‹ Prequel: Dreamworld
Status: Completed Check out Dreamlove


They are five already

Everyone was gathered in my house. When I say everyone I mean, Brian, Kayla, Nana, Chelsea, Gerard, Edward, Lia, Zacky, Sophie, Ethan, Matt, Johnny, Mikey, Alicia, Val, Michelle, Lacey, and Kelly. Thank god I had that many people minus two little four month old babies. We got everything ready for the party. The dogs were next door again and Zacky had just brought in their cake.

"Momma, today is our fifth birthday" Sophie said.
"I know, your so big" I said to her.
"I am now a five year old boy, who doesn't need his momma to help him pick out his clothes" Ethan said as he stood at the top of the steps with a shirt inside out, his underwear over his shorts, and socks that go up to his knees.
"Are you sure about that, do you have undies on underneath your pants" I asked him. He pulled his shorts away from his waist and looked down.
"If I see my penis is that a good thing" Ethan asked. Yes I taught my kids that it is not Pee Pee, Peanut, pecker, or any other nickname for the male body part as penis. Just like Sophie says its her vagina and not her whatever nicknames there are minus the bad ones that the guys tend to say a lot.

"Zacky, well you help him put his clothes on right" I asked him.
"Of course babe" Zacky said and Ethan ran and Zacky chased after him.
"I can do it myself" I heard Ethan giggled.
"Brothers" Sophie said as she sat down on the couch.
"I hear yeah Soph" I said, "especially older ones."
"Yeah, how do you put up with Uncle Gee and Uncle Mikey" Sophie said.
"I have no idea" I said. I got picked up and then next thing I know I'm inside the pool that Zacky and I added a couple of months ago.

"Not fair" I said to them and they just smiled. Why we added a pool to the backyard, well because when the water is too choppy and Sophie and Ethan want to go swimming, I won't let them so we have a pool and then a fence where the doggy room is. I got out of the water and walked into the house dripping. Brian came over laughing with a towel and I just flipped him off.

"That's Kayla's job" Brian said.
"TMI" I replied as I dried off. Zacky appeared at the top of the stairs and looked at me.
"Don't ask" I said and glared at Mikey and Gerard who just smiled. Ethan finally came down with his underwear off of his shorts just as all their friends showed up. They all of course ran outside to go play with the many back yard toys we had. I put their presents on the table and since I made a rule that they couldn't open any of the gifts from New Jersey since even Frank told them couldn't till their birthday those were in there too.

"Stop stressing" Zacky said putting his arms around me.
"I just want their fifth birthday to be amazing" I said.
"It is because their mom threw it for them" Zacky said as he turned me around to face him.
"They are growing up so fast" I said to him.
"They tend to do that" Zacky said.
"I don't want Lia to grow up" I said.
"What she is gonna grow up" Zacky said and I laughed.
"They tend to do that" I replied. He stuck his tongue out at me and I bit it.
"Ow" he said rubbing it.

"Momma, Daddy Zacky can you set up the two thingys filled with candy" Ethan asked.
"You mean the pinatas" I asked him.
"Yeah those please momma and Daddy Zacky" Ethan said and pouted. Yeah he got my pout and I couldn't deny him.
"Yep let me go in and get them" I said walking back into the house while Zacky stayed out and supervised the kids. I went into the closest where I put them and they were there.

"Kayla, Chelsea, Alicia or Nana have you see the pinatas" I asked.
"Right here" Matt said.
"Thanks Dimples" I said and he just rolled his eyes and walked outside to see Zacky under a pile of kids laughing and giggling.
"How this happen" I asked Sophie who was on top.
"Ethan and his friends decided to tackle Daddy Zacky and then we just had one big pig pile" Sophie said. Brian was snapping pictures and got that.
"Help me" Zacky said pouting.
"Sorry, I gotta help Dimples here with the pinatas" I said as I walked over to the tree that had two of the perfect branches for one. Matt and I hung them up and I grabbed a string and then Chelsea and Alicia came over with the blind folds and the bat. Thank god this tree was away from the pool. We also had like every adult here blocking the path just in case.

"Who wants to hit the pinatas" I said.
"Me" 20 kids yelled all climbing off Zacky.
"Okay boys over there with Dimples and girls over here with me" I said. Zacky stood up and came over and stood by me.
"Have you check on Lia" I asked.
"She is sound asleep, same as Edward plus I got the baby monitor right here" Zacky said pointing to the white thing on his hip. Kayla and Nana made sure the kids stayed in line while Chelsea and Alicia spun Sophie and Ethan around until they were dizzy. Both Sophie and Ethan was missing and Sophie kept coming near Zacky and I.

"Sophie honey other way" I said as she swung and hit Zacky right in the nuts. He went down on his knees in pain. She pulled up her blindfold and saw what happened.
"I'm sorry Daddy Zacky" Sophie said and I looked over and Ethan did the same thing to Matt. I tried not to laugh at their pain but it was kind of funny.

"Okay let's try that again" Matt said standing up still holding his area. Nana was laughing and saw wasn't Chelsea. Alicia spun Ethan around after she fixed his blindfold and set him up so he was right near the pinata. Zacky was still on the ground in pain and I could tell Matt's was going away because I didn't see how hard Ethan swung but Sophie swung pretty hard. I handed the rope to Nana and brought Zacky over to the table and put some ice in a towel.
"You okay babe" I asked him.
"Yep" he said with a squeaky voice which made me laugh. I heard little kids screaming every time I heard the bat hit the pinatas.

"Maybe we shouldn't have used real baseball bats" I said to him as I set the ice gently on his crotch.
"You think" he said and bent over. I picked his chin up and kissed him on the lips.
"I didn't think she was going to swing the that hard" I said. Zacky just nodded and groaned again. I heard cheering and looked up and the pinata's were destroyed. Thankfully for me I put a bag of candy in each one with all of the guest name with the same amount of candy expect for Sophie and Ethan. They got a little more. Matt limped his way over and sat next to Zacky.

"You okay man" Matt asked. Zacky just shook his head.
"Brian" I yelled. He looked up and came over.
"Damn, your daughter should play softball" Brian said.
"Not funny" Zacky said. Both Matt and Brian picked him up and brought him inside and into the living room.
"Don't let them in here unless they are going to the bathroom. Then let them in through the other door" I said.
"Okay" Matt and Brian said. Zacky laid on the couch still in pain. I unbuttoned his shorts and unzipped his fly.

"Don't even try to give me a boner" Zacky said.
"I'm just seeing if it's swelled unnaturally" I said to him. He nodded and lifted his hips up even though he was still in pain. I pulled down his boxers and checked him out.
"Your okay, it's just really red and it still looks normal so your good just put more ice on it" I said.
"Or you could massage it" Zacky said.
"With a bunch of five year olds outside" I said to him. He thought about it and he pulled up his pants and stood up and walked upstairs. I shook my head.

"If you think I'm following you your wrong" I said and ended up following him. I massaged it and he felt fine after. But I still couldn't help but laugh. Sophie came running over when Zacky was finally out of pain.

"I'm really sorry Daddy Zacky" she said.
"It's okay kiddo" he said rubbing her hair and she glared at him. We had cake and ice cream and opened presents without any more accidents.
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last chapter for tonight my fingers are cramped