky and you should just back off. Zacky hates seeing her cry and I hate it. Everyone hates it. Oh he said if he ever saw your face for more then five minutes enough time to get Sophie and Ethan he will kill you" Brian said.
"Harsh" I replied.
"Shouldn't have kissed again" Brian said.
"I can't help it, her lips are very tempting" I said.
"They are but besides the point" Brian said, "Stacie even said she should give you full custody of Ethan and Sophie which I talked her out of it."

"Why the hell would you do that" I asked.
"Because, no one would see Stacie ever smile again if she did that" Brian said.
"But then I'll be able to show my mom how big they are getting and everything" I said.
"Do you want Stacie depressed and not give a shit about anything" Brian asked me.
"I would like that, that way there I can make her happy" I said.
"I'm done talking to you bye" Brian said and I heard a click. I groaned and then saw the bus pull over. Someone must have been hungry or they need gas. I decided to stay far back so they wouldn't see me.

Stacie came out with Zacky and had her head on his shoulder. Guess they made up, damn it. I watched them walk in as Matt pumped some gas into the truck. Brian looked over and saw my car. He looked and made sure no one looking and jogged over there.

"You know where we are heading go, Stacie knows this car" Brian said. I rolled my eyes and drove off leaving them in the dust. I drove singing along to the radio and Katy Perry's California Girl's came on and I rolled my eyes and drove the way to the next stop.

A couple hours later

I pulled up to a hotel near the venue and got a room. I was tired and hungry and I just wanted to sleep and dream about Stacie being in my arms again.